Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

to theE PHES1AN S. 479 !hall fee how he cloth ufurp and arrogate to himfelf all that is attributed to Chrifl: ~ h:re in this Chapter, t hat you may Jee that he bath the full and compleat Char~- _Snm'!(/ (}er of that great A1111chnjl upon him. . XXX • When 1 fer out Chn{/ unto you, I told you his Exaltation lay in this, He was~ advanced at God's righi h,md above alt Pn11op.zltty rmdPower; that all thi11gs are 1111 der his fert ; that he is a Head to the Church, C!ic. Now do but compare Chrif/ and AliiJchn/1 t6get,Jer. Firll Doth }ejus Clmfl fit in Heaven, which is the Holy of holie{/,the Temple of Gol, and the inward part ot it? Look in 2 Thej[. 2. 4 and you Oull find that he is the A11tichnjl thatjits m the Temple of God, the whole Temple of God on Earth, (for fo the Pope challengeth to do,) and if he could he would lit in Hea– ven it felf; he would (as his Predece!for,the Kmg of B ,Jbe!,did) make hts Thro11e above the Stars, if he could; but he cannot come to Heaven. However he litteth in heavm here below, he arrogatetll to himfelf all Power in the Church of God. Secondly, Doth .7rfus Chrif/lit at God's right ha11d in his Temple, above all Pri11Ctfalttits a11dPowers 1 So cloth this Antichrifl, he ex,;/teth himfelf a– bove all that is calledgods; above all Kmgs and Emperours, be they what they will. Thirdly, Hath Jefm Chrifl this world, and the world to come to rule in? Lo, (we will follow the Pope flill,) he arrogateth to Rule all in this World; for he faith, Alt the Kingdoms of the World are given to him, mid he is to dtfpofe of the Crown o( them ;,. orda to the Church. And (which never any Monarch ever did afore him) he arrogateth power in the world to come, jufl: as Jefus Chrifl:; and he and hi5 Divines have fancied to themfelves a World to come for him to have the Keys ot; t hat is, Purgatory, which Mens Souls go to when they are dead. He putteth down all the Monarchs in the World; they rule men, but men here below, they never followed mens Souls into the World to come; the Pope pro– felfeth apowerrhere. Nay, they have faid,thry Cll/1 command Angels,and fame– times thry have let mm otlt of fieit. Fourthly,Hath .'fe}tM Chr~jl all tmder hisfett? Go to Rcme,there is no Prince in Europe, none of the Roman Emperours required, that Mtn jhould fall down mtd kifs theirjut; but yet this fubjedion cloth the Pope require above all Prin– ces elfe. It is a fl:range thing, that he of all others fl1ould arrogate this, which was proper to the Kings of the Eafl; none of the Emperours or Kings of E11rope require this of their Subjeds,they kneel to them, but never fall down to kifs their feet ; this is the lowef\ fubjedion, and this the Pope requireth. Nay, Doth .ftfus Chrtjl (et hisfeett~pot~ his E11emies? Doth he make them his footjloo/1 You know the fl:ory of a Pope that did it to Frederick the Em• perour, whom he caufed to lie down on the ground, and fet his feet upon his neck, and blafphemoufly ufed that palfage in the P(alm, which is meant of Chrifl:, Calcabis jttptr ajpidem~draconem, ~c. Thotl /halt tread upo11 the 'Dragon and the Serpmt,andevery thing that hurts thu. And Lafrly, that nothing may be wanting, There is but one Prerogative of Chri!l's left, He is ovfr all a head to the Chttrch. This title cloth the Pope arrogate to himfclf too. My Brethren, I will fay but one thing to you as they faid to Chrifl:, that were fent to .!mow whether he Was the Me!Jiah; Art thou he thatjhottld come, or do we look for another? Sn, is this he, or do we look for another Antichrifl? For my particular, I look for no other. SE R- •