An Expojitivn of the Epiftle ~ Chrijl's World, asl may focal! it, that as this prefent World was ordained forthe Sermon firfi Adam, and God bath given it unto the Sons of Men; fo there is a World to XXXIlL come appointed for the fecond Adam, as. the time after the day of Judgment ii ~ God tile Fathers in a more eminet manner who then lhall be all in all. I mention this Third interpretation both becaufe the height of Chrifi's King. dom is in the World to come when that cometh once, and becaufe that is more prop.erly his, and alfo is t<? me b¥ c?ml'a~·ing othc~ S~ript~res evidently intended in tlus place. It IS the he1ght ol h1s Kmgdom; tor m this World he bath Prin– cipalities and Powers of Angels under him by whom he ruleth, after the day of Judg_ment God !• all in all,. bu~ there is_a World to. come U:hith the Angels have notlung todo with all, which IS not fubJeCl" this World IS unto the Angels, but is made on purpofe for Jefus Chri!t. l will give you for this two parallel places of Scripture, Hrb. z. 5• compared likewife with 2 Ptt. ~- 7• In Hrb. 2. 5. To tht .AJJgets (faith he,) bath bt not ftlt itJ (ubjdlion the World to comr; Whom hath he fubjected it to then ? Bnt (faith fie,) one in a m:tain placr tr{lifirdfiJ;•wg, wh,1t i& Ma11 that thou art mindful of him, or the Son of M a11 that thou vijitrf/ him? Thou madrfl him a little whtle lou,rr (fo it is in the Margmts,) th,m ,the .Angels, andhajl Crownedhim with glory and honour, mid didf{jet him over the works of thy hmtds, thou haft put all thittgs in fubjefli011 utJder hi.JJut ; Now wefu not yrt all thi1tgs put under him, but wefee Jefur who wM made a !title lower thafl the Augels by the JufferitJg of dtath Crowned withglory and ho11our. Compare now this place in the Hebrews with this in the Text. Firfi yo\1 fee he fpcal<s of Jefus Chri!t as made Lord of all;- what here in the Text he calleth' fitting at God's right hand, there he exprelfeth by bting Crow11ed. with glory; Here he faith he was raifedfrom tht death, there he faith he was made a littl~ while lower (indeed fpr the meafure far lower,) tbatJ the Angds 6J the Jitjfe– t-ing of death, a Worm and no man. In the Second place,he quoteti1 out ofthe 8th.Pfatm that palfage which likewife is here in the Text, ( 8t bath put aD thitigs u11der hisfeet,J lo faith verfe u,and that femenee is no where elfe lound in the Old Te!tament, and it is quoted thrice by the Apo!Ue, here in the Text, in Heb. 2. and in 1 Cor. •5· Thirdly, He faith that there is this World to come ordaintd for this Man; What u Man that thou artmi11dfutl of him, •r the Son of MatJ that tho11 vijitef/ him? that thou ha(/ fubjr£1edthi.J Worldtocomemtto him, m:dptlt all things under hi.J fw '! He faith the like here in the Text, hr fitteth at God's •·tght hand, ov~r all Pri11ciprzltties andPowers in this World andthe World to come, an·d h~bath put alt thi11gs mtdtrhisftet. So that you fee that place in the Hebrews and the words in the Text agree, quoting both the fame place, Thefe words [ b. .ving aft thi11gs tmder his feet,] are as I faid no where in the Old Te!tament but in Pfal. 8. You lhall obferve therefore that in the I Cor. 1 ) · 2). where the Apofile beginneth to quote the r 10. Pfal.toprove that Chrifi mu!t reign till all his Enemits beput Ultder his fert, that the word [all l is not in the no. Pf;,t. nor is it faid there [under hisfeet,] but it is [ makt tbine E– ~~~mits thy foot{lool.) The Apo!lle therefore being to prove that all Enemies are to bedefiroyed, whichthe 1 10. Pfal. cloth not fully ferve for; What cloth he do? He helps it out with 'Pfal. 8. where the phrafe is ufed, [He bath put aD thi11gs tmder his feet.) So that nowP(at. 8. and Heb. 2. and I Cor. I>· and thefe words of my Text are all parallel places, and therefore l could not pafs over this inter· preation, . . . I will g1ve you another place for IL 2 Pet. ~- 7• compared With verfe 1 >· Th~ HeaVfiiS mzd(he Earth wh1ch are now, (here that which in the Text the Apo!tle calleth this World, is exprefi by the Heaven; and the Earth which are now,) 6y the fame word,1re kept Jn f/ore, refervedtentofire, ~c. And verfe I>· namefy in oppofition to the Heavens and the Earth _which ~ow are , mentioned verfe 7· he faith, Neverthelrjs, we accordmg to bts promift look for N tw HMVfiJS and a New Earth, wherei11 dwt!leth Righteoufitefj, The •Jews they !till exprefs World, by faying l-leavtn ,md Earth; therefore when the Apoflle would exprefs this World, he calleth it Heaven a11d Eurth; meaning the World that now is,but faith