Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

to the EP HE SI.AN S. 439 . Bur now Secondly,there is a Difpenfatory Kingdom,(as Divines ufe to cal!ir,)as ~ he is conlidered as Mediator between God and hts Church; whtch Kmgdom 1s not Strmon his natural due bur it was given him,and given him by thoice; yea as he was fe- xxxnr, cond Perfon and Son of God, that that perfon was chofen out to execute the of- ~ fice of Mediator. And this Kingdom is more properly arid findly noted out by fitting at God's right h~nd in the Scripture ; and God gave it him ~s a r_eward of his obedience, he·hath lt by commt!fton, .1uh. 5· 12. 23. The Father bzmfetf;udg" <th 110 m,m but he bath commitud atljudgmmt tmto tbe So11 ; he is God's 'Domimufac. 1o/um, (as I may fo exprefs it,) he is tlm Lord whom God hath fer up to doallhisbufinestor lum vtfibly and •l'parently to the dayof Judgment. And rhis Kingdom is in a more efpecial manner appropriated to Jefus Chr,l\; It is fo his as it is not the Fathers m amore emment manner. In this will that commonAxiomeof Divines help us, that what works all three Perfons do towards us Adextra, though they, have all a joynt hand in rhem,yet they are attributed more cfpecially to one Perfon than to another; as SanCl:ifica" tion you know is attributed more fpecially to the Holy Ghofi, Redemption to the Son, Creation to God the Father, though all Three Perfons have a hand in it. So Jikewife is it here, though the Father ruleth !111 the day ot Judgment, and the Holv Ghoft with him, yet it is in a more efpecial manner appropriated unto the Son: Yea, let me add this, that feeing to appropriate thus a work more efpecial" ly to one Perfon than to another, is an aCl: of Gbd's Will, hence it is that on.e Per– fan may have it for a time appropriated unto him, and afterward given up untd another·Perfon more properly. So how untill the day o~ Judgment Chritt hath the Kingdom committed to him, after the day of Judgment it is appropriated more eminently unto God the Father,yet fo as that God the Fattier ruleth now; fd on the other fide though the Father is all in all after the day o(Judgment, yet the Son is faid ftill to judge. Now, thereafon (totouchitinawotd,) why God the Fatherdid thus ap– propriate a time for the reign of Jefus Chrift more efpecially, and that all mens thoughts lhould be drawn unto him, and the Father lhould as it were withdra h1mfelf, was this, that :ill men lhould honour the Son as they honour the Father, foyouhaveitJoh11).22. thatasfor every work there is a feafon; fo there lhould be for every Perfon a feafon wherein they lhall be in a more efpe~ cial mar,ner more glorious. And there is this fecond reafon for it likewife, (it was a te\Yard indeed that was exceeding due unto Jefus Chrift-,) that he lhould have the Kingdom appro~ pri 1ted unto him for a feafon, that hdhou!d draw all mens eyes to him, and have all the glory and honour as it were ill' a more immediate manner, becaufe he vailed his Godhead in obedience to his Father, therefore his father now when he cometh toHeaven doth anfwerably, (to recompence him,) withdraw himfelf and appeareth not fo much in government, but hath committed all Judgment un~ to th~ Son, !et my Son have it faith h~. And then (that you may lee the~quity of thts founded upon that place of Scnpture, 1 Cor. '5'. 28.) becaufe the Father hath committed all Judgment unto the Son for fo long a feafoil, untill he bath made all his enemies his food\oo!, therefore again doth Jefus Chrift to honour his Father give up the Kingdom to him, and he himfelf becometh fubjed td him that hath put all things under him. M} Brethren, though Jefus Chrifi bath this Kingdom committed to him for this feafon, (he went into a tar Countrey toreceive a Kingdom,) yet when lie is tn.rhe hetght o_f hiS Kmgdom, and hath a!~ h1s enemies down under him, yet he wtll not carry 1t hke a Conqueror home as tf he had gotten it by his own Sword ~nd by hts own Bow only, but even then when he is in the height of all,he giveth lt up unto hts Father before Men and Angels; it will be the lafi thing he will do at the latter day before he goeth to Heaven, when he hath cleared all the Worlds accounts, (for they lhall all be Judged by the Man Chti!l, and it is a greater fer– v~ce than all his Sermons he made on Earth,) then whe11 he hath done and is iri hiS full trmmph, (which lhould teach(].'! when we ate highe!\ and moft raifed then to fall down, ) when he hath all his Enemies under him, io death,to the meane!l: aqd )oweft fubjedion, every one fubdued, when he hath Judged all the World, anj