Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

An Expoption of the Epifile w Clition? The truth is, my Brethren, there is no Anfwer for it but one, That the Sermo 1t t1me IS }'et to come. And thts one of thetr own, even HorreritU a Jefuite· XXX IV. (though himfelf was for the Church of Rome, and made the Pro{p.rity of i~ v-'V""J one Note of the truth of that Church, yet) he acknowledgeth, feeing fuch glo– r ous things fpoken of the Church ol Chrifl: in this world, that it is yet to be ful– filled, and was never yet fulfilled, no not in the Roma11 Church. So now you fee, there is fo much toward this World to come ; yea, and the truth is, thus far we find many Divines fall in, yea, and find thofe that do acknowledge, that this fl:ate of Glory, of a glorious Church on Earth, fhall con· tinue for aThoufand years, during which time the Jews thall have it and the Gentiles together with them. ' There is a Third th:ng, which is more controverted; and there is a Fourth to be added to that, which I think that few will deny. The Third degree of this New world is this, That when this glorious Time cometh, that Jefus Chnfi will thus call home both Jew and Gentitr, and have a New world in refpect of multitudes of Men of all Nations coming in unto him to make this New world the more compleat, he will bring part of Heaven dow~ to ir. This I fay is more controverted. I !hall but exprefs to you bnefly fome grounds for it, which I confefs for thefe Twenty years I have not known well how to anfwcr, and that is all that I can fay, not that Chrifl: himfdf f11allc~me down (that is the old Errour of fome) to rergn at Jerufalrm; ·whtch Error mdeed the Fathers fpake agarn!t, and whicb hath brought a blemifl1 and abfurdity upon that Opinion. But that under Chri!t reigning in Heaven, (for certai_nly his Court is there, and that is his Temple: and he littetlt there both over thts world and that to come;) yet that under him part of Heaven ihall come down and rule this world, to make the glory of it fo much the more comple:rt, to put down .Adam's world, I fhall give you rather thofe R.eafons. I knownothowtoundernand thatpl~cetirfl: (which fhall be the foundation of all the refl:) it is aknown plac~ alleadged to this purpofe; Rtvtl. 10. indeed the whole Chapter, but efpecially the 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5th Verfes. You fhall find, my Brethren, (and thofe that know that Book aknowledge this) that in the 19thChapter, both Pope and Tttrk is defl:royed, fo verfe 20, of that Chapter, The BeajlwM takm, rmd with him thefalfe Prophets, that wrought Miracles, andh,,ddeceivedthem that had the Mark of the Beafl,~c• .A11d they' were caft alive into a Lake of fre 6t4rning with Brim/lone. Here now the Braj/ is gone, but the 'Devil isleft; therefore Ghap.2o.vrrj.1, z, I Jaw all .A11gtl come dowtt f>"om Heavr11, having thr Kryof the bottomlejs Pit, and a great Chain i1t }ifs ha11d, mtd be laid hold Oil the 'Dragolt (that is, the Devil, it is no other, and his Angels, he is put for all the re!t,) that Old Serpmt, (that now cloth traverfe the world going up and down, and is the Ruler and the god of this World,) which iJ the 'Drvit atld S:llan, rmd boutld him a ThotljatJd JUirs, and caj/ him i11to the bottomlefs Pit, rmdjhut him up, and{et a Sealttpott him, that he {hould deceivr the Natio111 no more till the Thottfm•d years fbottld /;e fulftlled, rmd after that he tnllf/ 6t loafed for a liltle[tajim. · Here you fee the 'Devil couped up, and why? Not to deceive the N11tions any more, It was never fulfilled yet; When was it fulfilled? Not during the Times of Antichrif/, he never more deceived than he did then; and the order. you fee is after the Beafl is taken, the Beaj/ is not yet defl:royed : fo that this thing is to eome. It is not after the day of Judgment, for he is to be loofed for a l11fle jen{o11, fo faith the Text. And the truth is, you lhall find thai which we call properly aRd firictly the Day of Judgment, whm aY jhall11rijr and6e j11tfged, followeth, as verj:12,13· and that after the Devil bath been loofed a little feafon again. Now, when the Devil is gone, and is thusflmtup for a Thoufand years; what is done for this Thoufand years? Read