to theEPH E S IAN S. 445 And then it is not an .Angel to whom all this is .fubject , it is a Man~ plainly; a Man made a little. while lower thrm the A11gels, and then Srrm~rt crowned with Glory a11d HotzotJr far above all1· for fo the oppoliuon run- XXX '-""""', ne~~d it is not this World only that !hall be fubjeci: to this Man, but it is . a World to come: fo the Apoflle faith plainly, verfe 8. We jep10tJ'ft.all thiltgs put rmder him, therefore it is not this World f.1ith he, but· Jefus Chnft is z(z Heavm cro<t)lledwith Glory mtd Ho1to11r already; and there wtll be a world, and a w~r!d there is beginning that !hall be fubject to him, as well as this prefent world. . . . . . So now it remaineth then, that 1t ts only Chnfi, God-Man, that ts memt 111 that 8th 'Pjatm. And indeed and in truth Chriil himftlf interpreteth tha~ P/rzlmof himfelf. (you have two wunelfes ro confirm 1t, Chnfl lumfclf and the Apoflle.) M~tt.2t.J6. whenas the:r cried F-loj;lllnn to Chrifi, or Save 11ow 1 and made him the Saviour of the world, the Pharifres they were angry; our Saviour confuteth them by this very Pjalm, H,zve ;·e 11ot rwd, faith he, Otttpf the mottths of Babes mtd Stlcklings, thou haft perje{fed f/rong praife? He quoteth this very P{atmwhich fpeaks of himfelf~ and Paul by his ;varranr, and perhaps from that htnt doth thus argue out of tt; and convmce the Jews by it. What the meaning of that is [011t of the mouths of B ,Jbes n11d Sucklings,] I refer to what Mr.Meade in his 'Diatribt£ hnth written upon that 8th P{a!m. he interpreteth it of men, of the Man Chrifl Jefus principally, who was but a Babe, by whom God would flilt the. E1umy a11d Avwger, under whofe feet he bath put all things; therefore he is the mari who is prophecied 0~ . You know how the Prophecy of the Me(fiah ·runneth, Gm. ~- r )· Hejhafl lmtife thy head, mtd thou /halt nibble at his hut; which implieth plainlY; that he that was ro be the Mefliah, Jhould have Satan under his feet, he was to tread upon Satan's head; the nibbling at the Heel !heweth, that he Jhould wind up his Head and bite him by the Heel, being thus under his Feet. Now, my Brethren, he is the foie Man; that as the Pfrz!mifl and Apo(lle faith, bath a World to come ordained for him. To fpeak a little of that now, tha.t I have !hewed it to be the meaning of both. . As Ad<Imhad a World made for him, fo /hall .'fefm Chri(l, this [eCO?td .Adr>m; (Adam being a typeof Him that was to come) have a World made for him. This World was not good enough for him, he bath a better appointed th~n that which Old .Adam had, A new Heavm r111d a 11tW Earth, (according to the Promife Ifai.66.) where the Saims lhall reign; Thou hail made tu Kwgs audPrief/s, mtd wejhallreigu 011 Earth. And this World he hath not fubjecte~ unto Angels 1 no, there is none of thofe Principalities and Powers in it, or /hall be in it, when it cometh to its perfection. Do but mark the harmony of one thing with another. There ate twfi Adams: An Earthly Adam, he bath an Earthly World; an Heavmty .Adam, and he hatha Heavenly World. There are two Covenants, the Law and the Gojjtl: TheA11gds, rheydelivered the firfi 'Covenant, The Law wasgivm by the mini/lratio11 of' A1tgds: Bur the fecond Covenant, the Gofpel, that de- . clareth and fpeaks of this fecond World, made for the Man Chnfl .'Jr{tt<. . God bath not ufed the Angels to preach the Gofpel , they do not meddle with it 1 but he bath appointed Men to do it. He is {o far from fubjeCl:ing this World that is to come to Angels, that they are not the declarers of it; .Unto the A 11• gels (faith h\, Hr6. 2.5,6.) bath he 1101 pitt in jitbje8io11 the World to come, whereof we jpeak, though they gave the Law. Men that were Babes 11nd Sucktingr,out of their mouths he bath ordained flrcngtb, to begin to create thts New world. L 1 1 2 Why ..