An E:xpojition of tbe Epiftle ~ I come now to the 21thVerfe, which is .the latter part of Chrifl's exaltation Sermon over all Creatures; for that which followeth afterward is his Exaltation in rela– XXXIV. tioo to his Church. The lafl parr of it is this, He batb put all tbi1Jgs U1Jder bu. ~fm. . Here are rwo things contained in this 1. The lownefs of the fubjedion of all things, they are mtdtr bisfut. 2. Theuniv~rfality, AU. I l11>1l not handle tbefe two difiindly, for they will fall in promifcuouny and mifcdlaneoully one with another, therefore I ll1all handle them one with ano– ther. f'irfi, For the coherence of •hefe words with the former. The Apoflle; as he had fer forth the Exaltation of Jcfus Chrifl, in refpeei: of Perfonal excellency, more eminently in the former Verfes, Frzr above alt Pri11· cipalityandPower,f!>c. So here hefetteth forth his Dominion more ·eminently, that all is tmder bisfeet. If ~u ask, what the Perfonal excellencies of Chrift are? They are fuch as are far above all Prt?Jctpaltr_y, Power, Might a11d Vo• tnJOIJ; he excelleth m Glory, m MaJefty;m Wtfdom, m Power, in.Holinefs, a!t Pri11cipalities a1tdPowers; I confefs Vomh1io1t is include\!. too under ir, but more emmently Perfonal excellenctes. If you ask what Dol!union he hath over all rhefe? He relleth us plainly, all is under his feet. Therearethefe two parrs of his Exaltation, mentioned in that fecond of the Hebrews, which Chapter is parallel with this. He faith there verfe 8. He was Crow1zed witbglory a11d hono11r; that which the Apoftle here exprclfeth by fer– ring him at God's Right .hand, that is there expreft by being C.·owned, tor there are thefe two Ceremonies in the Inftallation of Kings; there is a Crown- · ing of them, and a fctting them upon the Throne. Now Jeli.Js Chrifl had a· Crown, firft of Glory, fct upon his head; he had all Perfonal excellencies poured out upon him: And then fecondly,he had aCrown of Honour fet upon his head ; He was crowtJed witbglory a11dbonottr, fatth the Text; that is, he had Domi· nion given him, For (as it followeth there) tbotl bajl p11t alt tbi11gs u11der bis fat. I do but obferve this from it, and I will do it briefly ; ·That the Perfonal worth that is in Jefus Chrift, is the ground and foundation of his Dominion over all. Why are all things fo low as under his feet? Bu~ becaufe his Perfonal worth excelleth all Pri11cipalities mzd Powtrs, and every Name whatfoever. You lhaU find in He/;.r, where he fpeaks of fitting down at God's Right hand, he firft premifeth his Perfonal worth, He is the Image oj'tbe iltvifi61e God(faith he,) tbe exprefs CbaraCler of bis Perjim, be 6y whom be made tbe Worlds,f!>c. Is Chrift's Perfonal worth the foundation of his Dominion over all things, becaufe he is far above all things in his Perfon, therefore are all things under his feet? My Brethren, obferve this from it, That though Jefus Chri{l was war· thy of the Kingdom of all the World, yet as the Apoftle telleth us, Heb. 5'· He took tJot tbis bo11our ttpo~t bimj~lj, bttt be was called to it. Which lhould teaclt us.the greate{\ modefty in affuming any honour or dignity upon our fel~es, above others. No fuch Example as Chrift's to teach it. He did not affume a jot of Power beyond his Commiilion. He would not have had power over all, if All had not been in his Commiilion. Kings lhould not go a jot beyond their Corn· million; Chrift himfelf did not, though his own worth is the foundation of his being King over the World. And let me add this too, That God himfelf was lOot partial. He had a Son, whom he preferreth; yet if · he had not Perfonal worth in him, as the foundation of ir,he had neverraifed him up unto this. My Brethren, Chriftis a better King than you coBld have chofen for your felves; He is my Killg, faith God, Pj'at. 2. a King of my appointinf;. Ari(/otle faith, Tliat nature inakes Kings, as nature mal<es Servants; meamng thofe that are the mo{\ wtfe and the moll excellent· they are nature, fo is Cbrift. In Hell, the greatefl De· vi!, the ftrong~!l Devil, tl.1e wifeft Devil, he is the Prince of Devils: So in Hea· ven, Chri{\, that is far in his Perfon above all Tri11cipalities and Powers, and dcferveth it, his worth carrieth ir, he bath all under his feet.