Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

An Expo(ition of the Epiple ~ give honour unto him. Secondly, There is ab~ingunder his feet to be defiroyed, Sermon to be ruined, to be trodden upon, to be trampled on. You know the very phrafe XXXIV. (as I opened it beferel noted out all S~bjeelion whatfoever, and it noted out ~ alfo triumph over our Enemies, Now then the phrafe here is largeiy taken for it is taken both to exprefs the Sovereignty of Chri!l, his Church is wholly u~der his feet ; there is a kind of fubjedion they have, and they are fubjeel according to their kind, if they be Fnends and good Subjeds 1 (as his Church is,) then they arc under his feet, as Creatures, to worlhip him. If they be Devils and E– nemies, they are under his feet according to their kind, to be de!lroyed, and to be ruined. To confirm this, you !hall obferve, That it is a different phrafe to fay, thryar~ madt his Footflool, and to 6t under hisfeet. Jn P[at. 11 0. when he fpeaks of Enemies, then he faith, Sit thouonmyrighthalldtitl I make thine Enemiu thy footflool; that is, to tread upon, as a man doth upon his Foot!lool; but it is one thing to be made a Foot!lool to Chri!l, that is proper to Enemies, and to be under hi~ feet. They that are a Foot!lool to him, and they that are under his feer they are all under him, buthisEnemiesarefounderhim, as they are his Foot~ !loo!; but the re!\ are under his feet too, but it is in refped of fubjedion. Now tl\en the reconciliation being made, for an Anfwer to the former Reafon. The R.eafon lieth in this: Say they, The Apo!lle's fcope is to thew the dignity of the Church, that the Church is his Body, therefore not under his feet. Here lies one of the Reafons. But, my Brethren, although the Church may be under his feet in way of fubjedion to her Sovereign Lord, yet.lhe may be his Body likewife: For, as a Queen bath a double relation to her husband; one as he is a King, and fo the is fubjed; if the ask any thing at his hands the koeeleth dowa as well as the meane!l fubjcd, theis ar his feet prefenrly ; yet for all that the is flelh of his flelh, the is bis Queen, the is his Wife notwith!landing, and her being his Wife hindreth not her being a Subjed. You have it in Pjal.4'i· applied to the Church, At his right ha11d(faith he) i< tht 0i_u11; yet faith God to her, He ir thy God, worjbip thou him. She is at his Right hand, lhe is advanced as a Q!!een; yet the is to know her di!lance, the is to be fubjed, for all that the fit– teth together with him in the Heavenly places; yet the mu!t worlhip him, the mu!t be at his feet, If ir be urg~d, That to thew the Churches dignity, the is faid to be Chri!l's . Body, and therefore not at his feet, I fay, it followeth not, for as the one is put to thew forth her dignity, fo the other is put to fl1cw forth Chri!l's dignity. Her dignity is fet forth by what the is advanced to, thatlhe is his Body ; but her.dig– nity mull nor impair his, the mull know her di!lonce , for all this fl1e is under his feet. Even as Chri!l's fatisfadion fwalloweth not up Free grace : fo the dignity of the Church, fitting together with Chri!l, fwalloweth not up that exaltation of Chri!l over her, the is under his feet notwith!landing, Yea, My Brethren, I may fay even as A6igail faid unto 'Da'1Jid,r Sam.2.).41· when he fenr to take her to him to wife, Tell him (faith the) I am his Servant to w ajh his fut. So may the Church fay, She is a Q!!een indeed, and the is his body, . but the is a Servant, the is his Subjed, the is under his feet for all that. · Yea, It was necelfary to exprefs her fubjedion as well as her dignity; for whence is her dignity, but from his Free grace ; therefore to exalt that Free grace, was herfubjedion robe intimated. She is laid thus low, the is Ullder his feet · but then Chri!l takes her off the dull, fetteth her at his own right hand, mak~s her his Q!!een, this fets off the other, makes the Grace of Chri!l the more glorious ; therefore the Apo!lle, Eph. 1.. when he faith, We "!"' fot tog:· ther with Chrifi, he addeth, l{y Graceyeare Jave_d; . for your place ts under hts feet faith he, however vou are called up to fir at hts nght hand. S~ much for the Anfwering that Que!lion, I had another, which I cannot now handle. I will but make an Obfervation or two, and fo I will end. The Fir!\ is this; Are you all under his feet, my Brethren ? then le~rn to wor– lhip him; He is the Lord thy God, wor{hip •hou h1111. How ts worlhtp expre!l? Fall