Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

22 An Expojition of the cpijlle Now I come to the Guides, (for all this is but llill proper to the Text.) Here are three Guides. Here is, I. The World, .According to the Cottrfe of this World, faith he. Firft; What is meant by [World] here? Some Interpreters fay, the.things of the World are here meant; as often in Scripture the World is taken for the thmgs of the World, as I Cor. 7· 3I. Vftng the World, M not abujing it, I John 2. I5. Love not the World, northethmgsoftt. And fo, they fay, the meaning is this : Men thata_re worl~ly, and feek aft_er worldly things ; that was your Cafe, and your Condmon, whtlfr you were m Unregeneracy. But cert~inly that is not the meaning of it, becaufe following the World, that is, worldly Objects and worldly Pleafures, and the things of the World, is evidently included in th~ third Verfe, where he faith, Fulfilling the Lufts of the Flejb; for to fttljlll the L11jls of the Flejb, and to wallz after the World, is all one; for the Objects of a Man's Lufrs are the World, ·and fome things in it or other. Therefore you {hall find in that I 'folm 2. I 5· when he had faid, Love not the World, nor the thi 11 gs of it; he adds, .Allin the World is the Luft of the Flejb, the Luft of the Eye, and the Pride·of Life. He calleth the ObjeCts of the World, by the Lulls, becaufe that they are the ObjeCts ofLu!l:s; as the Doctrine ofFaith is called Faith, becaufe it is the ObjeCt of Faith. Therefore herepow [World] is to be taken frriClly for the Men of the World ; as when he fauh, The whole Worfd lieth ;, Wic/,sdnefl, I John 5· 19. A11dthe Worldwillloveits own, John 15. 19. It is ufual in Scrip· ture. And fo now; my Brethren, by the way, do but take notice ofthis: That there is a Mifrake, I have perceived it often in many Mens Speeches; they fay, they love not the World, and they are not for the World, and they are not worldly, becanfe, fay they, we love not Riches, and the like. But World is not only nor chiefly taken (when Flefh and Devil are_joined with it, as here ; and, as you know you ufe to fay, there are three Enemtes, the World, the Fle!h, and the Devil ; by Fle!h, are meant all the Lu!l:s that are fet upon the things of the World : now World is not taken in this divifion,) for the things of the World, but it is taken for the carnal Men of the World : Therefore, if thou joine!l: with the carnal Men of the World, thou art a Man worldly in that fence; thou art a Man under the Power of that Enemy, therefore under the Power both of Fle!h and Devil too. Men under!l:and aot that Vow they made in Baptifm, to renounce the World, the Fle01, and the Devil ; the World is not only the things of the World, but it is the Men of the World, yea, it is frria:Jy and properly fo taken, and not for the other, in that Vow, and fo not here. Now then by [World J here is meant, all carnal Men, live they where they will, in the Church, or wherever elfe, all the Heap, the Fry, and the Clufter of them. Thefe are the World, and thefe will all join together, asI !hall !hew by and by. And there cloth arife a Strength from the Union of one with another, in their Ways and Courfes, and in their Rage againfr Godlinefs, and the Power of it. As in Coals, tho every Coal hath fire in it, yet lay all thefe Coals toge· ther, and the Fire is !l:rengthned : fo there is an Intenfion from the Union of all the parts, from the Connexion of this World. So that now the Collellion of all carnal Men in one and the fame Principles, Practices, and Ways ; thefe are meant here by the World. · Then, Secondly; For that word, Cm.rfe of the World! I !hall open that brieAy. Yon mull: know this, that that word m the Greek, wh1ch ts here tranOated, the Co11rjc of the World, it felf in the Original fignifies the World, according to the World of the World; both thefe words, both ,:.,a,, & •o~f'!llY, lignify the Worid in Scripture: .God hath delivered 111 ont of this evil World, Gal. 1. 4· It IS the fame