Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

----------------------------------------------------- An Expoftti~n of the Epiftle rs:;;;;;;; XXXIV, ~ SERMON XXXIV.' . . Far above alJ Principality and Power, and Might and Dominion, atfd every Name that ii named, not only in thir world, but alfo in that which is to come, And bath put all thingr under bir feet, and given him to be the Head [or, a Head] over all thingr to the Church. · Which ir his Body, the of him that filletb alJ in alJ. OUR. Lord :ind Saviour's Exaltation, is fet forth unto us in thefe Three lafi Verfes, and the Verfe before, in a dowble relation. The Firfi is, His Exaltation above all Creatures, and the diflance he flandeth in to theIT!. He u f ar a6ove a/J Pri11cipality a11dPower, a11d Might.and'Domi– nioll, tmd bath all thi11gs undtr his feet. Secondly, His Exaltation is fet forth to us by his relation and"preheminence, which he bath to bis Church. He bathgiven htm to be a Head over all to his Chttrch, which u his 6ody, thefitl•ufs oj him thatftUethalliJJ aU. If you will bave it, Jefus Chrifi the Great King, his Supremacy in all Mat– ters and over all Perfons, Civil and Ecclefiafiical. Far a6ove a/J Principalities, ~c. there is his Supremacy over all Creatures, and all Civil Government, and a Head to his Church alfo. Thefe are the two general parts of thefe words.· Concerning his Exaltation, as it is laid down in the 2.11h Verfe, I havealre11dy lhewn thefe two things : Firfi,How he is advanced farabov€ all things; for his own Perfonal Dignity is far above all Principality and Power. And this is amplified by the Perfons over which he is exalted, it is over all Pri1tcipality and Power, both good Angels and bad, and the mofi excellent of Creatures here on Earth, Kings and Magi· !!rates, wbatfoever they be, by what names or titles foever difiinguilhed; Evrry Name that is ttamrd. Then the Third thing, (which I conlidered in the lafi difcourfe) was, the extent of it; Not 011/y i11 thu World, /;ut ill the World to come. Of thpfe words [bl thi& world, and the world to come,] I told you Inter– preters gove two Interpretations. Whereof the Firfi was, That by this worldand the .world to comr, fhould be meant Heavm ond Earth os he himfelf fa1th at lafi, A/J powtr H g.vm tmto mt ill Heavm and iltEa;th. And what might be Objac:ted agaiilfi this Interpretation, I an· fwered in my lafi difcourfe; and how 1t would not wholly and fully fuit the fcope of the Apofilc here. Then