20 .An Expofition of the Epifile ~ therefore the Creature is Jofl:, it is undone, the Cr•ature dies there; only whilfl: it ~ liveth here in this World, itmay live in Sin, and ~valk in Sin, hereafter it fhall not. Now then thefe Word, In which ye walk._ed, tt fets Out thetr miferable Condi– tion. We may confider it in a twofold Notion. Firfl:,as it fets out their mifera– ble Efl:ate,in refpeCt ofSin,how finful it was, for that is on~ Scope of it ; the Apo– fl:le would let them fee how linful their Lives had bin. And this Phrafe of walk– ing, cloth exceedingly exprefs the Sinfulnc~ o.f a Man's Condition in his Conver– fation. Secondly, tt may be confider'd as tt ts an mfulhble CharaCter and Sign of an unregenerate Efhtc. And both are intended: for his Scope is, to humble thefe Ephe{iam, under the fight of their Sinful11ef; and to do it, he cloth exprefs their Lives to be a walking in Sin. And the other is as clearly exprefl: and held forth; In which ye walk!d .fometime, implying that now they did not; and therefore it is a proper CharaCter ofan unregenerate Man for to walk in Sin. For the firfl:, as this Phrafe, walkjng in S;, , is here put to exprefs the abundan– cy of Sin that was in them; It implies, in the firfl: Place, that all their Life and every ACt thereof, was finful, they could not aCt, or walk out of Sin ; there was not a fl:ep in their Way, but was finful. And, my Brethren, every Though_t is a 'Step, every Power, and Faculty,and Motion is a Step; a Man walketh by every De!ire, by every Thought, by every Purpofe, by every End and Paffion that fl:irreth in him. I may compare the ungodly Soul of a Sinner, to thofe black Worms that walk upon fo many Feet; fo cloth the Soul walk; every Power, and Faculty of it, is a Foot, and there is not the leafl: Motion but it is a fl:ep. Now, did they walk in nothing but Sin ? Could they not get out of it ? What abun– dance ofSin, mufl: then this rife up to; as the Apo!lle here reprefenteth it? Eve– ry Thought, and every Imagination in the Heart it was evil,continually evil; for it was a walking. This is that which the Apofl:le here expreffeth; they were never out of finning in Come Path or other, they werenev~r <;'Ut ofthat Circuit, go whither they would. In the fecond Place, Walkfng, tt tmplyeth that as every ACtion of theirs was to a Sin, every Thought, and the like; fo it implyes that they were never idle, they never fl:ood fl:ill ; but thls Soul of theirs, was conti– nually doing fomething, and all that was Sin. Saith the firfl: Pfalm, Bleffid h the Man, that walk!th 110t i11 the Way ofthe V11godly: the Hebrew Word, that is there ll~, . put for Ungodly or Sinner, it fignifies Re(!]efs. The word, it is oppofed unto Parae mqm· Q9ictnefs, in 'job 34· 29. And therefore Walking and Refl:lefs, are in 'Pfalm r. "";.:.:~. joined together, walk._ in the way ofthe Rejllef, that is, ofthe V11godly, that are con– tinually refl:lefs, continually going up and down. In Ifo. 57· 20. The Wicked are like the troubled Sea, that cannot refl:, whole Waters cafl: up Mire and Dirt. So that now the meaning is th~s, they hurried up and down, for indeed it is not an ordinary walking, it is but a tumbling up and down. As SC1leca laid well ofa Man that had done no good in his Life, that he had but tumbled up and down in the World, like a Ship (faith he) that hath bin tofl: up and down in the Sea, but never f:1il'd : So, this Walking is not a proper Walking, it isbut a Refllefnefs, a continual ACl:ivity. And in Ecclef6.9. You fhall find there, that the word Walk– ing is put for Refl:lefnefs,Beuer,faith he,h thejight oftheEyu,thmthe wandring ofthe Spirit, the Word in the Original is, then.the walking of the Spirit, his meaning is this, than for a Man to be always defiring, and his Spirit continually wandringup and down for new Defires and ObjeCts; he !peaks ofthe Re(!]efnefs ofa Covetous Man, that is continually looking up and down for more, walking up and down. And then again, In which ye walfl!d; he faith not, in one Sin only, but;, Sins and J ref}a.ffis, that is, in all forts ofSin. And fourthly, walking with the greatefl: Se– curity (for fo walking implyeth) as Men that wolk in the High-way, or in their Gardens, thinking nothing. He knoweth not (faithSolomon, Prov. 7· 23. !peak– ing ofthe fooli!h Man) that it is for his Life. Walkjng, it implies a fecure Con– dition too, and fuch was yours, fatth he. And fifihly, delighting in nothing elfe, that the Word implies too; as Men walk, for Recreation, as they walk up and down in their Gardens to rcfrdh themfelves, fo,f:1ith he,do you. It is an obferva– blc thing, that in Scripture Men's continuing in Sin, is cxprefr by all fort of Po– fl:ures. In rPj:d.I. You have.three, Wall<!th in the Counfel ofthe Vngodly, jlandeth m tf.e "''9' ofSi1111ers, a11d jitteth in tbe Seat of the Scornful. And elfewhere Jt ts called