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to theEP H E SI A N S. 451 Then in the Second place, [b11hu wortd~ and the_ world to cor11e,] I told you w was a phrafe that importedf~rcVfr, and f~ fhould 1mply all t1me after the day S.rmon of Judgment, not only in th1s world, but 10 all the Worlds to .come, be t.h~y XXXIV. what they will be. Now becaufe there was that .great ObJechon agamU 1t 10 1./'"V"'.J ., Cor. 1 I', that he is to rtig11,; U1ttz! h.zs E11:mzes .6e made hu footjloot, and tbm to givc 11 pthe Kt11gdomtmto.Godthe Fatbn, fo lt 1s expreny .fa1d ver.24,2;. 1 therefore explained how far h1s Kmgdom was eternal, and how far not, and how to be given up at the latter day. . . .. to thefe two Interpretat!Ons I added a Tlurd, which ~~ not to ~xclude the other but is indeed a kind of m1ddfe between both, taking; 1n b0th t•le one and the 0 (her. Or, if you will, thus; That between the Uate of this World,as nbw it is, and the Uateof things after-theday of Judgment,. when God 6e all in at!. there is aWorld to come, wh1ch 1s on purpofe, and 1rl a more efpec1al manner app~inted for Jefus ~hrift to be King in. And feeing there is fuch a World to come, certainly tlus ts to be taken tn here, 1f there were no othet reafon. But I told you, That the~e was a more efpecial reafon, why that this Inter• pretation muU be ·here takenmwah the rea. For I find all Interpreters almo.a with one confent•to refer me ·for the words that follow [Hatb p11t at! tbmgs 1111der hisfeet] to the 8thPfa!m, as the only place in the Old Teftament, where thofe words are fpoken concermng Chnll, verfe 6. Thou hafl made have dominion over the work of thy ha11d, thou haft put all thi11gs tmder bis feet. So as (fay they) thefe words [he bath put a!! thiltgsimdel' hu feet,l are a tefti– rnony borrowed from the 8th Pfa!m, which the fame Apollle 'Paul quoteth and citeth in two other EpiUies to the very fame purpofe. He quoteth thcrri He6.2.8. where he fpeaks of his Ki1tgdom, and in r Cor. i I'· 27. · Now therefore I was lead to look into Heb.2, where ihdeed i find the fame words quoted·out of the 8tb P(a!m; and I found thislikewife, that the Apollles [cope was to prove, that the Pfa!mifi prophecied of a World to come, ord~ined for Chrift; and proveth 1t by th1s, that he was to have a World, wherem all things were to be fubjeCl: to him, (the very fame thing that followeth here in the 22tb verfe.) A11d (faith he) though Wettow fee Chrifl crow 11ed w ith Glory mJd Hollot<r, (fo it is at the 8th verfe of that fecond to the fle6rew s, which is all one andto fit at God's right ha11d,) yet, faith he, at!u 1ot jitbjefl imto him, Though God bath put all under his feet, yet all 1s not yet fubjeCl:; therefore there is a World to·come, faith he, wherein all things fhall be fubjeCl: to Jefu' Chri(l, Now then, I finding here aWortd to come, wherein Chrill is King over all, and All thi11g1 p11t 11nder hu jut, (which is the next words,) and that in the Judgment of all lnterpretm if is taken out of the 8th P{a!m, which the fecond '· to the Heb1·ews quoteth; the're is no Rational man could imagine, but that in the fame fenfe that World to come is taken in the fecond of the Hebrews• iil the fame feMe it muU be taken here. i did in my laU difcourfe indeed,with more modefty t>afs over what t thought was that World to come, than perhap.s is here meant, Perhaps like– Wife, I might not be fo well under~ood. I w11l therefore explain my felf ljlltO you, profelling not to be long upon 1t; for I WJI! not d1fcourfe of ii but meerly take what is pertinent and appofite to the exprellion in hand (the w:rtd to come J as it is held forth unto us in He6. 2. I alfo proved, That that Man ptophecied of in the 8th P(atm, that was to have all thi11gs mJder hi,feet, was only Jefus ChriU. I iliall fpeak now more to this, that he bath a World to come ordained for him, in which Cat! thi11gs] ore to be underUood. And I fhall exprefs my felf, all that I mean to fay about it, in thefe two Heads. . The Firfl is, That that Wor!Jto come, mentioned He6.1. )· wherein ChriU is. to havealt thittgs u.Jd~r his feet, is not this World that now is, or mcerly the_ Government that ChnU now hath. Neither is it the World after the day of Judgment, and yet is faid to be aWortd to come, Mmm And