Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

An Expofition .of the Epiftle ~ My Brethren, all this concerned) us, for what faith the Pfa!mifl here in th~ Sermon firll verfe? He calleth him the Lord otJr God, this Man Chrifl: Jefus. How ex-· XXXIII. cellent is the name of God for doing this, how exc~llellt will it be in all the Earth ~one day, and founded in the Heavens now, and will be for evermore after the day of Judgment. It will be that which will take up, fwallow up the thoughts of M:n and Angels to all etcrmty. That I may fet it out a little, (I thought to have done it when I handled thofe words, [ tmder htsfeet, J but I wrll touch 1t now a lrttle and be the more briefer then. Tal<e all this that hath been faid ofChrift as the Text fetteth it forth here take it all together, and here is the moll glorious profpeCl:of a Kingdom that eve; was, itputteth down all the Kingdoms of the World that were !hewn to Chrill by Satan. Do but take the profpeCl: of it, · Fid}, Here is a Father of glory, (to whom he prayeth, verfe 17.) a God that is fhe Fountain of all glor:r, and himfelf the Father of our Lord JeiiJs Chrill, whom he makes a Man , vrfiteth hrm, (you heard how low,) laieth him in the Earth, raifcth him up, fetteth him in his Throne at his own right hand: There is your King, the Eldeit Son of God. Here is God the Father , the Father of glo· ry, and here is his Son at his right hand; Here arc Worlds for_ his Dominion~, this World and the World to come. To fet forth the glory of thrs Kmgdom here ~re Nobles, (who you know fet out the glory of a Kingdom by their being under the King and under his Son,) here are Principalities aod Powers, Might and Do– minion, and here is the highell exaltation that ever was,all thefe Nobles under his feet, under his Sons feet; A(t things faith he,are under hufeet ,thofe that are his friends are under his feet too, under him as SubjeCl:s, they fall down and kifs the dull of his feet, to him beglory a11d honour, alld they throw dowt~their C.·owns; as you read, Revet. )· Thole thatare his Enemies, he bath the moll glorious conquell over them that ever was, he treadeth upon them, he fitteth and makes them his foot!lool,that he may fit the eafier; and Satan that great Devil triumph– eth over him,fo that he makes his Children to fet their feet upon his neck, What is there now my Brethren that you will fay or that you will think can be added to make this man Chrill Jefus more glorious? One would think no\V that he hath enough, he is advanced you fee to the higheft Throne of Majelly, he is eftablifhed a King for ever, he hath Worlds for his Dominions, this World and the World to come, he hath thc·higheft power, be bath all things under his feet. What is it I fay that lhould make this man yet more glorious ? Take /ld!lm that was his Type. Adam he had ~ World about him, he had a Paradtfe, a Court which was his peculiar,if he had had Sons, Paradife had been his Court properly, for he was the Father of the World. What wanted this man? Plainly he waru:ed a Wife, he wanted a helper, God himfelf faith fo. My Bre: thren, all this was in a Type. This Man Chrift Jefusthus advanced far above all Principality and Power, here is the Father of glory, here is his Son fet in glory, here are Nobles all under him, here are Dominions enow, where is the Qpeen ? What faith the words following, He hathgivm him to be the Headof the Church, wbichishisBody, thejtt!nejsof him thatfilleth attir;aU; over a!J to 6ethe Head of" his Church; fo fomc tranllate it, and I think it to be a part of the mean– ing, that above all priviledges elfe he accountcth this, (as it were, ) the highcft flower in his Crown, that be is a Head to his Church his Body, It is as it our Lord and Saviour Chrift lhould have faid I have all this honour, I am thus full, IamatmyFathersrighthand, If I have not my Church I want a Body, I am not yet full. Therefore now above all this glory and exaltation bath God given him to be Head of his Church, I fit at God's right hand, come up faith ]Je to hts Church, that by nature and by defert is u.ndcr his feet, come up faith he and fit on my right hand as I fit on my Fathers nght hand, Read