to tfje E P HE S I A N S. But, my Brethren, when he ceas'd to be ~ God, he fli.'] being the Prince ot S~ thisWorld, thathemightimltateGorl, whohathfetuph1sSon Jeli:JS C!mfl, he~ Jikewife bath let up hisSon, Amichrifl, the Beafl of R01ite,. wliofe Kingdom and ~he De¥il's are in many things jufl alike. I remember, I !hewed you, when .I handled thole Particulars mentioned in.the 20 & 21 Vcrfesof the lirfl Chapter, a PJrallel between the Pride ofthe Devil, and the Pride ofthe Pope, in taking upon .J1im to be as Chrifl, and that Parallel held a.great way in all thofC Particulars. Now .Jet us parallel the Devil's Kingdom, ~nd Antichri!t's Kingdom: Forthe Devil told ·nm· Saviour Chrifl, that he had power to give the World to whom he would ; and G~d did give him power to raife up one King, and the greatefl Kingdom that ever was ; for that State of Rome, whereof the Pope is the Head, is the RI-catell: Kingdoi11, and bath been of longefl coiitinuahce of any other. In Rev. q .. -when the Devil himfelf wos cafl out fi·om bemg God of the World, he takes up another Plot, and the T ext faith, verf 2. That tbe Drag011 c}id give the Bea.ft hir PU~ver, and hh Se<~t, a11d great A11tborit;•. All Power of Kings and Magiflratcs, it isof God, R om. 13. But the truth i,, AmichriWs Kingdom, and all his Hie– rarchy, it is of the Devil ; he raifed him np in imitation of Chrifl; .he is the eldefl Son of Satan, as Chrifl is the eldefl Son of God :. And,when liinifdf could not keep his Kingdom any longer, as he hod done, to be immec!iJtly wor01ipped, then he lets up the Pope, ( the greatefl Cheat that ever was in the World) a Son of his own raifing, after whom the whole World ron a wondering. . Now os the Devil bath two forts of Subjetl:s, his natural Subjeers of his own kind, the Angels, his Fellow-Peers; and Men, which are his Slaves: {o hath the. Pope. Therefore .in R ev.q. you find t\Vo Beafls ; qne (in the IithVerfe) arifing with two Horns like a Lamb, that is, the Pope and his Clergy, thole evil Angels, (for Miniflers !hould be Angels) there is his Ecclefiaflical Power. And then he is the Head of the Kings of the Rmh, there is his fecubr Power. He bath a double Power under him, a double Body, even as the Devi.I here hath. And, my Brethren, they are ordered to £111 together. When the Vial was pou– red out upon the Air, R ev. 16. which is the whole univerl.1l Power ofthe Devil, -1t is laid, tbat Baby/on c111m up into remembrance before God 1 And, 7(ev. 1 ~, 20. it is laid, The Be".ft Wtl< caff intQ the L tt"s, which b11meth 1vitb Fire and Brimjlone. There is the Beafl that goes into the Lake, the Devil goes aftci· him, 1(ev. oo. ro. Tbe D evil, t!w deceived the World, JVM cajl into the La"s of Fire tmd Brimjlone, wl:ere de Beas7, and the ft!fe 'Prophet were. But in the mean time, tho the Devil Le a King, yet he is a miferable King, for his very Kingdom is his Prifqn : if he could break through the Heavens, and run away from God, he would ; but he cannot, he is under Chains, and he is under Torment likewife; tho not in fulnd'S' of Torment. And, my Brethren, to make an Obfervatioti oi: two upon it: He is but the Prince of the Air, firrt ; but our Lord and Saviour Chrifl, he jg the Prince in Heaven, hisThrone is in Heaven, as the firfl to the Hebrews bath i_r, and Eph. 1. r9, 2 0. And Jefus Chril\ is ourinterce!Tor, mld our Prayers go ~o Heaven; the Devil cannot meddlo with them, he cannot imeicept them, tho· lie oe Prince in the Air; the Ho!y-Ghofl carries them up; he holds (as I may f.1y) one hand in our Heart, and another in Chri!l's: Nay, not only Chrifl is in Heaven, and the Devil but in the Air, but we are Jet in heavw!y P!dces witb Chrijl:, EphcC 2 . 6. Therefore, as the Apofllc faith, what foal/ fepa•·ate 1fl from tl·e Lcve of God! Shall Prillcipalities, or Powers, good Angels, or bad? You may obfervc likewife, That Satan hath no Kingdom, when th'e Air !hali ceafc, when this World !hall be at an end. Jefus Chrifl will put down all Power and Rule, and God will be all in all, that is, he will be all in Heaven,- and all in Hell too, every way he will be all. My Brethren, fear not this 'Prin~e of the Ai•· ; for Je!liS Chtiff himfelf, whcri he afcended into Heaven, he went.through this Air, this Kingdom of the Devils, and fp01led thefe Principalities and Powers, (that i's, virtually,) he took their ·• F &ingdoni