( to the EPH E S I A N S. 441 forgiven all Sin and ~ifery, and the Mediator's office for lnterceilion, &c. being~ )aid afide,) he is all m all both to Chnlt and us, and fo now he dehvcreth up the Sermo11 Kingdom unto God the father. XXXIII: 1 will add but this one Third thing to it to make this point (How he is a King, andfitteth qt God's right hand for evrr, and h?w not,) clear. Whe~ he hath deli'vered up this Kmgdom of hts Redeemedl11p unto God the Father~ yet he fitteth down with tills honour forever, That tt was he that dtd execute thts office of aMediatour, fo as not a Soul is loft, not a Sin left unfatisfied for, not an E~ nemy unfubdued? he fitteth down like a mighty and glorious Coriquerour. He is not a General m war longer, that kmd of Kmgdom and Rule ceafeth; yet he bath this honour for ever, that he it is that did thefe and thefe exploits, brought in all thofe Rebels, fubdued aJJ Enemies, and remaineth a glorious DiClator: So that indeed and in truth Jefus Chrilt lhall then reign mo&e glorioully with his Father ( though it is more efpecially appropriated to him till the day of Judg– ment,) than ever he did before; for then he reigneth triumphantly, whereas before he reigned as one that was co11quering to conquer. And as 'David faid, when all his Enemies were fnbdued, Am I a King this day? So will Jefus Chrilt fay, He was never Kinged fo much as now. Therefore fome interpret thofe words, 1Cor.t) 24, [Thmjha/Jthemd6e,] that is,fay they, the per!eClionand accomplilhment of his Kingdom then cometh, Yea,in fome fenfe, my Brethren; he then fetteth the Crown upon his Father's Head again, for his Father was put out of Rule (as it were) by the Devil, who got all this world, and by wicked men, that did what they lifl; but his poor Saints, whom he chafe to eternal life, \ay under fin and mifery. Jefus Chrilt how fubdueth all thefe Enemies, refcueth thefe poor Souls whom he loved, from all evil, and prefenteth to him a peace~ able Kingdom and Govermem,and fo he with his Father enjoyeth it to all Eter– nity. So much now for the opening of thefe words [This world, mrd the world to come] in thatfecond fenfegiven, and the explaining how Jefus Cluilt is a King in both. J will only add this, Whereas it is faid,. [Of his Kingdom there jhall h no flld,] his meaning is, (as it is interpreted 'Dmr.7.14.) It jhatt 11ot 6e dejlroyed for ever. It is a Kingdom to give way to no Kingdom elfe, it is continued, he reigneth for ever, though he hi,mfelf giveth up the Kingdom to his Father, and becometh vifibly and apparently more fubjea than he was unto him. In this fenfe (that I may explain that too,) it is not meant in refpea of his Godhead for fo he \llas never fubjea ; it is not meant irt refpea of his Manhood, for fo h~ is alwaies fubjeCl: but whereas he fo reigneth now,as if God the father reigned not vifibly and apparently, that is, he doth all vifibly; although it is the Fa– ther's glory he cometh with, yet he bath the glory of it, he runneth away with it (as it ;-vere :) ~ut when he lhall !Jave given it up, with this aclmo.wledg; ment, That hts Fathens the Author ofthts Kmgdom, and that he gave It him; and fo fetteth his Crown upon his Father's head; then it lhall appear to Men and Angels,to be his Father's Kingdom in a more eminent manner, And fo much for that fecond lnterpretation, I will add a Third, and fo leave it; oameiy, What lhould be meant by rh~ World to come, here, fpeaking of Chrifl's fitti?(g at God's right hmul over all 'Principa!ites a11d Powers;, this world, a11dthe world to come. ' My Brethren, There is a IJ>eci~J world, called t'tc World to come, appointed for Jefus Chnlt emmemly to retgn 10; and therefore though all thefe fenfes are true and good, and mu1t be taken in, .yet let me add this to it, That God did hot content himfelf to beflow this worllif upon Cqrifl, for him io rule and reign in, andtoorderanddifpofethe Affairs of it as hedoth, and after the day of Judg; ment, to reign in that fenfe you heard fpoken of afore for ever, more glorioulJy than he didbefore; but he hath appointed a fpecial world cni purpofe for hitri; betwe.en tlu~ world and the end of the day of Judgment, (and the day of Jl!dg: mem ttfelf 1s part of It, tf not the whole of It,) \vhercm,our Lord and SaviOur 'Jejus Cbrijllhall reign, which the Scripture eminently cal!eth theWorldto rom~l Chf,fl'i ~