To the Reader. THat I might not he wanting to your SatufaElion, I haw here added fame Sermons of the Author, preached on feveral Occa– jiollS, I have chafe them, rather thm1 other ofhis Treatifes, becaufe more COl!!, Weal to the foregoillf, Parts of the 'Book. ; the firft four e[pecially had a right to their Place in it, bein:; Sermons 011 fame Verfes of the fecoml, thu·d, and fifth (hapters of the Ephe– fians. They do not indeed compleat the Expojiti011 ofit : Nor were they deftgned fo hy the .Author, 1vhopt~rfued the Expojition in his LeElureSermons, which you had before; but being called from it by Providence, he Jlopt at the 1 1 th Verfe of t/,~ fecond Cl>apter, a11d never proceeded further a{tenvards. 'But thefe Sermons that follow 1vere preached on other Occa[ions. This I thought necejfary to inform the fiVader, left hejhould thi1li\, tl>at the .AIIthor had gone through the 1vho/e Epi[tle, m1d that havi1!g loft part ofthe Expojition, I had Jet before him the re– maining hroke11 Pieces, but I ca11 ajJim him, that /,ere is all, that ever wM preached by him on that Epiftle. To Jatisfy a1ry one, that u fo cttrious M to enquire~ when the following Ser– tiiOilS were preached, jince the Tttle of tiJem tells him lt IVM onJelieral Occafions. He may !tno1v that the firft of them on Eph. 2. t 4, 1 5, 1 6. wa> preach!d at St. Mary's in Oxford. And wM formerly printed, md m;ry be found added "Very o(tm to his Works publifhed before. 1he other Sermons on Je1>tral Texts of Scripttlre were preached in hisJ'OUJtger 1imcat Cambridge in his LeElure at Trinity (lmrc/,. Thoje two on Col. 1 • 2 6, 2 7. An. 1 62 5. The Jirfi Ser– man 011 Zeph.1. 1, 1., 3· lviUpreached 011a SolenmFafi, 1618: an./ the otl>er in the following coUije of his Leilure. I call this the firft Volumn of bu Works, becaufe he I'M left fewral Treatifes perfeEled, andreac[y for the Prefs, whicl> I intend to publip, in'' fecowl Volum11, M Godfhallgil!e me Opportunity. T. G. A