Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

to theE P H E S I AN S. Secondly, this word [All,) importeth all forts of Saints, that both .'1•w and~-.. Gmti!e, R.ich and Poor, Men and Women /hall all be filled. Thus you &rmo/J find the word All ill a!J ufed, Co!o(ftans 3· 11. Tberr zs nntber Greek 11or XXXV. Jew. Circumcijio11 ~tor 'ullcircttmcijioiJ, Barbarian, Scytbiau, Bondor Free,but ~ Cbnfl is at!, 1l1Jd ill alltheje. Then Thirdly, He filleth all, that is, all the powers and faculries,both ofBody and Soul that is in every one of thefe Members. Thou hall an Underllandmg, a Memo;y, a Will, a Fancy, thou hall outward Senfes, thou haft a Body, Jefus Chrill will fill every one of thefe top fulL He will empty thee of every one of thine own thoughts afore he bath done. He will' fill_ thine Underllanding with none but his own thoughts, to!' full, tho~_lhalt thtnk no thoughts but what Chrill himfelf thinketh. He w11l fill thy Will , thou lhalt have no defires, no affeCtions, but what Jefus Chrill bath ; He will fill thee with all his own joy,with all his own delights, with all the pleafures himfelf bath at God's right hand. I tell you my Brethffn, he will urn~man's felf out of dares and fill a man's ~elf with himfelf, thatas the Iron that IS red hot, all the Pores of 1t arc filled wnh heat, there is nothing but Iron and Fire, fo at lafi there will be nothing but Je– fus Chrill and the Man, As the Cloud filleth the Temple, fo will he fill your Bodies and make them Temples of the Holy Ghofi, he will glorifie you with the fame glory that he himfelf bath, he will fill all parts in a Man at Iaft. Secondly, He will fill all in all. I have /hewed you what All is to be filled, Now then what is the All with which he will fill Alt 1 He will fill you with all forts of graces, he will fill the whole with all forts of gifts, fo the word is taken, I Cor, 12. 6. God workttb (faith he,) aft in all; It is not that every one bath all gifts, but take the whole Body, and amongfi them they have all; He work• eth in the eye and filleth that, and he filleth the hand as a hand according to the ufe of every part. So that put all together and he is all in all, and fo in this life and in the World to come it is faid, God wilt 6e alt i11 all, I [or. 1)· So much now for that head likewife, He filttth at! i11 all; And fo now I have done with Chrill's part, wherein he is faid to be a head over all, filling a!t i11 atl. Now then will you come to the Churches relation, The Chllrch (faith he,) wbicb is bis Body tbefu!nefs of him thatfi!lttba!t in all, You fee that in Je– fus Chrill's relation there were two things. There was fir!t his head/hip. There was fecondly his Office, jilli1tg a!! i11 all. Now if you come to the Churches re– lation lhe bath fomething to anfwer both. Anfwerable to his head/hip, lhe is called his Body, [which is his Body,) anfwerable to his filling all in alllhe is cal– led his fulnefs. In my lall difcourfe I handled what was meant by the word Church; There was a necelflty that lay upon me to open that dillinCtion of Church , Univerfal andParticular.I gave you two cautions about two Errors concerning each of thefe, both toward the Church Univerfal and toward Particul~r Churches. Concerning which I mull neceffarily fay fomething to take away fame millakes and mifap– prehenfions of my meaning, for I walk by this rule to give no offence to Jew or Gmtil, or to the Churches of God as the Apoflle fpeaks. The Firll Error, I told you was of the Vonatifls of Old who denied the Church Catholick, and refirained it to one part of the World; and yet the im– putation of this Error lieth upon thofe who you call Brownifls to this day; This I cleared them from, and it is as great a clearing as can be. The fecond Error was ofthofe whom hold particular Churches, ( thofe you call Parifh Churches,) to be no·true Churches of Ch<ifi, aod their Minifiors to be no true Mini!lers, and upon that ground forbear all Church Communion with them in hearing or in any other Ordinance. And as I acquitted thefe from that other Error, fo I acquitted my felf from this, and my BrethrcR in the Mini(\ry. I would not now have tC4Jched upon it again, but as I faid, to clear ( not my felf fo much, ) as fome mifiakes about it. The