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to the E P H E S I AN S. _. ·~; 39 Condemnation which they iliall .ne"ver be freed t;.om. . Therefore the Devil, s-~ you fee when be prayed unto Chrifr, Marlz 9· (for the Devil prayed then, as ~~ wieked'Men do when their Confciences are fired,) he prayed, not that they might be kept fr·om To.rment.altog,ther, but thatthey might not be tormented afore their time. The truth ts, that both may fiand. . I will gtvc you but that Reconciliation, which I have my thoughts~ that'qhjs : That their,Kingdom is only in the Air,., and when they are thrown iltto Gpd, (as it may be, fometimes Come ofthem are ':It his pleafure,) the!1 they are not in ;their Kingdom. If the great Devil be,thrown into Hell, his Power ceafcth; for the .Devils do not torment one another, nor wjcked Souls ar prcfem: for how is it faid, 'that the Fire is preparedfor the De-oila'!d bi<. A~tge/; ? . Therefore, tho they .may. be fometimes in Hell, and let loofe again, to rove up and down here·below,. (as God .fometimes letsthem ]oofe) carrying their Chains about them ; yet notwithftanding their Kingdom is only inthe Air ; and altho,.l fay, they are. thrown i"to Hdl tometime, yet they may be let loofe again. You have a clear place for that, Rez•.20.3. It is faid there, that Satan was feal'd up m the bottomlds Pu,. for a_thonf<md years, becaufe God, during that glorious Time of a thpuCmd years, would not have the Saints tormented; and afterwards · he is let loofc again, till ·at lafi he . is cafi into that Lake, where he is chain'd down for ever. And certainly, my Brethren, let him now go up and down in thel, he carrieth hisChain with him, that is, a Cham of Gmlt, and hts Hellts about lnm. The place IS: clear, Jam, 3· 6. The Tongue, C.ith he, i< Jet "" .fire of HcO, that is, of the Devil, . who is called Hell, not only as being condemned to Hell, but "' carryi@g Hell about him. There is a Chain that chains them to Hell, that they camtot .come out ; and ifchat by permiflion they are ·let out at any time, they are in Chains fhll., As Men fentenced to death, have Chains put upon them, and where e"erthey go, .they carry thole Chains along with thQm: fo God judged, fentenced the Devils umo Hell; and when they were cafi to Hell, that is, judged to Hell, he clapp'd Chains upon them, which they carry up and down with them where ever the.y are. And this likewife is certain, that they are not in their full Torment.. It is laid, that they do now believe and tremble, tremble at what is to come; and they -fay, Do not torment M afore the time; and there is a Refcrve, They are refervcd, /faith the ApofUe : And in 2 Pet. 2. 9· as wicked Men are f.tid to bucferooed Hnto the Day of Judgment[: Co they are f.1id likewife to be rcferoed 111110 the Great D•IJ'· Therefore they are not in full Torment, there is a refervation of a great deal yet to come: . . . . . The realon why they are thus permitted to be in the Air, and arc not in full Torment, is this: Becaufe his Minifl:ry is, to work._ in tf.,eCbildrcn ofDifobedience, •that is,. ~hat'Whieh God permits him to do, which we may fay is his Minifify de– figned him by God. Now he bein~ defigned to work, (as the Te;xt Ctith, he ·work.! i11 the Children of Difobedimce,) of necdlity he mull: be in ·the .Air, for if •he ··were in Hell, he could not work at fuch a difl:ance. It is proper to -Chrilf; who is the King and Head of his Church, ( tho in Heaven) to work in a M:in's Heart here upon Earth, Satari cannot do the like; therefore to the end he may work upon Meri, •he is in the Air: And therefore to be in the Air, and to worlz i11 the Children of Difobediwre, are equivalent. _ . . ; . And then·agam, If he were in full Torment, it is certain likewifc he could not be bufy to tempt; and the reafon is clear, for the fulnefs of God:s Wrath, which Men fhall have in Hell, takes up all ,the Intention 5 infomuch, as fome Divines fay, th~t therefore there is no,!inning in ap active way in Hell, bccaufc:; they are ,only Sufferers, (I rern~mber,tt tsa Nonon that 'Park[r hath in his Ifsjipifion into HeU,) the Wr.rh of God would dilfraCl: the Creature; when it cometh in the fulnefs of if. · Now, the Devil. hatl1 all his' ;Wits about him, all his Wiles, all his ~thods ;_~herefore certainly they are not in, full Torment. 1 . • .· , And hkewtfe,. tf_they had not eale; yea; a pleafilfe in ,,Wickednefs in Come refpea:, they would l)Ot be fo bufy ; for they have Lufis and Defires; The Luf/;, ofyour Father, the Devil, (faith Chrifl:) ye wiil do. , No~v then,' .when,tl;tey have put Men upon what they d~ defire, _there. is a fatisfaction .o~ their Lufl:s, and, t,here IS ~~. fome r~fpects Come pleafim; arifing,, t~at fets them on work. , And thi• may feem to be one dtlfetence between the Place of Mens Souls departed that , "'' go