to the EPHE SI AN S. 455 ' ---------:--:-::--:-:----;---·----- ----- T nis New world that is but in the lir!l daies work,, when .it had thrown down ~ Hrathem[m, the 'Devil, flung out all tiJOfe Jewifb Ceremo111es, {hook that Earth; Sermon it is like a new Nail that iliaveth off by degrees the old one. Chn!l Will not ceafe, XXXIV, till he hath made all new. It is faid there in that fecond of 'Dmziet, vcrfc 44• ~ That itjhaO6reak i11pieces a11dconj11me a/J th~(e KiJJgdoms-, eat out the World · and all the Monarchies and glory of 1t, before 1t hath done. . , . Well You n1all fee when he had thrown down Htathmifm and Judat[in; (which'was his fir!! daies work, as I may fo fay) then ~omet~ a Night of Popery, and that !leppeth up in the room of lt. What Will Chn!l do before he hathdone? He will have a fecond·dates work, and he Will not ceafe ull he Rath thrown out every rag, the lea!! drofs and defilement, that .A~ttichrzjf ot Popery brought in or continued in the world. And we are urid~r the fecond daies work (if I may fo exprefs 1t,) we are but workmg up ~111 to a purer world;, it is this New world, this world to come, workmg up to Its perfection, And, my Brethren, Jefus Chri!l will never re!l till he hath not only thrown out all the drofs of tl\is world, both in Doctrine and Worlhip, (which conforming to the \Vorld bringeth in, and hath brought into the world,) but for a fecond degree of this world, he will never re!l till he bath brought all the world (that is, the generality of men) to be fubject to him ; which is another degree of this world to comr. The World you know conG!leth of Jews and Gmtiles. In the Apoflle's time he had not conquered all the Corruptions of the world, much lefs h1d he conquered the generality of Mankind in the world. How bitterly cloth the A– po!lle complain of the cutting off of the .'1ew1, but a few of them at be!! came in, the generality of that Nation was ca!l off: And for the Gentilts, Who h.1th beli.ved our report, fay the Apo!lle's ? But a very few in comparifon. There– fore there will come a time when this New world /hall h:rve yet a further per– fection·; it lhall grow up to a world, that the generality of Mankind, both .few and Gwtile, lhall come into Jefus Chri!l. He hath had but little takings ot the world yet, but he will have be,ore he hath done; the world was made for him, and he will have it afore he bath done. In Rom,11.1.6. faith the Apo!lle, Att Ifratl /halt 6efaved, (fpeaking of their Second Call,) for the generality of it. There is the New world of the Jtws, ~Newworld in that fenfe: And for the Gmtilts, he telleth you that is but call In; If the caf1i1zg off of the 1ews (faith he) WM the reco11cili11g of the world, (that is, of theGmtites,)wbat jha!t theirfulne(s 6r, (their taking in be?) 611t lifefrom the drad? The Veil }halt be takm offfrom all Nations, fo is the ex• pre!lion Ifai.?.)·7· And that which is fo much alleadged for Unity, /hall one day be fulfilled; but it will be when Chri!l is Lord of all the Earth, never afore, Chri– fiians will never a~ree till then, and then indeed there lhall be 011e Lord, and his Name one, as it is Zach. '4·9· Here will be·a brave World indeed, my Brethren, and this is another degree of thts world to come, One Shepherd and One Sheepfold of 7ew and Gentile and that Sheepfold as large as all the World; fo .Joh11 10. r 6. I fpeak of th~ g~nerahty, and the mofr. This was never yet fulfilled, for the Apo!lle exprefly faith, that the cajli11g off of tht Jew, WM the recfivi11g 111 of thr-f;m, t1les; therefore they were never yet one Sheepfold together, but they fl1all be one. My Brethr~n , Read t~e Prophets, you lhall find Promifes of frrange _and wonderful thmgs, of glorwus Ttmes, and that here upon Earth, of all Nations commgm to JefusChrifl; of all pro!perity, of the Mountain of the Lord, Jet a6ove all Mormta11u ,We. Difputing once with a P api/1, he urged this upon me; faith he, If the Church of Rome 6e 1101 the tr11e Church, and the Cbm·ch to which all ( hurche1 /brill [i1bmit, which bath had co11{1rmt peace and pro[perzty,, all riches, and gl~ry, and honottr,for thts many hu11drrdye.1rs. How /,,,th t!iis ever bem fu!– fiittdtoyourC!mrcb, thata!!Nationsj!JaJijfowiutoit; that it is a Motmtabl Jet above all Mormtaius, that abundance of Peace and Pro[perity is in it . wh1chfbnltnm dow1! like a River, whereao) 'Oil (faith he) l1<1ve 6ee11 ;,. Prrfe: cutio111