to the-E PH ES.IAN S. Fnlldow11at bisfeet. In Revel. )· the,Etdersare there faid to car! dowlt their~ Crowns, and to fall at his fe,et; And Pfalm 99· ) . ( WlJich Is a PCalm of Scrmo1l the Kingdom of Chrifr,) Exalt him (faith hc 1 ) worjh1p at hiS foot-~ jlool. . . . . . Not only the excellency of Ius Perfon caHeth for this, L•t att the Angels of Godw~r/bip him; but confider with thy felt; it is_nccelfary for thee. Thou mull: either be under his fee t,as an Enemy to be trodden upon,to be deflroyed;or under his feet in way of fub)edion, to wodhip him; and to wodhip him purely too, according to his Law, (therefore look t<: It, that you do what you do according to Law.) Choofe now, either tobe fubJed to Jum ••.a Fnend, to worflup him according to h1s Law, or to be deflroyed, to be trodden under his feet as Ene– mies. A Second Obfervation is this; Att thi11gs are :mder his feet, He is your Sovereign, you are in the lowefl:fubjedion that may be. Is tl~er~ ever a poor Soul a Suitor to !urn for Grace? Wilt thou know how to obtain 1t? Acknow– ledge his Sovereignty, lay thy felf at his feet, aclmowledge as a Creature thou art fubjeCl: to him, he may do With thee what he Will. And as thou art a Smner, fay, Thou maifi tread upon my neck, thou mnifi crulh me to pieces as an ene– my ; acknowledge, that he bath not power only to crufli thee, but provocation to do it. If you will but la.r your felves thu' at his feet, give up your Souls to him, hewillpardonyou. Youmufldoit, he hath all your lives in his hand, he bath the Keys of Hell and of Death; there is no way but to fubmit, lt is the expreflion ufed Lam.~· 29. Put thy mouth i11 the dt.jl; what is the meaning of that? It is plainly this, (as tlie Scripture ufeth to exprefs it,) Lick the duff of his feet; for it is a Metaphor taken from what they ufed to do when they came _ before their great Kings, They licked the dufi of their feet, and fpake fubmifly asoutof the Earth; fotheydoto the great Turk at this day. DofotoGod, Put thy mouth in the dufi, thou art at his feet, Thirdly, ConGder here, and admire the Grace of Jefus Chrifi to his Church, 'Sinners and Enemies unto him; they are not only at his feet as Creatures, but they are at his feet as Enemies ton, he could crufl1 them and tread upon them, if he would. Chrifi himfelf faid, he was a Worm and iJo Man, God might have trod upon him and quafl1ed him prefemly. To be fure We are fo; Jefus Chrifl: with his Brazen feet, might tread thee in the Wine-prefs of the Wrath of God, and thou art a poor Worm and canfl: make no refifianct, Hath the Lord Jefus Chrifi took thee up to be a Member of him, to be part of his Body l Confider what a Grace this is, that that Church in the next words lhould be called his Bo– dy, which in the former is reckoned up among thofe that are under his feet; herein is the Grace of Jcfus Chrifl. In that fecond of the He6rews, where it is fa id, All thil(r?;s rire tmder his feet, and he himfelf iscrownedwith glory a11d ho1tot1r; it followeth prcfemly, He is not ajhamed to call them Brethren. 0, let us remember our Original; Arc we married to Jefus Chrifl? Remember whence thou art taken ; As llrm– llah faith I Sam. 2. 8. He raifeth ttp the Poor Ot<t of the dufl, he !Jjteth up the .Beggar from the dtmghil, to ftt them among Pri11ces, mzd to make them inhtrit the.Thro"e of glory•. This Chrifi hath done forthee; thou wert in the Dung– hill, in Hell, he bath raifed thee up to be his Body, to fit with him in the Hea• venly places. I will give you the Reafon, why Jefus Chrifl makes his Wife and his Spoufe of thofe that are under his feet. It is the greatefl reafon in the World. What is the Reafon that Kings will not marry fo low , they affect to marry Kings Daughters; but yet great, abfolute Monarch will not do fo. Go among the Tterks and Per/ians,read the Book of Eflher, they never offeCl:ed to marry Kings Daughters; Why ? Becaufe they wotild acknowledge none greater than them– felves, therefore they would marry Slaves, fu ch as were under their feet: fo Turks .do at this day, it is to !hew their greatnefs. It is all oc.e to them to dwofe a Kmgs Daughter, or a Slave; for they acknowledge themfelves lo hi15h, that no Kwg elfe could come up to them. So