An l;<_xpofii:iorJ of tfJe EpijUe ~;Ill go. to Hell, that are in a. place of Tormenr, as it is called, Luk..e 16. and the De– ~ v1l s Pbce; God havmg not oppomted them a Muuflry, to work m the Children of Difobedienc<", as he hath done the Devils; ht:ncc therefore they are in Tor– ment, in that Torment, rho not luch as!lull be, when Soul and Body are joined .together. Therefore now they do not, rho fin, yet they do it not de merito they !ball not anfwer for all thai which is done in Hell ; the Text is clear in tha; of the Corlnthians, To an fiver/or rrl.1at if done uz tf.e Body, faith he. But now the 'Devils, they being appointe :i Miniflry, having. liberty to be, not in the Deep always, bnt in the Air, and in a refpeCt having, hence therefore they go on de hlento. Why clle are the Angels (ud to be JUdged ? (you know it is f:1id, the Saints !ball judg the Angels,) what! only for the fir!t gt;eat Sin, a11d not for their putting Men upori all the Sms fince ? Then one Man would have more Sins than the grc:it Devif, if the Devil were to be juqged only for that firfl great Sin. They !ball be juqged~ t C1y, for what they have done, from the very fir!t Sm they committed. And rho they arc ih termino, that is, they are not in vi<t, in refpeCt of the Sentence of Condemnation it (df; yet notwith!tanding in refpeCt of ea[c they arc in the way, and in termino only in refpeCt of the Sen– tence. And as thole that fin againfl: the Holy-Ghof't, and have received the Sen– tence of Condemnation in themfelves, they are in that rcfpetl: in Ht!l, as well os the Devils; yet becaufe they are but in the Frontiers of it, they have but the fir(\: fruits, not the fulnefs of Torment: therefore they go on fiill de 11mito, adding Guilt to Guilt, and fo do the bevils too. Now, my Brethren, to conclude this Difcourfe concerning Satan, and his Kingdom, with fumming up to you, !bortly and briefly, the Greatnef:> of this Kingdom of his. His Kingdom, you Ice, I. For the Form of it, it is a Monarchy: He is the 'Pri11ce of tloe Power of t/;e Air. 2. For the SubjeCts of it: As Chrif't hath for his SubjeCts, Tl.i,gs v!(ibie, a11d i11vijble, things in Heavm, and things in Earth, Col. 1. 18. So this great Devil, he hath for SubjeCts of this Kingdom, things invifible; his own natural Complices, of the like nature with him, they are called here, the Power .of the Air; and he hath things vifible, the Children of Difobedience, which are his Slaves, which he hath overcome, namely, the Sons of Men. . 3, For the Multitude of his SubjeCts, he hath more than Chrifl: by f.,r : of Mankind we are fure, what of Angels we know not. · He is the great and Catho– lick King, he hath had all the World; you fee, the World and the Devil go to– gether in the Text; and he that walketh according to the World, walketh ac– cording to Satan; and, 'J?:v. I 2. 9. he is faid to be the Dragon, that had deceived the whule World. 4· It is fuch a Kingdom, as doth not confif't only in outward Command, but comes in that fomewhat near the Kingdom ofChrif't; for he works inwardly: So f:!itlt the Text here, he .work/ in the Children of Difobedience; he cloth it inviubly. Only, I f:ry, he is not a Head, he hath not that Influence Chrif't hath; but lnAu.– ence he hillh, by infinnating himfelf into Men's Spirits, he works in them, which no Monarch can do, nor which all his Agents can do. 5·· For his Succefs which he aims at, which is, to carry Men on to Sin, .the Text faith, he work/;, them, that is, he works effeCtually in them. . 6.. For continuance of Time, as I laid afore, he had the f'tart of Chrifl in this World, for he had poffeffion of all Mankind, and he thought he had them al.J under Lock ana Key ; for that which bringeth every Man into the World, made him a Child of the Devil. 7· He hath given place to none, ?S other Princes do; nay, hehimfelf was worfhipped in the World, not as King only, but as a God. And therefore, m 'l(ev. I 2. it is faid,' that he and his Angels we~e in Heaven ; why ? becaufe they were worfhipped as Gods: A11d he mu caf1 out mta the Ea,.th, a11d hu A11ge/1 were caf1 o 11 t with hi111. When Co11fla11twe turned Chnn1an, all the World turned Chrinian too; then all his Devils were thrown down, from having that Worfh1p :.s they always had before.