Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

to the E PHE S I A N S. Read the4, ;, 6, and7th Ver[es. I {uwThrd~e-s(faithhe,) mJdthry fate ttpon~ them, and J11dgmmt w.Ugivm tmt• them. Wha~ IS Judgment, but .Retgmng ! Sern.zon And \vhat were they to whom Judgment was gtven! I Jaw (fatth he) the XXXIV~ Soul; of them/hat wrre6rh:a_dedfor the witnefsof Je[tu, t111dfor the Word of~ God (namely in the Pnmmve Ttmes, under the Roma11Emptre) and whtch hainot rtitt;ed the mark of the Beajl upon thn.r Foreheads_, and in the~·,. ·hmlds, thofo which flood ottttlnto the days of A~tttchrifl, (whtch arguetl~ that this is to fall out after the Ttmes of Anltchrij/ too,) andthcy ltved avd retgned with Chrifl a Thoufandyears; btlt there[! of the dead? ltved ttot agaJJJ .'t~ttl the Thoufand ytars were (inijhed: Thu rs I he firf/ RejurreUwn. Now It IS fatd) that the !irfi Refurrecbon is a Spiritual Refurrecbon of mens Souls from the death of Sin, (fuch Interpretations are put upon ir,) Bu~ confider \\:irh your (elves alittle, Ftrfi, It JS the Souls of mendead, that IS piam, for he faah, they werej/ai11 with the Sword, t~ey were 6e~eaded for the witnefs of Jefus,, 2nd as their death is, fo mu!t thetr Refurrecbon be; rhe1r death was certamly a bodily death, for they were beheaded, therefore their Refurredion mull be an" fwerable ro it. A11d(to mention no other Arguments) thry reigtJed with Chri(f a Thot~fand years ; this is not the glory of Heaven, for that is for ever, and fo they had reigned from the firfi time they wete ilain, if that glory were meant; but the reign upon their rifing, for he faith, the refl of the de_ad ~ive~ 1101 aga~1! tit/ thr thoufandyears were exptred. Therefore the oppofitton tmplteth, that tt is a living again, and a proper Refurredioo, Now, where do thefe reign? It lbould feem, on Earth, by ihis Argument; becaufe, why elfe isthe Devil bound up. He need not be bound up for their reigning in Heaven ; but as a preparation to this , the 'lJevil is 6ound 11p, forheTexrfaith. This is one place', out of which I could urge multitude of things, ~ut I forbear. Well, r know not how to Anfwer an«1tber, and that is that I quoted iri ttiy la!tdifcourfe, Reve/,5. 10. . where the Saints expreflyfay inJohn'stime, Tholi hajlmadetutmto ourGodKmgs andPrujls, mtd we /hall rngn (nor, we do; but we {hatlreign) 011 Earth. And then go joln with this 2 p.,, 3· 2j. We, ac: cordi11g to hu 'l'romt{e look for new Heavens tJIJda new Ezrth, wherein dwet– leth Rtghteoufiufs. We, we Apo!tles, we Saints that live now, we look for it. · How do I prove that? Becaufe the ufe he makes of it is this; Wherefore,Be; loved, .feeiiJg)'OII lookfor.(uch thitfts, 6e diltgmt to 6e found<!{ _him i1t p_eace, wllhom(pot mtd6/amrlefs, Ir could n9t be an argument then, · ~~ thofe times; to be holy and blamelefs, if they th,mfelves perfonally were not to look for it; and he faith exprefly, jeei11g)'01t lookfor it. And what is rhar, accord_ing tohis Promifo they lo~k ~or? antwHeaven,and a new Ear1h. Not Heaven tt Jelf properly taken ; there ts nor a New Heaven tci be made, it is the Old Heaven, that was made from the foundatioo of tlie World, in which we lliall for ever be with Chri!t afrer the day of Judgment. However, how is rhere a New Earth there? Wt look f or a tuw Heaven mtd d new Earth, whereitt dwellrth Righteoufi~rfs, wherein Righteoufnefs reigneth and rulcth; becaufe (as I fa id before) it will be a I'ilew world fub)ected unto Jefus Chrifi, when rhe New .7erll[al~m comerh down from Heaven: You will a* meno\v, Whatlball they do herein this New Worid? , .r !ball give you fuch Confideratioiis as !ball take off the ablurdity. Firft; I will tell >:ou what they !ball no~ do; They !ball not eat and drink , nor marry; nor g1ve m marnage; Our Sav10ur faith exprefly, that the Chilf/rtn ofthe Re~ furretrion do 11011e of thefe things. Therefore to imagine a 'iurkijh Heavm here bel~w, a Tttrktjb p ~radifr, is that whkh bath been rhe abfurdity put upori that Opm10n; and wluch mdeed made ma11y of the Fathers, after the !irll; Three hundre? years, to flie out againfi it. There ;was an Opinion then, 'Iihat Chnfl ll!mfelf lbould again reign Perfonally at Jmifalem a Thouf:irid years, that they Jhould abound in a!) Scnfu~l Jileafures, ln marrying wives, eating and dnnk:ng, &c•. and that the ."fewi{hCeremonies JIJOuld bethen refiored. And it was O~Inton that the Fathers confute:f, and d1d fo much ll1e our againfi; for otherw•fe the truth 1s that Auflm htmfclf fauh, That if yott will gra11t onfj