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to the EPHESIANS. Z5 called thegreat Dragon. As. this was a Type of our Delivera~ce out of the~ "Kingdom of Satun, fo the Type runs \)n : as 'Pharaoh, tho all the_ reil: of th" ~ Egyptians were Ii>ragons, yet he was that gre~t Dragon ; Co there IS. o~e. great Devil, who is Prin,ce ofall the reil:. And betweenh1m and Jefi.ts Chnfl: tt 1s, tha.t !his, not Competition on Chrifl:"s pa'rt, that"s \OO rtle~n a word to be ufed in Bufinefs; but he is fet up, and bath let tip h1mfelf agamfl: O\J~ Lord and SaviOur Jefus Chrifr. Therefore now, wheri Chrifr came into the World, the Devil, ha· vi 11 g had quiet polfeffion of the Kmgdoms of the World m all Ag~s, (you know he had been worfhipped as the God of the Wo~ld,) he began to f 0ieH .thlt this Man was the Son ofGod; and in his Temptation ofhim, ifyou.lookint!) Luk4· he doth offer him all thefe Kingdoms: Ifthou be the :Mejfiah, faith he, I kll!)W it is a Kingdom that thou comefl: for, and that is the Quarrel between thee and me; thou fi1alt have it; faith he, with eafe, they are all gtven unto me, do but hold it ofme, do but worfhip me : He would have compounded the Bufinefs of this Kingdom with the Man Chrifr Tefus. This great Devil, that old Serpent, that tempted Adam, tempteth the fecond Adam, and this .was the decifion of the Controverfy and ~arrel, Chrifl: told hi!n with indignation, that God onlypu!l be worfhipped. Now. this fame great Devtl, thts fame Prmce, he ts the Supream, and the others (Powers of the Air) they are \>ut fept out by him, as l n1ay a!, lude to what 'Peter !peaks. Therefore in i Cor. I 2. ?· 'Pmtl faith, A .\11fenger of Sata>J wa< font to bujfit him : It was not the great Devil, bti~ an Angel, a Meffenger of his whom he Cent. . Now between this Prince, arid thefe Under-Devils, that are Rulers of the World under him, as they are called, Eph. 6. 12. there feems in Scripture to be held_forth this difference, that they are much fixed to Places, I do not fay, to Perfons. It is a thing obferved in that MArk 5· 12. when the Legion of Devils were to be cafr out of the Man, the Text faith, that they beji!llght him much, (there is an Empbafis put upon it,) that he W011ld not fond them away out of tl•e Co1mtry. Why? Becaufe (as Cartwright and others well obferve,) they would frill continue there; where they had been familiar with Men, and knew t_heir Dif, pofitions and Manners; and therefore kneW how io by their Temptations ;· and it would have been a great difadvantage; they thought, to them, to be Cent out of that Country, and fo have been put to leek out another. Therefore the Devil's puriifhment, when he is gone out of one, is laid to be, that he walkth i~: dry Places, that is, in Places where he finds little work. But now this great Devil, he goes up and down the Earth, as being he that giveth direction to all the refr. It is that which Interpreters obferve out of Job, where he is laid Sanllirt< iil to come from compa.Jjing the Earth to and fro, He is the General Vifier of die Jo~. World, Thirdly; All thefe agree in one. That;s ciear out of the Text too, for,if yat; .mark it, they are not called Powers of the Air, tho they are fo many of them, but they are called Power, in the Singular Number, becaule they do agree witq one united defign to carry it on : And they are not called Spirits, but one Spirit\ The Spirit that workth, &c. Or, at leafr, there is one common Spirit comes from them all, one Spirit, and one Power, becaufe they all agree .to fet up Sin; and to pull down the Kmgdom of Jtfus Chn!l:, all th,at poffibly they ,can., Thi1 Agreeme?t oftheirs (t? give you but one Infrance of it) appears in that Legio!j, that was m one Man, m. Mar/z 5· and to L11k 8. Thefe did not act one Mem· ber of him one way, and others of them another, but t~ey all. agr~e to ~a the Whole Man one way: And agam, when at thm ~equefr Chrifr gave them leav't to enter toto the Swme, there were.two ,thoufand Swine, therefore at lea([ there were two thoufand Devils, for it is faid, They entretJ i11to them: All thefe agreed frill in one; Projefr, they carried thefe Swine all of them headlong into the Sea ; one pevil cloth not brry one Swine one way, and anotlreranother way, but they entred mto thern, they all agreed to carry them headlong .mto the Sea. . . And the reafon why they arethus united, is this, ~ecaufe rhcy are united in on~ extrinlecal common end, which is t\) them the fupreme end ofall the relf, to which they lay down all lower, particl)lar, intrinfecal ends of their own, all Ainbitioti .in themfelvcsi or whatfoever elfe. The Devils are proud enough, yet the(r " E z Hatred·