An Expoftti~n of the Epiftle ~ So it is with Jef:M Chrifl ; he is fo high inDignity, that no worth can commend Strmon any Creature to him, therefore he takes thofe that are under his feet, poor XXXIV. Sinners, (upon whom he can tread as upon thofe in Hell, it is all one to do it,) ~ and he can love them as heartily and as familiarly , make them his Qgeen, fet them at his own right hand. Therefore be not difcouraged, though you be laid never fo loW at his feet in the fenfe of your own vilenefs, for it is all one to Jefus Chrilt The truth is, He bath none elfe to marry, but thofe that are under his feet; he mufi have no wife, if he have not tbofe that are perfed- Slaves : yea,if he will have the Sons of Men,he mull have Enemies upon whom he might tread, and trample under his feet. So much for that Third Obfervation• • SE R-