Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

.An Expojition of the EpifUe ~ It is an exprefiion that fetteth forth two things (to come to lhew it more.parti· ermo11 cularly ;) It expreffeth, XXXIV. r. The fubjection of Subjects. ~ 1.. A triumph over Enemies. Fidl, ft expreffeth the fubjection of Subjects to their Princes, according to the cullome of the Ea!l, Take the Kings of Eg)'jJt; Exod, 1I. 8. faith Mojrs there to Pharaoh, All the People that are at thy fret; read yooc Margents and you have it fo; it is all one as to fay, All the People -that are thy Su6jefls, So it is faid of Ba1hadad the King of SJ•ria, look in your Margents there too, r Kittgs 20.10. The manner was, and we have it upon good Rece.rd, both out of Zmophonof CjrUf, Lib. 18. and of HerodotUf, when they came to their Kings, To throw themlelves down, and to kifs the Pavement where there feet flood. The phrafe you have Iikewife in I{ai.1;9·1.3, And therefore now, that worlhip that is due to God alone, is expre!l by FallitJg at his feet, Revel.19.l0. So that it noteth out fir!l, a fubjeCl:ion of SubjeCts. Secondly, lt noteth out a Triumph over EtJemies. For this I !hall give you two In!lances in Scripture; the one is Jo{jJtta ro. 1. 3, 24. there you lhall read, (hat when Jojhua had overcome thofe five Kings, faith he, Opm the mouth of the Cave, and 6ri11g out thoft jive Kings tmto me out of the Cave; A11d they did Jo, and brottghtforth tho[ejive Kings tlttto him out of the Cavt. A11dit came to pafs, whmt~f)lbrought o/Jt thofe Kings tmto Ju/htta, that Jojhtta calledfor a!J the Mm of Ijrael, midfaid tmto the Captains of the Men of War, which went witb him; Comntear, put yo11r feet ttf011 the necks of thefe Kings: and they came 1tear mtdput theirfeet upo11 the tzrcks of them; mtdJo/h11a faid 1mto them, Fear not, 11or be difmayed, bejlr011g mid-of agoodcottrage, for thtujhall the Lord do to all yottr E1umies agai11[/ whom ;•ou fight. He did not ufe it as a right of barbarifm and cruelty, but as that which wa:s to hearten out thofe People and encourage them, to aifure them that God would dofo with the re!l. And Jofhua you know was Jefus his Type, who was to tread upon all hii Enemies, and to make them his foot!lool. . And in the Eallern Empire of Greece, which la!led till within thefe two hundred years and upward, this cufiome was continued. Therefore we read of Michael Balbtu, that he called for a Rebel that had ufurped the Crown , and having him in his power, he bade him lie down upon the Pavement, and (as the Hi!lorian faith) according to the cu!lome of thofe Kings, he [et hiJ feet upo11 hu Neck. It is true, it is ufed in Europe only by the Pope; it is therefore one of his Characters to prove him to be the A11tichrijl. You have the like expretrion to this of Bal6w, in I{ai. 51.23. I will put it i1tto the hmJd of them that afjliEi thee, (the Cup he meaneth,) which have[aid to thy Soul, Bow dow11, that we maygo over, (as he faid, Lie down upon the pavement, and fo he fet his feet up· on him;) a11d faith he, 1hou haft/aidthy body M the grou11d, and M the flreet tothemthatwentover, It was the utmofi fubjeCl:ion and triumph that could pofiiblybe, So much for the opening the phrafe, All things 1111der hiJ feet. It noteth out, you fee, the lowe!l fubjeCl:ion of SubjeCts, and the greate!l triumph over Ene· mies. Here now are two O!ote!l ion~ for the opening of this. The fir!l is, Becaufe when he faith here, He bath put all tmder his fnt, whe· ther Enemies only, or Angels and Saints in Heaven, his Church, be c{)mprehended under this word [All.] And it is a great Q\te!lion, and 'tis hard to be refolved. I do find Interpreters more generallyto refirain this here to Enemies : Say they, When he faith he putteth a!ltmder hu feet, he meaneth E11emies only, l will give you their Reafons: For fay they, Do but obferve the coherence of one thing with another, and the fcope of the Apofile will be plainly this, to note out the differing Government Chri!l hath over his Church; S~e is his body, !he is not under his feet ; he is a Head to her, and his Enemies are under his feet; the one hecalleth his Bot{y, he hath a relation to her as a Head, the other are his E11e· mres. Therefore Zancly faith plamly, Allthmgs are u11der hufeet, txcrpt the Church; for in the next words he faith of her, She is hu Body : and Chap. z. we are