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to theE PH E S l A.N S. This is the greateft fervice that can bedone, for it is the Angels work, .they do~ it now. And let me add this; Then will come to be fulfilled that wluch you Sermon; pray for in the Lord's Prayer, Thy w_dl/;e do11e 011 Earth 111 zt u :'' Heave_n.. At XXXI\ • tile day of Judgment, duri~g that .nme we. are not fo mudl do10g Gods >w1ll, ~ as giving account of our wa1es, ana of hav10g performed lt. If therefore th1s Prayer be fully and exactly fitl~lled, that the.Will of God (hall be don.e on Ea~th as compleatly as in Heaven ; 1t muft be the nme of the firft R.efurrectwn, wh1ch Paul therefore, when he would exprefs his defire of being perfect, he faith, he would attai11 to the ReftJrrtflJOIJ of the dead, that is, to be as holy as men fhall be then. My Brethren, I have fpoken thefe things unto you rather, as that which bath a great fl1ew of truth in it, than a~ if I could a~fwcr all Objections that might be made againft it. But (as I fatd 10 th.e ]aft d1fcourfe) 1f t111S ~10ld not, as 1t IS exceeding probable 1t wtll, yet there IS a founh degree of this World to come, winch I am fure will hold., and that is this, during the day of Judgment ftrict– ly taken, after the general Refurrection both of Jujl andVnjuff. Thcn,my Bre• thren, to honowr th1s New world, God will not only come down, but Jefus Chrift himfelf will come ~wn,and he will abide a long day here to; (therefore it is no abfurdity for Saints to live on Earth, even when Chrift himfelf !hall do fo,) nei– ther will it diminifh from his happinefs at all, for he will come and bring all his glory with him. The Day of Judgment, it will be a long day, my Brethren; and let your felves judge whether it will not or no, For do you think, that the accounts of the World can be caft tlp in the twinckling of an eye? Doth not So!omo11 fay exprelly, That every work, whether it 6e good or evii,fba/J be 6ro11ght to Jr1dg• ment, Eccle( u.14? And doth not the Apoftle asexprelly fay, 1 Cor. 4· ;. that things ll10ll be fo brought to Judgment, as every one Jhall be able_to judgt the fecrets of a/J mens hearts ? And do you think this will not take up time ? Shall we our felves take in the accounts of all mens hearts in an infiant ? No, my Brethren, this will be a long day; wherein Jefus Chrift will do that great fervice, (a greater fervice than all his preaching,) the examining of the Ac· coqnts of all the World, and convincing of all Mankind and fending them fpeech· lefs to Hell, fo as they fhall have fay, and fo as we too fhall be able tojudge the world, fo the Apofile faith, 1. Cor.6, Now here is this New world in its height and perfection. Here is Chrift, and all his Angels round about·him; yet this World is not fubject unto them. They begin it, they gather together thofe that have died, during the Thouj'and ) 'tar!, from all quarters, and they execute the Sentence that Chrift hath pronounced, and the Saints have alfented unto, and ·they fling them all into Hell : But the truth is, they do not!it as Judges, theyjlm;d, fo the expreiTion is ufed 'Dan. 7• whereastheSaintsarefaidtofitupon twelve Throtus; and in 1 Cor.6, they are faid tojt~dge the .dttge!s. And here now isAdam'sWorld in the perfection,that Creature that bath groaned under all mens tufts, fhall be then fully reftored to theg!oriotU liberty of the So11s ofGod. During that time the World fhall be new hung,when Chrift her Lord fhall come mto 1t. And 1f the other will not hold; and thus far I am perfwadcd it Will hold, that there IS the World to come into Chrifr, wherein all Heathcnifm, Superftition, Errour, and whatfoever elfe, fhall be rooted out of the World, and ~he generality both of Jew and Gmtile fhall come in to Jefus Chrift; and that ts a glonous World, my Brethren, without that of the day of Judgment. .Here then is Chrift's. World to come; I have given you an account of it as bnefly as I can,. wherem he thall have all things lubj~ct unto him, forthe A· poftle exprefly fa11h, that thm, at the day of Judgment, all thi11gs (ball be rmder lmfret,and never fully till then,for the ta(l memy that n to 6e de(lroyed u'Death, mid tben be}bat/gzve up the Kmgdom to God the Father. And what theWorld to come fl1all be after then, no man knoweth, only the Scripture faith, God {bait 6e nil zn all, a11d Cbrifl himfe!f fba/1 be {tt6jeef rmto him. So I have done with thcfe words, This world, aJtd the world to ccmr. N n n