to the EPHESIAN S. the other fi1all give thee liberty toSin ; let a holy Ingenuity move thee : It was ~- I. his Death that was the Death of thy Death. ~ Ohferve again, That Dtath only kji!J the S01d: r:he_ Devil himfllf could not kjll Obferv. 2. the So11l, 11othing b11t Sin conld do 1t. All the Devds m Hell could not have taken that Spiritual Life from ~sin .Adam, h~dnot he himfelf laid it down. He might in refpeet of Spiritual L1f~, fay, as Chn~ d1d, No Man taf<ts my Life from me, b11t I lay it down. There 1s no Death but m Sm, and Man finneth not but of himfel£ Tis true, when Men fin, the Devil tempts them; but there is no Death, unle[s Men fin. Nay, my Brethren, the Wrath of God alone could not kill the Soul, if it were not for Sin. The Wrath of Got! feized upon Chrifr he having Si~ laid upon him, ~ut his Soul died ~ot. -Dead in Si'?', faith the Ap~ftle. Nothing mdeed properly kt!!s the Soul. but S1_n, becau{_e notlu~g-do_th utterfy cut off the Soul from God but Sm. And, as I fa1d afore, m Hell1t IS Sm, that is the Pitch in the barrel that makes it burn, it is Sin in the Confcience that makes the Fire, God's Wmh comes upon it, but it is that which burns. Therefore they are calledVejfc!J of Wrath, becaufeVejfc!J of Sin.