4. 52 An Expofttion of the Epiftle --~------~------~- ------------ ~ And then Secondly, I lhalllhew you what I think is meant by that World to Sermon come, and the feveral !teps and degrees of its perfection, its gtowing up in re· XXXIV, fpetl: of which it is (aid to be a World to comr. ' ~ And Fir!tof all, That the Wortdtocomr, menti'oned in Hrb. 2, and prophecied of p fat. 8. which this Te~t referreth u~ to, is not the Wor!~ that now is, that is plain; forthe Apof.Ue di!tmgUJfheth th1s World that now 1s, from that World that is to come, by this; faith he, Now we do 11ot fee all thjngs fu6jd1untohim (and it is his Argument by which he proveth, that there muft needs be fuch ~ World to come fubjetl:unto Chrift,) We fer not (faith he) at/ things put uttder himyet, He6.2.8. therefore it is a World to come. Here lies the Apoftle'sreafoni That fame word Not now, or Not yet, implieth evidently that there is a World to come, in which this is to be fulfilled, wherein all things lhall be fub. jetl: unto Chrift. It is true, this World to come is begun, (as I lhew you by ~nd by,) but it is not grown up. to its perfection; Wr jr~ Jef;u crowned indeed, !Jttt we do notfee all thmgs ]tt6;et1 tmto h1myrt. Th1s IS the Apoftle's fcope in Heb.2. So thatfirft, It is not this World that now i•. Then the Second thing is this, to prove this, That it is not the eftate of the World after the day of Judgment. I lhall only prove it out of He6,2, and this plac~; I will go no further, for I will frill fpeak pertinent!:>; to the Text. F~rfi then, TheWorld to come, that IS ordamed for Chnft .to have all things fubjetl: to him, is not the World aft,er the day of Judgment, I mean the fiate ~fter the day of Judgment; my Reafon is this, Becaufe that of this World that IS to come for Chrift,.Adam'sWorld was the type. Now mark it, my Brethren took intoRom.8. 19,20,21, 22. the Apofile lheweth you plainly thexe, that ,l dam's World, this very W<;rld wherein ~ow we are, ( which is the type of Chrifi's World to come;) tlus Earth and th1s Heaven, thefi: Creatures do groan for thema11ijejlatio1J of the Sotu of God; For thr Creature (faith he) wMmade Jubjrtl tmto v mtity, 10t wittittgly, but 6) rea[on of him (namely, .Adam,) who bath jit6jet1ed thr famr zn hope ; 6tcmtje the Creature •t ]elf alfo jha!J 6e dr/j. vrredfrom the 6o11dage of Corruptiott, i11to the glorious liberty of thr Children of God : For we know that the w hole Crea~ion groatteth andtrave~let!; in pains together ttfltj/ 11ow. So that you fee there IS a World to come, whtch 1s not that after the day of Judgment (for what will become of thefe Creatures then, no man can tell me Q but it is this very individual Creation, where we live and are, that cloth groan .or a Re!litution, and the reftitution of it is the World to come, as the prefent cor.ruption and bondage of it is this World. And then, if you look into the 8th Pjatm, you fhall find there, that in the type of Chrift's World to come; it is faid,that Hravmr,and Stars a11d Moo11,and Shnp andOxm,and Fowls of the .Air andFtjhes, thefe are all fubjeCl:unto him. This cannot be meant after the day of Judgment, no not in the Type. There is nothing after the day of Judgment, which Hravms, and Stars and Moo11, and Shup and Oxm, and Fowls of the .Air andFijhes, fhould fignifie, or typifie out to us. So that it is aWorld to comr;between the fiateof this World,which is yet in its ruff and in its height to this prefent, and the day of Judgment, I will give you a fecon.J Reafon for it, and it is this, For when this World to come !hall come, and Chrift lhall have all fubjetl: unto him in it, (for he only, faith he,jba!J have allJi•bjet1, ) then hejha!J deliver ttp the Kiltgdom tmto his Father, namely, at the end of the day of Judgment. This is plain 1 Cor, rr. 24,Z5,t'§c, He faith plainly there, that when he bath put a!J thi11gs tmder his feet, when he hath done it, when he bath brought him fully into polfeflion of this World to come, wherein all thmgs are to be fubjetl: unto him ; then verfe 28, Whe11 all thi11gs {ball be ji1Mued ttflto him, jbatt the Son al(o6r jtt6jef! tmto him, th,,t hathpttt att thi11gs u11der him. So that now, this World of his cloth ceafe, whenas the day of Judgment ceafeth, For then cometh thr md, faith he, verfe 24. And