An Expofi'tion of the Epijlle ~ Now the Apo!l:le had fhewed in the I~th Verfe ofthe firfl: Chapter ( that r ou ~ may fee the Coherence, and how one tlung hangs wah another) the exceeding great Power that had thus wrought m them, and thus tran[]ated them. he h ;l likewife in the 20,& 2 x.Verfes !hewed what a Glorious Kingdom God ha~h fet ·~p for his Son. The Power which be wro11ght in O.rifl (faith he) whw he raifed hint f!om the Dcad,andfit him at his own Right-hand in the Heaven!; Places far above all 'Principality and Power, Might and Dominion, and every Name that is named, and bath p11t all things under his Feet, .&c. No':' he tell~ them,th:it they being conver– ted, they are placed m thts Kmgdom wtth Chnfl: : that you have in the 6th Verfe ofthis fecom! Chapter,Hehatb raiftd w 11p together, and madCTH fit togetber in heavenly Places in Chrift Jefw ; therefore now to take their Hearts fo much the more,he fhews them,that Satan hath an oppofite Kingdom to this ofChrifl::s, under the Power ofwhich they were, and a Kingdom it was, and a Power he had,and a Power that worketh, and worketh effectually; you may fee it, C1ith he, in the Childrw ofDifobedience to this day, and you your [elves would have been the fame: And therefore they were to blefs God for that great Change, for that Power that had thus wro11ght in tbem, and tranjlated them out of the Devil's Kingdom, which at befl:,C.1ith he, is but in the Air,and will have an en.d with the Air; whereas now faith he, you are [et together with Chrifl: in that Kingdom which God hath give~ his Son. We fit together in heavenly Places with him. So now you have both the Scope of the Words,and the general Afpetl: of them. I {ball principally do thefe two things, which eminently the Text holds forth and they are two partt (as I may divide them) that thefe Words fall into. ' The firfl: is; to !hew you what a Kingdom Satan bath, as here it is defcribed. which the Apo(\ie had in his Eye to wind in, in way of Oppofition to tha~ Kingdom which Chrill: bath defcribed in the 21 & 22 Vcrfes oftbe former Chap– ter. And The fecond is to fhew, how that Satan rules and reigns in the Heart_s ofunrege– nerate Men, ts the caufe of£m m them, and they walk accordmg to thts Prince, he being a Spirit, he and his Angels, which do work, and work effetl:ually in the Hearts ofthe Cbildren ofDifobedience, and once wrought in them. Or ifyou will, you may divide the Words thus (for they may be divided ina twofold manner) here are two Periods, though in the Greek the Sentence is con– tinued, yet according to the Periods there mull: be two Sentences made. He is faid to be the Trinre of the Power ofthe Air, and the Spirit,or the Prince of the Spi– rit (for either will fl:and, according as Interpreters give the fence) that worketh in the Children ofDifobedience. Here then are two Parts of this Kingdom in "thefe two Sentences r. He" the Prince of the Power ofthe Air. 2. He is the Princeof theSpiritthat worf<!in the Children ofDifobedience. The Devil, you know, he bath two Titles (in refpetl: ofhis Kingdom) given him, and it was given him, or ac– knowledged by his Competitor Chrifl: himfelf. He is firfl: called the Prince of Devils, that's implied in the firfl: Sentence, he is the Prince of the Power ofthe Air: And then fecondly, he is called th.e Prince ofthis World, or ofthe Men of the World, that's included in the fecond Sentence, the Prince of that Spirit that worketh in theChildrw ofDifobedimce. This Divifion you may take, becaufe the one holdeth forth eminently the one, the other holds forth more eminently the other. Or ifyou will, you may take the former Divifion: the one fhews whota Kingdom he hath; the other what Influence he bath in ·the Hearts of Men unregenerate in point of fitming : And indeed the one is interwoven in the other. . I {ball begin with the firll:Sentence, he" aPrince ofthe Poweroftbe.Air. The only difficulty ofthe Phrafes is, what is meant by Power, and what by Air· By Tower, fome undedhnd in the abll:raa, that Air Princedom or Government he bath in the Air; and by Air, by adouble Synechdoche, they underftand this LQwer World, and the Men in it: And fo underll:and that univerfal Power and Princedom,that is committed unto the great Devil here in this World, both over Men, and over his Natives, his Compliees, evil Angels. In <J? 16. you fball ~ · find