An Expojition of the Epiftle ~and pronounced the fentence both upon jull and unjull, and every knee bath Sermo11 bowed to him; then he fubjed:eth himfelf um<i his Father and delivereth up the XXXIII, Kingdom to him and God becometh all m all, and th1s IS the !all and great folem– ~nityofall. . . . . . . . This is the firll d•ll•nd:wn. H•s natural Kmgdom remaweth for ever, which is a due to him even as he is Man joyned to the Godhead; but you fee there is fomething of a Mediator-like Kingdom which he cloth give over, The Second dillind:ion is this, ( to clear it yet further, ) i:his Mediators King· dam (as I may fo call it,) Reg11um recMJomicum, it receiveth a double confidera· tion. Firll, confider him as he is Mediator of his Church confidered under im– perled:ion, either of fin or mifery or any other want, till his Church !hall be corn. ' pleat, Or Secondly, confider him as he is a Head of his Church made compleat and fully perfed:ed in all parts and iq all degrees. Or, ( thatl may explain my meaning to you,) I remember when I opened the Third and Fourth verfcs compared with the Seventh of this Chapter, I told you that I thought in Eled:ion there were two great defignes involved. The one, that which was more principally and Primitive, which was the chufing of us in Chrill as a Head, to that abfolute glory which with and in Chrill we !hall have in the highell Heavens for ever after the day of Judgment. But then Se– condly, to illu11rate and fet off this glory the more, God lettcth us fall into fin, into mifery, Body and Soul are parted, the one liveth in Heaven in a bleffed con– dition, the other lies in the Grave; Jefus Chrill bath not all his Saints, he bath them but by degrees. Now then anfwerably bath Jefus Chrifi a double relation to his Church, the one as a Head limply confidered; for we are chofen in him, (as a Head and common perfon,) to that condition which for ever we ihall have in Heaven; and he hath the relation of a R.edeemer and a Mediator for us as we are Sinners, and under mifery and under dillrefs and under imperfed:ion. Now, my Brethren, while the Church remaineth thus imp:rfed:, ( Chrill hath not all his Members up to him, nor are they out of all danger, (a~ I may fo exprefs it,) for though at the day of Judgment to the Saints there is no real danger, yet they are to give account of their ad:ions, and there remaineth a final fentence ti) be pro· nounced upon them by the great Judge, and,in that fence there is a forgivenefs of fins then, therefore Paul prayeth that he may jittdmercy at that day.) Now I fay while there is any fuch thing as guilt or the appearance of it, or any imper· fed:ion, (as till that final fentence there is,) fo long is Jefus Chrill a Mediator for us to God, asunderfomemifery, fame want, fomedanger, hellandethbetween God and us,and God bath given him all power in Heaven and inEartb,that he may give eternal life to them that believe, ( ¥/e could not be trulled more fafely then with him that is our Saviour,) thatheJhall be able to free us, And fo long Jefus Chrill ruleth in a way of conquell, dellroying of Sin and Death and all Enemies and redeeming the Body and bringing Body and Soul together,and lafily pronoun· cing a final fentence; and in this fenfe it is that the Scripture ufually fpeaks of his fitting at God's right band to intercede for us, ( as it is Rom, 8. 34• and by litting there he meaneth reigning,) to dellroy Enemies,to put us out of danger of death and condemnation. But when once this final fentence is pall, then this work of a Mediator, his reigning thus as a R.edeemer ofus confidered under fin and mifery ceafeth, for when once that final fentence is pail then all lins are for ever and ever forgiven,never to be remeinbred more, God then looks upon us as in his firll pro· jed: without fpot or wrinckle for ever, then Chrill prefenteth us to his Father, Lo here I am, and the ChiJdrtn thou haftgivm mt, here they artjufl aJ tho11 didfl took ttpo11 them iu thy primitiv. choice. And fo now confidered, l fay his King· dom ceafcth, for there will be no need of it; and this indeed is an anfwer which learned CamtYOil delivereth upon that place, 1 Cor. '5'· But yet then take Jefus Chrill as our Head, as he is fpoken ofin the next words, (and indeed as a dillind: thing from his fitting a[ God's right hand, ) fo he is for . ever aHead. We were chofen in him at firfi, (I ihewed in what fcnfe when I opened thofe wcrds, [ Chofm i11Chnjl, audElecftdin Chnjl,] in the Third and · Fourth verfes,) and as we were chofenin him at firll, fo we are confidered in him for ever, and exalted in him, our Perfons in his Perfon, and God then (having forgiven