to thi! E.P HES I AN S; find that when thefeventh Angelpiured out hisVial!,v. I 7. (which is that Vial that ends ~ all the Enemies o(Chrifl:, and bringeth in the day of Judgment; or the thoufand ~ years that go before it) it is faid; he poured out hi< Vir~l i11to the .Atr,.a11d there ca"!e agreat Voice out ofthe.Temple •[Heaven, from the Throne, fijmg, 11 u done, that rs, there was an end of all,becaufethrslafl: Vral_rs to be upon the umverfal Power ofthe. Devil,which meant is by Air; becaufe as Air cirdeth all things round,ro it takes in the whole: The other Vials had been poured out,but upon part ofthe Kmgdoni of the Beafl: and ofthe Devil, but-this is upon the Air, and fo upon his whole·Power. And another fence (which indeed cometh all to one) is th:it here by the Powet ofthe Air; is meant,not limply his Government, or Power committed to him over the Air, whereof he is the Prince, in the Abfl:raCl:, but that thereby is meant in a more peculiar manner his Devils, his Angels as they are called : lr is put fdr the Angels that have this Power, whereofhe is the Prince; which Angels live and fly up and down in the Air, as the mofl: accommodate Place for their R.efidence. And fo it would rather feem to be here underfl:ood,- becaufe rt would hold forth fomethin" difl:inCl: from what is C1id in the fecond Sentence ; now his Power over Men, ov~r the Children ofDifobedience, the Aportlc cxprefieth that in the fecond Sentence, therefore here in this firfl:,by t!ie Porver ofthe ..dir,he meaneth in a more peculiar,eminent manner,thole Airy Spirits,thatare Principalities,and Powers,and Rulers with nm m tins World,and are the Sptnts that do work under hrm tn the Cht!dmt of Dtfobedmtce. So that now by P01ver of the Air, is meant that united Kingdom, that body of Angels (I may call them a Political Body) under this one Prince, Satan. The only Objeel:ion againfl: this Interpretation, is this. That it iscalled Power, in the Singular Number, and that · therefore the Angels that have Power under him,-!hould not be meant. . . . But that iseafily taken oft; for it is all thefe as united into orie Kingdom; as we call an Army lent from Spain, the Power ofSpain, that is, fo many Men; or an Army that cometh nnder the Command ofone General, againfl: another Nati– on,we call it f,tch a force,or fttcb a Power cometh. In Coloft.q. _ there it is put in the Sinaular Number too. As in the Chap. I. 2I. of this Epifl:le, Chrlft is faid to be r%e head o[<tll Principality and Power,it is not Principalities and Powers; and yet there he meancth not only Government, but the Perfons in the Governmenr. In Exod.14.28. that which in the Hebrew is, all the hojl ofPharaoh rvm drowned, the Sepruagint renders it in the Singular Number, all the Power of 'Pharaoh, meaning his whole Army, or the Men ofthat Army ; and fo it doth the like in Exod.I 5.I4. And fo now here <(~oioc, the Power o~the A;r which he is ci O:~;r.ov, ' . , :Princeof,tho>Jgh fometimesthey differ,yet lometimei they are pm one for,and with ";"'·24·'9• another,asin 1Cor.t5.24.that which is in other Places 1i'uvoc1'8S,is there w<(~oloc,and lo !lOW the meaning of it is this, he is the Prince of the Power of the Air, that is, ofall that body of Angels that are united into a Kingdom under him,rtnd are in the Air,which ·is the Seat oftheir Kingdortr,and of their R.ule, and arc the Spirits that do work in the Children ofDifobedience. . , And fo n?w Air,dotli·note out the Local Place where they are,for kingdoms have Denommatton from the Place; as we C1y, the Kmg ofSpain,or the Kingdom ofSpain, or the Power of S~ain, that is, which Is in Spain, ofMen living there; fo her~, the Pnnce ofthe Powerof the_ Air, ts the Prrnce ofthole Angels that are u– ntted mto one Power and Kmgdom m the Atr, havtng that for their Seat. A~d that I may add a little more Confirmation to this, according to the Analo– gy of Scnpture Phrafe; you heard .before that the bofl of Pharaoh is called the ~owerofPh~raoh: fo in Ma1.24. that y..hich is there tranflated the bofl ofHeaven, m the Greek IS the Powers of Heaven. The whole Creation,my Brethren, is divi, ded (or at leaf\: wife all that is above the Earth where Men live) into three parts, and every one ofthem have their <(~olocs, have their Powers that are Inhabitants" ofit. There is the higefl: Heavens where God ble)fed for' ever, .and his Angels are:. There IS the Starry Heavens; and there is the Air ofthis Sub!unary World;· and ~n refpeCl: of the Earth, thefe are fometimes all called Heaven, the higefl: Hea– ven ts called the thu·d Heaven. Now to all thefe,thcre are Hofl:s,or Powers,or :i "P.ower, which is all one, th~t is in Scripture attribute~ to tqerp that pe the Inha– Dtlants thereof, they are fet forth under that Title ~nd Name: God bath his· Thron'e: