Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

An Expo[ition of the Epiflie ~Saintsmmes. So Pant was careiul to obferve to do, when he wrote to the Smn. If. Church of Cori111h, afcribing and onlarging that title of [Onr Lord) unto all ~ Saints, as well as to the Churcn of Corimh; as appears exprelly in his fnfcription to that fidt Epifllc to that Church, r tor.1.2. Vmo the Church of God thtlt u at Cori?tth, c,r/ltd to be Saints, with all that i11 every place call 11po11 the 11r1rne of Our Lord: and remarkably adds both theirs -and ours, thus appropriating it co the Saints of Mankind; as he does here [Our Lord]. I further only add, That when I thus term it a proper or more fpecial rela– tion with difference from other the Sons of men, or the Angels; I exemplifie my meaning by the like language, which the great Officers and Favourites of Kings, ufe by way of diflinchon from other Subjects, and glory fo co do. They rejoyce to fly le him, The King, my Majlrr, my Lord. And I humbly fubmit the notion of it, if it appear fingular to others. But I !hall further add two fpecial appropriate Realons, why the Saints do the like of Chri{t. I . His faving and redeeming them from fin and wrath. He is their Saviour; not of the Angels: And To you, fay they, a Saviour is born, Chnflthe Lord; and fo your Lord more peculiarly, becaufe your Saviour, which I infifi not on. 2. Be!ides this obliging interefi of Redemption, proper to the Saints of the Sons of men, whereby he is our Lord, (though as a fecond hand bargain he bought all the World, 2 Pet.2. I,) there is a further more endearing confidera– tion, whereby he is our Lord, even becaufe he is our Huo6mJd, Thy Maker 4 thy HmbmJd, and fo thy Lord; and he is fuch a Husband as did ftrve a fervitude for his Wife, yea and ~ought her thereby of a flnve and captive by the way of redemption, as in verf. 7thof this 1 of Ephefians; and aga·in,) Eph. lj. Evm M Chrzfl u headof thr Ch11rch, a11d Saviour of the body; and 2)· He lovtd his Gr.11rch, andgave himftif for her: . Thefe things cannot be fpoken of Angels, AQ!Jeen, the wife or fpoufe of a great King, when fhe mentions her relation to him, and fays []Jy Lord,] or calls him [her Lord,] Jhe fpeaks it in that fenfe, wherein none of her Maids of Honour, or Courtiers about her, dare, or mufi t<1ke on them, though he be in other refpects their Lord alfo. For he is!her Lord M he is her Husband , and not only M Ki11g; and fo !he import~, I amm1 Btloveds,a11dmy Beloved is mi11e, whilft !he only calls himMy Lord. Sarah, you know, caU'd Abraham (as her husband,) Lord; which is applied to Chrif:t and the Church, Eph.5 .2'2, H• Wivtt, Jitbmit yo11rfdves tmto your ow11 h,ubands, M tmto the Lord: for the HMbatJd is the head of the wife, even as Chrijl is the head of the Church, and he is the Savio11r of the body. And (n this co11juga! refpect it is-that God the Father teacheth the Church to call Chrifi her L ord; P(at. 45; 11. Ht is thy Lord, wor(bip thou him: fo jba/1 the Kiltg greatly delight i11 ti!JbtaUIJ. He fpeaks it of his conjugal relation, as that -palfage, 'De!ightil;g ill her btaul)', argues. Now as 'tis faid of Chrifis So11jb1p, To <::hiehof a!/ the A11gtls did hr fay, Thou art my So11, tbis day have I begot– tm thee, though they are Sons of God alfo, and he their Father? So fay I of this Lordjhip, To Which of all the A11grls did he ever fay, Chrifl is thy Lord, that .is, thy Hmbm1d: he jba/1g~eat!y delight i11 thy beauty; as an Husband in his Spoufe? Though they are theVirgitJs that do attend her : yet that relation is referve~ proper betweenChrif:t am;! us. So though he be an head to Angels, Co!.l.IO,Il. yetihaproperandapeculiarmanner an Head tohis Church, the Saints: So in the 22th oJ this 1 Eph. The Father hath givm hJrflto be a/1 Head 0 vtr all to his Ch11rch, (even over ali pri>tcipa!ities and powers, verfe 2 1 .) and therefore in fuch apeculiar manner an Head to them, as he is not to aH or any elfe. He being faid to be over all{bi>tgs e!fe-.rhen, when withal his relatioQ of head01ip to her is fpoken of: And fo it is in tl1is. ,For the fecond, I mufl now !hew you, that this peculiar relatio11 of his being our Lord in this near and endearing fenfe, is,the jotmd,rtiOirof God's brittg our 'God, aud fmr Father; even becaufc he is the God and Father of Chrift, who is ,thi' our Lord and Husband. . · 1. The z,, Tbat jo it is,that theformdatiou of thr(e Re!atio11s of God 1111t~ uJ, .are /,lid ill thele fame !ike·ret,lfious of ours u11toChrifl, ( befides what by indu– ctwn m•ght be 01cwn,to holdofall other titles or priviledges communicated to us, how