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AN . EXPOsitioN :. - _.) on theSecondChapter ofthe E P IS T _L-E EPHESIANS: SERMON I.' Ephef. 2. verf. i, 2, 3-, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ro. 1. Andyo11 hath he quic/,sned, who wer~ dedd in treffiaf{es altdj/ns, 2. Wherein in time paft ye wali{gd according to the courfe ofthis World, according t4 the 'Prince ofthe power ofthe Air, the f}irit tbat now wori{glh in the children of di{obedience. 3· Amo11g whom al[o we all hado11r converfation in time pafl, in the lufls of our jlejh, fiiljilling the dejres of the jlejh, and if the mind; and were hy nature the chil– drm ofwrath, even tH others. 4- But ~od who is rich tn merry, for his great Love wherewith he loved 11! 1 · ;. Even whin we were dead in fins, bath quick_ned"' togeiher with Chrifl, (bygrace ;e arefaved) , • · 6. And hath raifed rn up together; and made rn fit together in heaven!; places in Chrifl Jefrn. . 7. That inAget to come he might fhcw ihe exceeding riches of his Grace, in his hind~ nefi towardt ll!,through Jejw Chrifl. · . . , . 8. For byGrace ye are faved, thrtntf!,h Faith; 11nd that not of;our[elves: it is the giftofGod: 9· Not ofWorkJ, ldl any man jhould hoaft : . . • Io. For we are his_work_manjhip, created in Chrijl Jrfrn 11nto good r.or/;f; whkh God IMth. before ordaimd, that we /bou!d wal/zin them. E fir{( feven, or,ifyou will, ten Verfesofthis Chapter; are woven fo into one piece, with what went before in the preceding Chapter, that to begin with any divifion of the Parts of this Chapter, as di– llinB: from the former, were to make that rent worfe, which alrea– dy hath been made for many Ages, in .pitting thefe words from . the matter contained in the latter erid of the fir{( Chapter, viz. in the midll:, ere it came to a full joint, and by too hall:y a making a fccond Chap– ter to begin at thefe worc(s. Let the Reader look back,and take notice,that thefe feven Verfes do continue to make but one entire Sentence, though the large{( in the Bo<;k of God, which began at the r8th or 19th Ve~fes of the fir{( Chapter; and arnve not at any full Period until the 8thVerfe ofthis Chapter. . ~A lq I ~ Serm. r. ~