Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

An Expo{ttion of the Epifile r-......A./) RighteoufneCs of God, and our Saviour Jefru Chrijl. The Holy Gho£1: in– Srrm. JI. tending both thofe two Attributes of Chri{L And1it. 2.1 )• T;- "'7'"" "''· ~""7"· ~p@-n,""''"'""''· Looki11gfor the blef!ed hope, a11d the glorious appeari11g [of the great God, and our Saviour Jeftts Chrif/.] He fpeaks in both places of o11e and the fame perjo11, namely, Cfui£1: under two titles: and thus here he doth the like of God the Father, The God and Father of Chrifl. And tlus Parallel or fpeech ufed of Chrift in thofe place~, compared. with what the Apoftle ufeth here, thofe places are ftrong Proofs and Affert10ns Apoftohcal, that Chrtj/ is God as well as Saviour, thegreat God and Saviour; even as it is evident here in the like tenour of fpeech, that the Perfon of God the Father is both the God, and the Father of Chrifi : for in the very fame firain and tenour of fpeech it is, that both tbefe are fa id of Chrifi, wherein here both are fpol<cn of God the Father in his relation unto Chrifi. This for the Phr[Jjrology; now as to the Thi11g itjetf Two things are here to be apart fpoken to for the explanation hereof: 1. Themr~tter itJelf, How God the Fathrr, is the God a11d the Father of ChYI(/, and in what refpeCl:s the one or t he other, either of them. 2, The R.eafon why here he fingleth out thefe relations of God to Chrift, and under the refpeCl:s and confiderations thereof he blelfeth God here. 1ht~oda~d. I. TheMatteritfdf,TheGod and Father of Chrif/. I. That the Father is ;:;;:;{he, ~f: both the God and Father of Chrifi, other Scr ptures affirm, yea accord alfo in th<r is borh putting both relations thus together as well as here; yea, upon the Crofs he :~;i:~1~;,~'fd challengeth his intereft in both,M;•God,my God,Ml/1.27·46. and Father into thy Chrifi. hands,Luk.23-46.and on the other fide,\\ ben to enter into his glory, he mentions both, Joh. 20. I 7· I ajcmd tmto my Fat-h<r, and to m;· God. There are both you fee, found in one fentcnce, only he puts Father firll, afore being his God f~ there; but here the God afore the Father of Jefus Chrifr. ' The difficulty about it, is, how thefe two Relations refpeCl:ively are to be un– derfiood. Wc all know and acknowledge Chrifts Perfon bath twoNatures, He is God, he is Mau; and we often find in one and the fame fentence feveral things attri– buted to the Perfon of Chrifi, whereof the one is fpoken of him in refpect of the Httmmt Nature only, the other in relation to the 'Divi11e. I fhall mention but one infiance, becaufe fomewhat a-kii;l to this here; He.S. 7• ).his Perfon is de– fcribed to be wtthout Father, withotlt Mother, and both are equally faid of thi.s 011e and the fame Per[on; yet the one in refpeCl: of one nature only, the other in relation to the other. It is evident the Man Jefus had a Mother, and yet he is {aid to be withottt Mother: therefore he mull: have another Nature, in refpcct of which he is faid to be withottt Mother, namely as God. It is evident ·that he called God his ow11 Father, .Joh. )· as alfo he ufeth todo upon every occa– fion every where, and yet this Perfon as Man, is faid to be withotll Father. And that both thefe lhould be thus attributed to, and faid of one and the fame Perfon, all the Wits in the World cannot otherwife reconcile than by affirming or ac– knowledging two Natures to abide in this one Perfon; and withal what is pro– per to each, yet to be in common and alike attributed to the Perfon himfelf, re– fpeflivel;• to thofe two Natures. And therefore the Apo!lle elfewhere is fain to diflinguifh upon this matter with this or the like difiindion, Who [accordi?l,g to tbejlefo) or Human nature came of the Fathers by his Mother Mary; andwho E<Dw & [accordmg to thejpi>·it] or Divine nature is the declared Son of God, and God P"",;,., _& 6/ef!ed for ever. You have thefe difiinctions i11 termi11is thus applied, Rom. r. 'tfd<m c7ifl• 3>4- and Rom. 9·'i· and it is the fum of the fcope of both places, as alfo of Afls ""';;"~"~~ 2. )O. In like manner here bring but thefe, the fame difiinction tricked up and p.,,,, "' Dei infert them to each, and none will quefiion this Expofition (that queflion not the ~;,~!~,,. veri!)• of one of thofc his Nat11res,) that as So11 of God, and fo God equal with God, God is his Father: and that as So1t of Mmr, fo the fame God that is his Father is his Godalfo. Thus Bilhop 'Davmrmt expoundeth thefe words, God a11d Father of Chrif/. · The Godl I. The Father is the God of Chrifi in relation to his being Man,and that in thefC refpects more peculiar to him. • _ 1. Becaufe