Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

to t.he E P H E S I A N S. 453 And then Thirdly, Anfwerably nut of the very words of the Text you have~ thu World andthe World to come, wheremthere are 'l'ri11cip,lltltes and P~wers, , Samoll ·and Migh; and'Domi11ion; 11ot O!>!y m this world(faith he,) 611t inl'hr worldto XXX IV. come. Why now, after tl~e day of"Judgment there wtll be no PritJClf<1lities \./"'V"'V and Powers, or M ight rmd 'Domm1o11; therefore not thts World to come, tf you take it in a proper and llnct fenfe. That there will be no P~inCJpali:irs rwd Powers after the day of Tudgmer.t is ended is plam thus; !or In I Cor. '1· 24. He /hrzll drl1ver 11p Ihe I(iJJgdum to 1hr Fatbrr, uhen he [hall have put dowtt all Rttlt, mJdAuthority, and Power, Here three words (according to the Greek ) of thofe four which are in the Text. ' d I . h I A fil . So that now, I fay, that1for! tocomt, Wllc t1e po c fpeaks of He6. z. and quoteth the .8th Pfalmfor it, wherein Chrill is actually t~ have all thing s tmder hisJut, ts not that ttme after the day of Judgment. It ts not tlus Wodd neither or the llate of things now; for we do not fee yet all things put under him therefore there is a World to come between thefe two. And fo much now for that firll general Head, namely, That by World to come, both here and in Htb. z. is not meant the llate of things after the day of Judgment, fimply or only; but another World belides. Now in the Second place, I come to explain what it is that is meant by thi; World to comt, I ihall do it as briefly as poilibly the thing will bear, and indeed but to explain the Text.. . . . I willihew you firll mgeneral, why It IS called a World; And lecondly, why a World to come, . . Then more particularly l ihall fl1ew you, the feveral degrees of the coming on of this World; And when it is at its perfectton, that Chrill fhall have all in fubjection to him, and then that World to come fhall ceafe; of that the feconcl of the He6rtws fpeaks. Firll, Why it is called a World 1 My Brethren, you mull know this, That as God made this World for Admil; and put all things under him, (though not under his feet;) fo God appointed a World for the Seco11d Adam, his Son Chrill Jefus; and Adam's World was but the type of this World to come. Rom, ). •?· it is faid, that Adrim was the type of him that was to come. Anfwerably this old Adam's World,which now good Angels and bad Angels, and finful Men, thefe Pri11cipa!Jties andPowrrs rule ; it is but the jhadow of that wo~!d which u to come, propLecicd of ih that 8th Pfalm, and mentioned in that fecond of the Hebrrws . Yea (my Brethrert) let nie add this to it alfo, That God doth take the fame . World that was Adam's, and makes it new and glorious, the fame Creation ·groaneth for this new World,this new Clothing ;·as we groan to be clothed upon, fo doth this whole Creation; And as God takes the fame fubll:ince of man's Na; ture, and ingraftcth the New Crtaltlre upon it, the fame man llill : fo he takes the fame World, and makes it a New World, a World to come for the Second A• dam. Forthe fub!lance of ~hefame World fhall be rcllored to a glory, which Adamcould never have ratfed It unto, the fame World that was loft in Ad.1rn. And this God will do before he hath done with it, and this re!litution is the World to come. Now then, why is it called aWorldto come? lt is called a Worldto come, becaufe _though the foundatiort of it 1s now laid (itwas!ai? th~n~ when our Lord and Saviour was upon the Earth,) the founda– tion of tt IS lard tn the New Creatttre. Why is it called the New Creature, but becaufe as the iirll Creation began the Old World, fo this New C>·eattde begin– neth ~he New World, And as the Old World wa• not perfected in aday, but irt fix d~tes this ll!e": World to come, it is not perfected at once, the New C1·t<1ture IS but the begtnD!ng of 1t; tbe New Crtature here below is in your heart~. Mmm :o Saith