tothe E P H E S I ANS. T hirdly, Go to his PridUy Office, and his Headi11ip imyorteth that too. There~ ·are two parts of his Prieilly Office. There ts firll,_ OJ!t~mg of Sdcnfct; .Se- .Strmolt condly thereis/1Jttrct.ffi'on,~pleadmgof tha.t Sacnhceb_elore God for us . And XXXVI. of the ;wo IuteYcejJioll is th7 moll eminent part of the Priellhood of Chnil, for VVV that part of his Prieilly Office was refembled by Me!cbtjtdt_ch, who (we never read) off~red Sac6fic.e, but he blelfed .A6raham, as Chrtj/ cloth us from Heaven; and now iiJ!ercedeth for us. . . . . . . . . . . . Nowbtttrceftion is noved out by Headllup, for lt IS natural to the Head to fpe~k for .the Members, the Tongue fpeaks, if lpeaking will prevent a_ny clan: ger; tbe Head takes care o.f the Members by IntercefltoQ ~nd by pleadmg. It note'th out therefore hts Pncilly Office; and that With an emmency, and by ape- ~~ . . . . . . ' .. . I might lhew l(kewtfe, ho~ 1~ no.teth out hts bemg God and Ma11: but I would fimlh the Chapter at tht• ttme1, therefore I mutt cut off many thmgs. Only there is this Q\tellion, which I know not well how to paiS I find - it not llarted by Interpreters upon the place, but I .find it fiarted by fome Di– vines, jn other Difcourfes of theirs, :ind it is this: When it was that Chrill be: gan tp l;Je Head of bis Church! Say they, it was theri wl,en he did afcend,and the Te~t(fay ther) is clear for it; For havingratfed bim from the dead, btgave him to 6e a Head over qll thilzgs to his Church, wheri he had firll: Jet him at hM ow11 right /;mu/ i1t the Heavenly plaas. To Calve this doubt in a word or two. . . , . .- .. . In tl}e firfi place, Head/hip is taken either. la.rgeily for one that reprefeilteth another,wP,o is aComii).Oil perfon for others.The Head you know llandeth for tfie whole Body, therefore you give the-name of the whole man to the Head, it is fo in all L~oguages. In LatinCaput is put for the whole Perfon, fo likewife in Gree!r,the word"'~"'~ is put for the whole Perfon : fo .'left<! Chrifl being the Head; is ~yt for the whole Body, as. 1 Cor. 12.12. And a-s you fee oftentimes in Princes Com. Now then take Chnfi as he 1S a Common perfon , a Pcrfon reprefenta– tive, fo he was a Head before his Incarnation, In Eledion we were all chofen in him as in a common Perfon, fianding for us, and undertaking for us, as l fhewed when I opened thofe words [Choje11 ;, him, J And fo likewife he was a common Perfon when he was upon Earth, and every adion of his was Capita-l; as the Schoolmen fay, every Grace of his was Gratia Capitis. Now as Head– jhip is taken thus fdr ~ common Perfori reprefenting another, fo l fay ChriO: was a Head before his Incarnatioq, and fo he was a Head while he was upori Earth, ~ _ But then Secondly, Htadjbip imp:orteth ari influence intoMembors, and that influence is either Vittual or Attual, as l may fo diilinguilh. It is Virtual,_A$ before Chrill was Incarnate; yet the virtue of his being God-Mari, and a Head t9hisChurch, wasitthatfiJiedalltheSaintstheiJ as well as now, Therefore; as h.e was a Lam6 jlai11 from the hgin11ingof the world, that is, he was con~ fidered as fuch, fo he was aHead from the beginning of the World, from .Adam's Fall. Bu~ then there is ali .Adualinftut~Jte, whereby the Godhead dwelling iri the. Manhood, cloth adually fill all things through his Manhood, as the Inllrument of it ; and fo he began to fill all things when he afcerided, for then the Humane Nature was enlarged, to take intd his care every Member of his Cliu'rch, and to fend Commiffion that this Soul thould be filled with this good thought ; and that Soul with this; which wa, not before, And fo i have cleared that thing. Now this limilitude·of a: Head importeth riiaiiy things, but i will keep to what the Text faith. There areTwo things imported ln the Text, whereby ihe Headjhip of Chrill is teprefented to us. · . Firll:, He is faid to be a Head in refpect of Emineri'cy; and that is plain in the Text, He gave him to 6e_a Headover a!!; Sel!ondlyJ