Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

to the EPHESIANS, height ofGJ<iry and Ble!fedni::fs qy fuch feveral freps. An~ t~is is t~e more g~n~- ~· raJ fum and coherence of thefe words, and of the Apo(\!e s .cope t erem, w liC 1 ~ more briefly, is, to fer out and gr~aten thefe three thmgs t? us, I. The greatnefs • ofthat Mifery we Jay in. 2. The greatnefs of that Salvauon out .ofrhat M1fery which is ord:iined unto us. 3· The grearnefs ofthat Love, Mercy, Kmdnefs, Grace in God, which ate the caufes of tlm Salvation. . . , . . In this long Difcoutfe,commued through fo many VerlesofthJS and the _former Cbapter, the Apoflle is inforced to make an Hyperbaton, a d1fl:urbcd and diSJOinted order offpeech, wherein one rhmg thrufl:s back another that fho:lld come next; thole things that fhould, acccirdmg to ultJal Law of Speech, follow near one ano– ther, are tranfposd and fer far off; and fo he leaves Sentences unperfe(t, which are a long while afrer made full. For whereas m the I 8th and 19th Verfes ofthat fi fl: Chapter be bad thus begun, That ) 'Oit 1Jiay kpmv what u the exceeding great.nef of his 'P.ower ttf 11<-ward, who believe ~ccording to the wor/,jng of his .mighty Tower, :vlich he wrolfght in Chrijl when he raifed hwt jro111 the dead, md Jet hrm at h" own 1 -;gft-hmd i>t the heavenly places. Accordmg to the ordmary way of Speech, he ihould then have next fubjoined, and you hath he qlfick.,>red, whowert dead i11jlm,CN. ·Before he arrives at this, he firfl: runs out into a large field of difcourfe, fetting' forth the Glory ofChrifl:, ~nd his relation of Headfhip to his Church; and minds not (as it were) what according the LawofSpeech, was next, bu~ when he re– turns ,to his firft defign again, and hegms to bnng ~~: thts other part m thiS fecond Chapter (which immediate!~was to have cohered With the 19th and 2oth Verfes) and ihould make the Reddruon and Parallel compleat, and ;·ott that were dead in Jimand treJPaffes, 'be runs.out again as largely iri _three.verfes, to paint out that wretched condition in all the caufes and effctls ofIt; and to fer out alfo the Grace ofGod, even afore,he adds that Verfe, To" hath he quick_tted, which was to govern and ·complea~ thole words, yprt that were dead, &c. ( f~r the word quic/zned is not in the firfl: Verfe ) Infomuch as when he addeth that m ver. 5, he makes an em– phatical repitition, [~ven :vhen JOlt were dead, hath he quic~md] for a fi1pply.. Yea, and whereas he had m the begmmng of th1s Dlfcourfe ( fo l mufl: call it, rather than one Sentence) fet himfelfto magoifie the exceeding greatne[s ofGod's Power (and that Attribute only) manifefl:ed both in Chrift the Pattern, and the Saivatio·n of us that believe, as the Counterpane, and accordmgly he f11ould (when he came .to this work of God upon us, which anfwereth to that on Chrifl:) in a correfpon-. dency have faid, God that is thus exceeding great in Power, bath in 'like manner out of the like Power qrticlzmd JOlt that were dead, &c. he quite leaves out here the explicit mention of that Attribute, and infl:ead thereof falls to mag~ify the cx1 ceeding riches ofMe'rcy and Love in God; hut God who 1< ri<h ill Mercy, for the g"'at Love, wherewith he loved 11!, even when we were de"d i11 jim,. hath quic/zned 11.1 together with Chrijl: by Grace ye are faved. , And fo again at the 7th Verfe, to foew forth the exceeding riches ofhisGrace (he mentions not Power) &c. Now the reafon of all this long and difl:urb'd way of difcourfing, was, I. Becaufe he was full of matter, and wrapt into things ; tlie holy Ghofl: fill'd and extended his mind to fu·ch a vafl:nefs, he law fo many things at once, and fo far into every thing he was · to fpeak of, all which were neceffary to be taken in to illufl:rate each other, that \Vhere-ever the holy Ghofl: broach'd him, and gave vent to his Spirit, the plenty ofma\ter about that parucular guih'd out abundantly, and pleno gm-gite; and frill new matter coming in, fl:rove to get out before what was next. • And yet, 2dly, he was guided therein to do it, to the fetting out the matter he would fet forth tO' the greater ·advantage (which he preferred to the ordinary Lawi ofSpeech) for hereby you have·as many things as were poffible crowded up into one Period, whereof each was nece!Tary, ferving to fer forth the other, and ~11 the whole 5 and that we alfo might have allthat bel.onged to. any one of thofe Heads to be fpoken of, fer together in one view, to give at once a full profpeCl: of each. Thus' he firfl: po!fe!feth us with that infinite Glory ofour Head, CHRIST, and what belonged to Him, with an intimation ofuniformity and conformity whim; arid then he fets our as largely the fulnefs of Mifery God raifeth us out of into that Glory Wtth Chrifl:; and. then enlargeth upon the Grace and Love in God that ra1fcth us hereto, loading both with rhe richefl: eplthites,&c. All which, when let' together, do mfimtely illufl:rate and fer forth,rhe one tlie other. And, 3dl'y,. that *.A 2 in