2 An Expofit/on of the Epijlle ~ ~ In the 19th Verfe of the firfl: Chapter, h,e began to fet out in a wai ofprayin . for them, (ro the end that they ~ight be the more apprehenfive of the grearnefs aq_d necdftty of the t~mg: he uttered) the exceeding greatnef of that Power, which had already begun, and was Of;aged tO perfeCt t~tSalvattpn, which confifl:ed in that Richu,qf G[ory he had m~nuoned m !he Ver(l;s b,efore, even according to the workj"ng oftliat mightj 'Power which be had wro11ght in Chrifl,in raijing him up togW..y: as whom God had fet up a Pattern and Prototype ofwhat was to be done in us and for us, until the fpll aFFompli{lyl)ent of qur Salv~tiqn. From thence there~ fore, that is, from the I'9th Verfc, his drift and fcope was ta make a Par~llel Com– parifon between what was done in Chrifl: our Head, and us his Members, that fo in Chrifl:'s Glory, as in a lively Pattern and Idea already perfeeted and coinpleat– ed, we mighe the betterview what God had and would do for us, and what a great and glorious Salvation was ordained to us, to the praife of his gre~t Power and rich Grace rowa'rds us. Now that firfi piece of the Parallel on Chrifl:'s part, _he bath finiili'd in the ~our !all: Verfes of th~ fir!l: ~hapter, in which he largely fets for~b \he Power whtch \;>egan to fl:tew 1t fel£..m Chri!l:'s Refu.rrettion; and con• tinu;d 'to g1orify it fel~ in.pla~ins him at God'~ right-hal)d, and th€n draws tp the life, that Glory of Chri,!l:, whtch, as ap Head to bts Cburch, God h'l'l befiowed upon-him. Which the Apofile having perfeB:e.d, he proceeds in the firrt f-.ven Verfes ofthis Chapter to finifl:t the Counterpane or fecor;d Draught, the Antitype; whieh anfwercth to thiS Ongmal, that 'Para/let whtch 1s on our part, and which , ~oncernet.h the comple:iting of our Sal_vation, inter~eaving thereinto a magnify-· mg that nch Mercy, great Love, and excecdmg nch Grace of. God manifefl:ed therein; to magnify which (as the conclu!ion in the 7th :Verfe tells us).was God's ttlti_m~1~ df.Gg'h a_n,j_ the Apo(tl;,'s chief l9:'l'~ :t:"qw to d~aw ou_t_the l.?.'l.tticulars wherein thefe two Parallels meet. I. In Chrifl:'s Exaltation, there was_ three things more eminent. 1 .• The termi- · mu a quo, the !l:ate or condition out of which he was raifed ; even from the 4ead, f.1ys the ooth Verfe. 2. T-he terminm ad quew, the oppo!ite fublime fiate of life '\nd glory he advanced him into, railed him, and made him to jit at hi.r right band in the het~venliu. The glor.y_ whereof he lets out m the re!l: of the Chapter, far a– bove Principalities, &c. Shewmg wnhall-how m all tins he was our Head, and fo 'l ~attern to us,_ ver. 2~. ~d ?dly, the AuJho: hereof, God, and the exceeding greatnefs of Ins Power, wh\~h ts fet ou~ by the mfimte d1!l:ance and dtfproportion · of tf1efe two !l:ates. · _, Then, in m and our Salvatio11, which anfwercth this Pattern. There are an· fwerably thr~,e. th\~gs mor;. emi~i;mly fet,out by the Apo~He. in t!\efe firfl: f~ven Verfes. I. Termimu ~ quo, tqe !l:ate. and,condilion. p~ us all by ~ature, which God Ctves and raifes us out of; a ftate of death, both m Sm, and m refpeet of Con– <\.emnation to Wrath and P,uni,{\lment 1 .• ~hc;deplorable and inextricable mifery of which State, he fets out moll: briefly, exaC\ly, .~nd comprehenfivcly. in the three firfi Verfes. . . :i. The Salvation it fdf, and Terminm ad ptem, he raifeth us.up unto out of this condition: which.he lets forth in all the eminent parrs mid degrees thereof, ill three works anf\vering to thole wrought in Chrifl: our Pattern ; he q•ick,ens, raifcth, and cau[eth 111 toftuogether in Cbrijl in heavenly places; which fummarily comprehends the whole of our'Salvation firfl: and lafl:; and all exprefi in the very fame word& he had ufed ofChrifi. This in the fifth and !ixth Verfes, · And' 3flly he lets out the Author ofthis to be God, and God ;tlone, (as in that o.f Chri(l: hehad al!O don.e) and ,in him magnifies, not only the fame exceeding grcatnefs of Power fi1eW':l in this work on us, th~t was fl:tewn in Cbrifl:; which is t~citly impli~d- by the li)i.ei_JeCs oLType a1_1d ,Anutype,; but further, and more e– minently,,his rich Mercy, h~1 greal Love, hts :K,rn_d11ef, and the cxceedmg Rrches of Gr11ce more illufl:riouOy and confptcuouQy fhmmg therem ; and the caufe of all, vcr. S· to {hew.forih the exceeding.Riches of which (as his great defign) wasthe principal and ultimate end ofour great,God, as the 7th Vcrfe (which is the con· clufion of all) tells l1S, that mov~d. him thu~-to cafl: the contrive!llent of bringing us his Sons to Glory, from out offur.\t a peptl!.of.mifery anc! wretchednefs,.rofuhs~ ahn e1g t