Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

An .Expojition of the Epifile ----- ~according to the common Principles mo!t of the World go by, they will be un· ~~ regenerate Men. Therefore every Man ts to learn to be as Noah was, righteom in his Ge11eratio11. I have but 0 ne or two things more to fay, and fo I will end, .According to the Courfe ef the WorJd, and the Prince of tbe Power of tbe J!ir. I !hall not now go about to !hew you fimply, why he is called the Prince of the Power of the An.. and the like. I will but make one general Obfervation, and which is neceffary for me now to make, becaufe of the Coherence of the former Matter. Obferv. The World underthe Gofpel, you fee, was to have a great deal of Alteration. The cunning ofSatan is, flill to apply himfelfto this World, and the Courfe of it, and fecretly and cunningly to rule by the Courfe of it, or with the Courfe of it, In all the Changes of the World, let there be never fo many, flill Satan will fall in : as you know he did, when he was thrown down from Heaven, when Hea· thenifm was gone, and Chriflianity came hp, the Devil in appearance turneth Chriflian too, all the Vogue runneth for Chriflianity. But what cloth he? Then he goes, and gathers all the Seminals of Herefy, that had been fown in the Primitive Times, and hatcheth them all up, and makes Antichrifr. When he could not uphold himfelf under the Heathenilh World, then he comes, and giveth his Throne to the Beafl. Still the Devil's defign is, to creep in, and and to turn as the World turneth, and tobe dealing flill with unregenerate Men, to hold up fo much Carnality, as he may flill maintain a Perfecution again!t the Saints, if poffibly he may obtain fo much. This is his Manner, and this bath been his way in all the Turnings·of the World. SERM.