to the EPHES I ANS. 443 faith fre'we lookfo.,. a New Heavm a11da New Earth, that is, ll . World to com;_ ~ Now the words which is in Hrb,2-). the Apo!He ufeth of World to come JS ;,.,('!. Sermon. '""'~''"'"""'• wbrrei11 dwelleth Rrghtrotifire(s. . . . . . . . XXXIII. And that this place in Ptter and that ofHeb.2. fall all .to one,appeareth by thts, ~ that when the Apo{l]c Peter had gone and alledged this that there is robea new Heaven .rods new Earth, (that is a World to co·me,) wher'ein dwelleth righteoufnefs fo it is ,·erfe qtb. at the qtb. verfe he makes ufe..of H, atthe 1)lb; verfe h~ quareth P,zutfor it in his Epi!He tothe Hebrews, (tor Pner writeth to the .Jews,) Evtn aljo (faith he,) as our beloved Brother , Paul accordilrg to the wrj'dom gtvm Ufllo btm b,,rb wnllm u11to yo11, that IS, of tlus New Heavens and New Earth, of this World to come. Now, read that EpiaJe to the Hebrews, (for our Divines ufually q4ote ihis place to prove (and it is the_ befi that can be,) th_at Paul Was the Au~ thor of that Epi!He, for Peter wnt to the Jtws, that IS plam, for he writ to .the !\rangers di!perfed, (which were the Ten Trib~s,) throughout the lower Ajia and 'thofe Countreys, _as you may read 1 Ptt. 1. r. 1· He hatb writtm to yot< (faith h'e,) of tbu New Heav_en a11d Nrw Ear.rh wberei," dweltetb rigbteoufrre(s; Now m the fecond of the Hebrews he wnteth oftt, 1>roving it out of the8tb. P{a!m. Thus you fee, going from one place to-another, that Scripture and th:it in Htb. 2. are parallel, ahd that in He6' :1.. and this in 2 Pn. 1· are paral!CI likewife. My Brethreh, I wUI not fiand difcourlitig to you about t~s New World,. I !lull only fpdk what is pertinent to the thing in hand. Unto this did all the Prophets· give wiuiefs, and therefore I am not afhamed to give witnefs toittoo. . In Revel. ;. ro. (I opened that Chapter to you when I explained Chri!l.'s lit'ting at God's right hand,) as foon as ever they faw Chrifi take the Book, and was infhlled King, What do their thoughts prefently run to ? The World to come; He barb madr tu Kittgs, .(!ay they,) andPrirJ!s, and we jha!t reig11 on tbe Earth; To be fure at the day of Judgment they !hall, which will be a long day certainly, when all the Accounts of the Wor!(l fhall be ripped up, and the World new hurig againfi the approach of the King to it, there will be New Heavens and New Earth indeed 1 and the glory of the Crearutes then will put down the glory of this Old World of :Ad<Jms, it was not good enough for this great Lord, o11r Lord and Saviot<Y. Ctmjl. But I fay I will not much infifi upon lt, I will only open fo 1iiuch :is is per• tinent to the thing in hand. You fee this place and thatinHeb. -,.how parallel they are; and that the fe" cond of the Heorews quoteth the 8tb P{alm. . Now, confider but the fcope of the Pjalm as the Apol1lc ~uoteth it to prove the World to come. Any one that reads that Pfalrn would thtnk that the Pjalmifl doth but fet forth Old Adam in his Kingdom, in his Paradife, n13de a little lower than·the Angels, (for we have Spirits wrapped up in flelh and blood whereas they are Spirits !itnply,) a degre~ lower, as if they were Du~es and w~Marquef:. fes, .one would thmk Ifay that thts were all h1s meantng, and that it is applied to Chrt!l but by \vay of allu!ion. But the truth is ihe Apo!lle bririget11 it in to prove and to convtnce thefe He6rtws to whorrle he wrote that that '~'F•tm was meani: of Chrt!l, of that Man whom they expected iobe the Mejfidh,the Man Chrifi Jefus• . And that he dotfi it I prove by ihe 6th. verfe, (it is the bbfen·ation that Be– za hath,) one tn aentarn place (quoting 'lJavid,) J),,.,;,, 1 .o:,. h.ah trf/i(ied, fo we tranflate it, bath tef/r(ied Etiam atqtu Etr,•m, te{lr/ird mu(lfxpref/y,he bring– ~th an exprefs proof for ir that ir \vas ineaot of the fll"~ Ci1rill J- fus, · therefore it ll not an allu!ion. And indeed it was Bezr; that d.d hill be~in that int~rpreta~ uon that I read of, and lamfdf therefore doth excufe tt and make an Apolog}· for it th>t he diverteth out of the common road; though fince many others have fol• !owed htm. L 11