Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

to the E P H E S I A N S. but he faith, Dead in SimandTrefpajJes,_ofall Cons. And thetruth is, t[1e wordS~ tranOated TreJPaJJes, it is in its fignificatton oftenttmes ltghter St.ns, Sms of Igno- ~ · ranee, of Infirmity. If a iVLm foUby occ.~lion into a Fault, faun the Apof1:Ic, It is the fame word in Gal. 6. I. from mx..ej. & '?T'f7rm, mamt aberrare, when a Man cloth a thing unawares, cloth it with his hand, and his hand Oippeth. So that it is not only Adam's Sm that ktlls us, (that ts the Obfcrvatton I make) but tt !s every Sin that a Man commttteth, I mean, that ts a natural Man. That a Mans Sin who is in the State of Grace, ts not unto Death, ts by reafon of the Death of Chrifl:, and the Holy-Ghofl: in him, tho in it felf it tendeth unto Death. But every Sin, the leafl: a Man committeth, makes a Man a dead Man in all thole refpech mentioned; it binds him over unto Death, cafl:eth him out of the Fa– vour of God yet more; and not only fo, but it adds a new Power, it makes him the Child of Death more than he was before. And fo I 01all folve that Qgeflion, which neceffarily falleth into the words, (for I 01all flill profefs to handle but what is neceff.1ry to open them ) ; Whether there be degrees of this fpiritual Death, yea; or no? I anfiver, Yes, there are, as there are degrees of Life. Saith Chrifl:, Jolm 10. 10. I came tbat ye 111ight have Life, and have it more ,lbwd,mtly. So tho a Man is born dead, yet he is capable of being dead more abundantly, and that in refpeCl: of the Power of Sin, and that of Death in it. But you will f.1y unto me, (for the privative part,). Death is the privation of' Life, and one Man cannot be laid to be dead more than another? I anfwer : It is true here, in refpeCl: of Life that he bath been deprived of, one Man is as dead as another ; but in refpeCl: ofrailing again unto Life, in order unto that, one Man may in that refpeCl: be more dead than another, (even the privative part of Original Corruption) that is, further off from being raifcd again, that there muft be a greater power to refl:ore that Man than another. As for Ii1ftance, a Man may be kill'd with one W.ound that fl:rikes him to the Heart, or otherwife, and that takes away his Life as much asten thoufand Wounds ; but if you fbould give him fo many Wounds after he was dead, if this Man were to be raifed again,- here was fo much the more Power, he had in this refpeel: fo many Deaths, which the Power of God muft falve, aud cure, and fupply, and over– come, and heal all thefe Wounds, the Ieafl: whereof were mortal. And fo like– wife, as it is in the Body, one Man is not more dead than another, yet in order to raifing again, fuch an one as Lazar111, that had been dead four days, and did ftink in the Grave, it is ( and fo Maartba thought) harder to raife fuch an one : So it is of Men that continue in Sin. And therefore .nqw our Thankfulnefs ihould be the greater, by how much the more we continued longer in Sin, or had our Souls more wounded. Then again, as there are degrees of this Death in refpeCl: of Privation, fo likewife in the pofitive part ; for there is a pofitive part of this Death. You know, it is called, a 'Body of Death, Rom. 7.11lt. Adead Carcafe bath .no Simi– litude to exprels this pofitive part of this Original Sin, as it is a Death : my reafon is this, becaufe there is no aCl:ive living Principle ftill remaining in a dead Carcafe, but there isan aClive living Principle fl:ill remaining in the Soul ; that hves a natural Life ft1ll, only bemg depnved of the Ltfe of God, it pofitively works into all ways of Death and Sin. Now ther;t theJe may be degrees of tillS Death, one Man may fl:tll encreafe the Power of Sin, and he cloth fo by every aCl:ual Sin he commits, a pronenefs to dead Works, fo you know aCl:ual Sins are called, as I opened it before. And- {o much for the fecond Obfer– vation. A third .Oblervation I give, (and I fball but touch it) is this: There is a Obferv. 3 , great deal of difference between a regenerate Man, and an unregenelate, and that in refpeCl: of this expreffion, Dead in Sins and Tre.ffiaffes: Even wheu ye were dead, f.1ith he, v. 5· And ye being dead ill Si11f and TrefpajJes, when fomettme }'e walk.!d in them, faith my Text. So that now to be dead in Sins and Tref pajfos, i~ proper to an unregenerate Man. Bm now take a regenerate Man, and youcannot fay, he is dead in Sins and TrefpajJes; this you may fay indeed that he bath a body of Death in him (who j!MUdeliver me from th;s Body of Dwh?) but the Man IS qu1ckned, he bath Life in him, he bath a !l:ate of life, he is pall: ~ C from