to the E PH E SI AN S, only left ofMan,and that the fancy ofMan, the Sen~tive Soul remains fiill fuch as ~1:' in Beafis,or higher,for it is higher railed in a Man,:ovhtchhath all the Powers ofRea- ~ fon in it fiill. So it is here. Now then walkmg m Sm,follows u~n bemg ahve; for this Soul having all its Inclinations, ail its Defires fbll. ( ~nly tt _ts cut off f~om the Life ofGod and Commumon wtth htm) mufl: hve; m tt felf tt cannot hve, God hath fo ordered the Soul of Man that it fhould not live in it felf, it mufl: live in fomcthing elfe; it is like the Stomach, ifit bath not Meat it dy_e.s, or as Fire, if it bath not Fuel itdyes; m refpectofthewell-bemgoftt: Now thts Soul. that hveth a natural Life, bemg cut off from the Ltfe of God, efl:ranged from tt, tts Acttvtty mufl: work fomewhere, therefore now it falls upon the Pleafures ofSin, and all its Comfort lies in Sin; therefore Ephef 4· 17. We read that the Soul being efl:rangcd from God through the Ignorance that is in them, _they have given themfelves over to l.afcivioufnds, ro work all Uncleannefs wtth Greedmefs. The Soul mufl: have Comfort, therefore having it cot in God, it will run out Come other where. And hence now, they are not only laid to be dead in Sin, but to be alive in Sin too, which is a fl:range Contradiction,but it is not in the fame refpect: They are dead in Sin in refpect ofGod, being cut off from Life i_n him; ~ut they are alive in Sin too, why? Bccaufe all the Comfort of thetr Ltves hes m what comes in by Sin, and by inordinate Affections. Even as it is difiinguilhed by our Saviour Chrifl: Job. 9.40. When he told the 'Pharifees they were blind: fay they, are we bli"d? Blind they were, utterly blind,there was a fight in refpeCl: ofwhich they were ntterly.blind: for the natural Man perceiveth not the things ofGod; yet faith Chrifi, if JOlt did not fee, yrm had no Sin. So you may fay here, they arc dead in refpeCt of God, but ifthey were not alive, they would have no Sin. And therefore as they are dead in Sin, Co they are alive in Sin too ; yea and it is their Life; and the more Life, the more Activity any ones Soul bath, the more finful he is. In that Colojf 3· 7· (The Place I quoted even now) faith he, In which 1e 1valk.§d whilft yo~t lived in them. They are dead in Sin, as here,and they are there fi1id to be alive in Sin too. And you fee likewife that their having Life, and having all the Comfort oftheir Lives lying in finning, and all their Activity running out that way, it is the caufe oftheir walking in Sin, In which ;-e walk.§d. (faith he) whilft ye lived in thm•. The Apofl:le indeed fpeaks Philofophically; as we fay, there is the Operation, and Power from which it flows ; there is AtlM PrinuH, and AtlrHSec11ndtH. So here, the reafon, faith he, why ye walk in Sin, is becaufe you live in Sin : The one is the Caufe, the other is the Effefr. As on the contrary. Why cloth the godly Man walk in the Spirit? Read Gal. 5· 25. 1J1ve live in the Spirit, let rH walk_;, the Spirit. Hence therefore, becaufe whilfl: a wicked Man is dead in Sin in one refpect,he is yet alive in Sin, all his Life, his Comfort (for Life is taken for Comfort,as in Lni{, 12. 16.) lieth in !inning, he is !aid to walk in it. There is only this difference: They need no Exhortation to walk in Sin, but we need Exhortations to walk in the Spirit,though we live in the Spirit :. Why ? Becaufe we are naturally dead in Sin, and we have a Body of Death m us, and we have no more Life, nor Actings of Life then is infufed into us. It 1mporteth then,you fee,a Life; for that the Soul bath, notwithfl:anding it is thus dead ; yea, and a Life in Sin,though it is dead in Sin,becaufe it is cut off from ~he life ofGod: A~1d, !ndeed their being d~ad in ~in~ is the Caufe oftheir living ~n Sm, and thetr hvmg m Sm,or havmg a Ltfe ofSm,ts the caufe of their walking m Sm. Therefore the Apofl:le fitly joyns thefe together, being dead in Sins and TrefpalTes, in which you walked. I will only add this, That their living in Sin, is only in this Life, this walking in Sin, is only while they are in vi4, while they are Jliatores, while they are in their way; therefore, it is laid, they Jball perifb in their way, O>" from t!Jeir way, Pfol. 2. I do not G~, they do nor fin hereafter; but in Hell though Men fin,that ts, though thetr. Acttons are contrary to the Law, yet it is not their Life ; and the R.eafon ts thts, becaufe then they are fl:ripped from all objects whatfoever; therefore the Soul d1es, for tt cannot live in it fel£ And though Men let up, yet in Hell they are lofl: in themfelves, therefore they are laid, to be lo!t Creatures; not ~mly dead Creatures, in refpect of living in any thing elfe; but-they are lofl: to thetr own ends,there is no way,to accomphfh any end in Hell · * C 2 · therefor~