An Expofttion ofthe Epiff!e ~Body of Chrifr in particular as well as the whole Church_ is a Body to him in the Srrmon general. This isthe fcope of"that place_. .Therefore fatth he , you may apply XXXV. all that I have fatd of the Body of ChnO: mgeneral to your own, you are the ~Bodyof Cht~O: and Members in .particular though you ate not the whole Body of C.hnO:, thatts, "the Church t!mverfal. N6w, You fee that in refpeCI: of the Univerfal Chur~h a particular Churchof Corinth is faid to be a Body to ChriO:. I will give you a place that faith it is his whole Body, as it is a part in refpectof the Church Univerfal, fo it is within it felf an intire whole Body. The place is J Cor. •4· :> ~· If therefore the who/~ Cht1rcb become together intofome place; mark it, the place is exprcfs. As this Church of Comzthwas but a part of the Univerfal (;hutch ytt within 1t felf. ( as he faith J Cor.)· 'Do 11otjudgethem withinyour ]elves,) it was a whole Church; If the wholt Church be come together i11 one place; l'he Church of Cori11th was not the whole Church of Jefus Chrifl in Heaven and in Earth, neither can the whole Church of God (take it fo,) meet together in one place, yet he calleth it ,you fee a who~eChurch, If the whole Church come together into. fome place, td "that end to edifie one another, as the fcope of the place ts. thts Church of C 0• ritzth therefore was as truly a Body to Jefus ChriO: and a whole body to him as thi: Church Univerfal was the whole Body, and had all the priviledges of the Body. · As for Example, to exemplifie it unto you. Tn your City you havemany feve– ral Companies, as Mercers, f§c. All thefe Companies they are feveral bodies,yct they are all parts of the City, they are Companies in particular if you compare them to the whole, yet they are intire and difiinCI: companiesamongO: themfelves, fo is it here of particular Churches. And my Brethren, that JOU may fee what the limits of this whole Church of Corinth was, I,\' hat the bounds, the Terrier.r of this wholo Cnurch );Vas ; Itis of nombrethen~ouldmeettogether in fome place. If the whole Church ( faith he,) ill colnt together into fome place. Some fay that the meaning ofthis ;., .,a.:~ that it is ohly this that they came together to one purpofe in unity. But it is clear by cotnp~ring other Scriptures that it is a diflinct thing from meeting in unity, it is meeting in one place, as Atls 2 , r. They were afJ with one accord (there i~ their un .ty,) in oneplace. Fl.ere are the Terriers of this Church, There is a place in J Cor. I I . 20. Whm) 'OU comttogtther itJ o11eplace, ;,; •' .;.,;, fa ith he. I will tell you how they anfwer this. Say they, there might be many Churches in Cori?Jth, and yet it may be truly faid when you come together into oneplace ; as if you lhould fpeak to all the Churches in London, Whm you come together i11to Oil( place, taking it in a diflributive fenfe. Butcome to this place t (or. 14. 2 ~· If the wholeCht;rch becomttogether i11to(omeplace; that cannot be in parts, it is a contradiction to fay that the whole Church fhould meet toge· ther in one place and yet meet in feveral Congregations, for if the whole meet and meet tt!gether, they do not meet in parts certainly. . Now, My Brethren, this is a particular Church, and let me add this, you fee here is but one Church at Corinth, and there was another Church not far off from Corinth, not two miles that was a diO:inCl: Church too, a whole Body to Chrifi as Coriuthhere was. Rom. r6. r. I commmdu11to,·ou Phebe our Stfltr which iJ a fervant of the Church which i< ill Cmchrea. Where do you think llood this fame Cmchrea? It was lituated by the Water, as near as Ratcliffe is tO Lo11don, fo near it was to Cori11th, (as Strabo in his I 8th. Book fheweth,) thcfe were two diO:inCI: particular Churches; That Church of Cori11th was a whole Church, Af mmzy M mtt ;,, ottt plac( ; That Church of Cmchrra was a whole Church too though it was fo near it, for Cmcbrea was toCori11rhas Leith is to Edmb11rghin Scotland, aHaven Town. t will give ybu another inO:ance of a particular Church that met only in one place for their publick Ordinances , and it is the greatefi infiance of the biggeO: Church that ever was in the World, for it was the firfi Church. I do it to ex· phi11 toyou the dilfer~nce of an Uhiverfa Church and a particular; Church, and to fhcw you wlnt the b~~Uods of it is. My Brethren, the Church of Jm!fa!em, (of