Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

to the E PHE S I AN S. 447 Now I will make but a lh~rt ufe or tWO, an Obfervation, and fo I w11l ~ d Sermon en Here Firfl, you fee rwo Worlds for you, . You that look for happinefs me- ~ thinks you fhould be farisfied With tne expedat1on of th1s. /l!exrmder wept becaufc he had half conquered one World, (this World,) that there were no more for him to conquer,Put of a fuppofition when he had conquered ol) what he fl10uld do one World would not fatistie him, If thou had!t the fame defire, thou needcl!'not care for this World, there is another World, there is more Worlds thon one B;· whom he made the Worlds, faith he, He6. r, There are thmgs prefent, and 'the comfort is there are things to come; there is a prefent World, and there is a World to come. Care not Jor this World, it is Old /ldt~m's World, it is lofs to the Saints it is well if thou can!t get hanfomely rid of it with little finn ing, if thoucan!tb;butdelivcredoutof this prefent evil World as the Apoate fpeaks Gal.'+ It was all that Chri!t delired, all that he prayed for, faith he, .7ohn. 17. r S' : I prtiJ ?Jot th.•tthottjhouldef/ takt tbemo11t of the World, 61111btlllhrtufoozildefl knp tbemfrom tbe evil. But my Brethren there 1s a vVorld to come. . A6rabam and all his Seed, not only the .7ew, but the GmtJ!t, are not only Heirs of Cuwrm, butof the World, it is exprellyfaidfo. Rom.4. q, '4· That1sthelir!t Obfcr– vation. In the fecond place, Admire we this Man Chri!t Jefus whom God bath thus ad– vanced, yea, and to fet him up, hath made a World on purpofe for him, peculi– ar for him and for his to enjoy, and for him to ufe .them as under him to rule and govern. It is the Obfervation of Cbrifoflome upon the place, admiring that that man that was the fcom of death, fa he was here below, and when he hung upon the Crofs,that was the derifion of men; Toufb.a/1fee 110 beauty i11 bim, thm we {bauld dejire him as it is, Jfili, 5l· Yet that God Jhould tal<e up this Man, raife him up from the dead, and fer him at his own right haod, and fubjed all Principalities and Powers under him, give him this World, a World to come in a fpecial manner and to reign likewife for ever and ever after the day of Judgment, to ufe him in all his great bufinelfes,to judge the World by this Man. If this faith he had been fpoken of God,there had been no wonder, for all the Na– tions of the World are but as a drop of a Bucket to him, .bin to hear it fpol<cn of aMan, of a drop of that drop, one man out of all Nations who himfclfwas but a drop, a tear when he was in the Womb fir!t, to raife up this Babe, this Suckling, thus to !till the enemy and avenger, to conquer death, to fubduo Angels, to have all Principalities and Powers undoc him, and not to Jlill them with Armes but with his mouth, ottt o( tht mouths of Bahs and J'ucklings,and t<> make a World thus on purpofc for him; 0, how excet!mt ts tby Name i11 all the Earth, a11d thyg!qry above the Heavens. This was it that made the Pfi•lmift himfelfadmire at the Lord Jefus Chrilt,that God lhould thus vifit him, carry him to thofe depths,. make him aJittle while, (as the word ~r•x'n' fignifieth, as the Orator faith, hear me a little while,) lower than the Angels, though a grfjlt deal for meafure lower than they, to let him down to rh~ lowe!t pans of the Earth, to the neathermo!t hell, and lay all our fins upon h1m and all h1s wrath, Lord ( fa1th he,) wbat is mmt tb,,t thouvijitrfl him. Vititing is fometimes put for viliting in anger, as P frd. 1'9· S'. So God vi– fired Chnlt firt\, made h1m thus lower than the Angels in this fenfe for a little wlule; and when he had done he vilited him in favour as much takes that bro– ken Man, fluttered Man, for hisSoul was broken, my heart is brokm, (it is the expreffion that Chrilt himfeif ufeth in one of the Pjalmrs, ) takes him and rai– feth h1m up to Heaven,crownetb him with glory an9 honour, fettcth him in all that glory you have htard, 0, what is M ,m and the Son of M.m ( he (peaks of the Nature of Man as it is united to the Godhead in Chrill, {orefeeing it by a Spi– ntof Prophec~,) tbat thottfbouldtJlvzfit him thus, firfl in Anln·, tbm i11 F•– vour! What IS this Babe, this fuckling that thou lhoulde!t raife him up to this glory and honour!