to the E PH E S I AN S. are faid tofit with him. And his Saints are faid rather to be in his hand; l>1y ~ fbeep (faith he)fbatt tJO mall take ottt of my hmtd; in ?is hand to be faved, only Sermon his Enemies are under his feet to be deftroyed. That s one R.e~fon. . XXXIV. And then another Reafon why it is to be reftramed to Enemtes JS thts, becaufe ~ in 'ffal. IJO. it is limited to his Enemies, S1t thou on my right hand tJ/1 I mah thineEnemies thyfootjlool. . . Then Thirdly, the very next words, He bath givm him to ha Head over all to hi< Church; [Over all] there muft be meant, excepting his Church , for he is a Head ro his Church and over all belides; the.refore fay they, ht; is a Head to his Church, but thofe that are under hi~ fee~·are hts Enemtes. And m reafon ( Muf– ctlltuaddeth this) they that are under hts feet are to be defiroyed by htm, to be trodden upon; why are they under his feet elfe? . Thefe are the Reafons, why by this [Attd all] fuould be meant hts Enemies, and not his Church and Angels. . But yet for all this, I think it is ~o be extended to both.. I fuall give you my R.eafons for it, and how to reconctle 1t lafi. The Reafon whtch fwayerh wuh mei and I cannot go over it is this. You know I told you thefe words are found in the 8th Pfalm, they are fpoken there of Chrifi, and we have them quoted in two feveral place~ belides, Heb. 2. and 1 Cor. I)· Now do but look into both thofe places, and you lhall find, that by[Ailthmgs tmder hrsfeet] alledging the 8th P}lzlm in both, is not meant only Enemtes, but all whatfoever: The places are fo exprefs, as I wonder that men fuould run upon another Interpretation, Look firfi upon. Heb. 2. ver. 8. Thou h4f ptlt alt .thmgs u: fub;eHion under his feet; what IS here meant by .Att thmgs1 For tn that (faah he) he put all i11fu6je/Jion tmder him, he left nothing that is not put under him. Mark, he faith plainly, he left nothing, no not the Angels themfelves, for the fcope of the Apollle is to prove, that he is above the Angels, as he had fuewed in the firft Chapter. So you fee it is interpreted plainly inHeb.z. 8. Well then, the other place in which it is quoted is t Cor. I). and there it is exprefs, that not only his Enemies are faid to be under his feet, but all things elfe whatfoever; for the A• pollle plainly faith, ver. 27. Whm he faith, Allthings are put uttdrr him, it is ma11ijtfl, that he is acapted that did put alt thingMmder him; and only he, only the Father. So that in one word, his Church and Angels, a.s well as Ene– mie$, are 'Ill under his He bath p_ut all tbi11gs rm'der his jut. And, my Brethren, the 8th Pfa!m 1s exprefs for tt, The Apofile doth not go beyond his Commiilion in interpreting it thus; for what faith the 8th Pfalm1 Thotl haft givr11 him to have 'Domi11ion over the works of thy hands, thou hajl put alt things tmder hisfeet, that is, all the works of that kind; whatfoever the works are, they are all under his feet. So that by [All] mufi necelfarily be meant both his Church, Saints, and Angels, as well as Enemies. ' Aqd ih that 8th Pj'alm there are two things that are the fcope of it. The fir~ IS thts, To 01ew how that God ufed the Man Chrifi Jefus to deflroy Ene~ mtes,. that you find verfe t. Ottt of the mouths of Babes mtd SucklinJs hafl thou orda111ed jlrength, becau(e of thine E11emies, that thots mighti!fl fhlt the Ene• my mzd the Avenger. He took up that Babe and Suckling Chrifi , and the Apoflles after him, (who were once all but Babos and Sucklings,) and by them dtd thll the Enemy and Avenger. There are Enemies under his feer. The fecond thing the Pfalmifl aime~h at, is to let forth his Dominion over all things elfe; Tho11 hajl made hu!' (faahhe) to havedomittimt over the works of thy hands; and then cometh m that general, 'l'hou ha(/ pttt altthiugs undrr hisfeet, So that Alt tmder hts feet mcludcth, both a fubjedion of Saints and Angels · Friends and Subjech, and deftroying of Enemies too. ' Bur, how will you anfwer the former R.eafons, and reconcile the difference? I lhall firfi reconcile it, and then in a word or two anfwer the R.eafons that were given. Firfi to recdnctle it. I~ is manifefl that there is a twofold Subjection noted our by being under Chn!\'~ feet. The (?hrafe implieth a double kind of Subjection, whereof both are, bemg under ~is teet. The firfi is, Being under him in a way of dillance, as Creatures, he bemg the Son of God and the Creator; a bewg under his feet ro give