Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

to the E P H E S I A N S. In this cafe, men are not to be wrougtJt off by fallhoods, God hat,, no need of~ them. No, rather till men do take ml1ght, you fl1ould g•ve them all that IS J'nmo11 comfortable in the condition they arem; we fhould acknowledge every good XXXVI. thing in every man, in every Church, m every thmg, and th>t IS a way to work~ u on men and to prevail with them; as It IS Phti. verf.6. That the commwucatfo11 of thj fi 1 ith, ?JJtJ.Y, become effeC!t<a£ b.J. the ackltawiedgmmt of every good thing which ts ill)'Ott "' Chrt{l.7efus. It IS that which bwldeth men up, by acknowiedgment of every good thing that is in them. . . . Laflly the lafl inconvemence 1s this, It doth depnve men of all thofe gifts that are found amongfl our Minifler~, and in this Kingdom,. that they ~annot hold any communion or fcllowfl11p with them. So that I profcfs my felt as zealous in this point, as in any other I know; And for my part thi~ I fay,and I fay it with much integrity, I never yet rook up Religion by Parties, m the lump; I have found by trial of thing•, that there IS fome truth on all fides, I have found Ho– Jioefs where you would little think it, and fo likewife Tnah; and I have learn– ed this Principle, which I_ hope I fhall never lay down till I am [wallowed up of Immortality, and that IS that which I fa1d before, To ackuowledge every good thing, and hold communion with it,. in Men, in Churches? or whatfoever elfe. I learn this from Pmd, I learn thts from Jefus ChnfllHmfelf, he jifleth all i11 all; he is in the hearts of his People, and filleth them in his Ordinances to this day ; a11d where Jefus Chnfl fillettl, why fhould we deny an acknowledg· ment, and a right hand of fellowfhip and communion! . My Brethren, This Rule that I have now mentioned, (wluch I profefs I have lived by, and fl~all do while I hve,) I know I /hall never pleafe men m it. Why? It is plain, For this is the nature and condition of all Mankind; if a man di!fents from others in one thing, he lofeth them in all the refl; and there– fore if a man do take what is good of all fides, he is apt to lofe them all, but he pleafeth Chrifl by it, and fo I will for this particular, I come now to, And his bod)•, a11d his'fitlnefi. Firfl, It is faid to be his Body. Secondly, It is faid to be his FultJefr. I fhall fpeak to both, Our Saviour Chrifl's Body, is either taken for his Natural body, which he weareth in Heaven now, and was laid in the Grave: Or, it is taken for his Myfli– cal body, namely his Saints. Concerning this diCl:inCl:ion I will add but this, That what Chrifl did to his Natural body, that he doth to his Myflical body, to conform them to him. Again, for a Second difiinCl:ion , Our Lord and Saviour Chrifl hath a Sacra– mental body. SaiththeApoflle, I Cor.u. 24. [peaking of the Bread, This f& my flody, which was 6rokfn foryou. And he bath a Miniflerial body, which is an Affembly of his Children incorporated to enjol Ordinances, I Cor. I o. 17. Speaking of the Church of Corimh, Tou (faith he) are one bread, andolle body ; for we are aftpartakers of that one bread. This is a Miniflerial body to Chrit1.– As he hath an Univerfal Church, a Myflical body, whereof only his Saints are Members, fo he bath a Miniflerial body, whieh is his Ordinance, whicn are · Saints incorporated and made one, either really or verbally; really, by eating that Onr bread, as the Apoflle faith. Now toleavethefediflinCl:ions; bnly I will give you one Obfcrvation upon ~he lafl diflinCl:io~, a_s I did upon the f~rmer•.. Th~reis a Sacramental body, that IS, the Bread wh1ch IS brok~n; There IS a M1mflenal body, which is, the Ordi– nance of Church Fellowl111p. Here you fee the fame thing fa id of Saints, that is faid of the Sacrament. ft is faid of the Saints, Which are his body; there is no more fa~d of the Bread in the Sacrament, which is his body; yet the Pope and the P apifls give more reverence to the Sacramemal Bread, (and that Bread they fay, becaufe it bath the appellation of Body, mufl needs be tranfubflanti– ated,) to the Sacramental body of Chrifl, than they do to the Myflical.body. As of Old It was an Argument ufed long before the Reformation in Englmtd, they do give more reverence to Images of Chrifl, than theY. do to the Image of Chnllm Mens hearts, than he doth to Saints: fo now they give more reverence to the Sacramental body of Chrifl, (and both thefe Errours are correfpondent and