Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

to the E P H E S I A N S. 47 Men feveral ways) is a Snare, and it is a fime ofthe D~vii. Yoa rmy fee that in '}'-:"-fv f Tim. 6: 9· He that_ will be rith, f'Ueth into d S11are, when his [-leJrt is Lt upon it ; ~~it holds m any Sm, m(rance m what you wtll. The iaO: Obfervation-that I ·(b~ll ,;,ake i; ~nly thfs, which is the Apoftle'sCcope bbferv. • alfo, The Mifery that allUnreg~ne~at~ Men are tn that walk 111 Stn. It ts the 3 ApolHe's !Cope here, to O:nke thetr· /:Iearts: Wtth the depth of that tvhfery ,whtch they Jay in by nature; and to expreCs tt to them, he !l:ews they were li.Jb;ccts of that great Kingdom of Satan. My Brethren, let me fpeak i:1dly_ to all our.Hearts, Every Man falls either under the Kingdom of Chrilt, or under the Ki)Jgdom of Satan; and we do this hour, this moment, actually ltand Members either .of the one or of the other; there is not a third Kingdom; as there is !lot a. third piece to go to. O ur Savidur Chhrt, in Luk§ r r. 23. when he dilco~nfcd of Batan's kingdom and ofhis own; ofSatan's Kmgdom, ver. 18. Hi, ,Ki,igdom (faith He) ;s 110t divided agai!;ftitfilf; Of his own J(ingdom, and ofGod's, v;cr.. ro. )fI 1vith the Finger of God r•ft out Devils, no doubt t/;e Kingdom of God ii conic' ilpo11 )'Oil. Here are two k ingdoms. Now ver. 23. he tells them plainly, every.,Man mufl: fall to one ofthefe Kingdoms, there is no ncuttJ!ity; Hethat ii not with me, i' •gail;jl me; and he that gathereth mt with me,fi'atlereth, he falleth to tha~ Scatterer, he that is the great Oefiroyer, as he is called, Rev.9. 1i. As it is in War, ydu muO: take part either with the on~ ~de, or with the other, there muO: be no Neuters; fo it is here, they are fo engaged; and fuch an trrcconctleableneG there 1s, that Men rtmO: fall, and they do £1ll one way or ether. . . , And let me add this further, That we were all bmn under Satan's Kingdom, is · as certain,as that we are; and that till by an Almighty Power ~vc are refcued out ofthat Kingdom, and tranOated into the Ki.ngcldm of his Soti, ~v.c mult remain in it, and we walk in it. Now therefore confider With your fdves, It is a matter of the gteatefr hapPit1ets, or ilnhappinefs of Men born into this World, urtder what Kingdom they are bor~, andare caO: ;olive. What an infinite Mifery is it to the jloor Grecian,, and thetr Chrldren, to be born under the Tyranny of the Great Turk..! and what a happinefs to be born irt , thcfe Weltern parts! for fiill;the more WeO:ern and Northward, the more Freedom have the Subjects, and the more EaO:ern, ,the more Tyranny. It is a matter of great conceh1ment what King a Kingdom h~th; Wo to thee, 0 Land, when thy ICing ii aCbi!d, Ecel.e( 10. 16. And, when theWii:kgd bear 11.?t!e, the People 11t0111'11, Prov.:i9.2. Now if God fi·oni H, aven (hould curfe a Man ; if ChriO: himfelf lhould utter the grcatefi Gurfc that ever he ut,.,red, what wpuld.that Cmfe be? Let the D evil be his King, and let the Devil rule over him. " You !hall find in Scripture that it is thus; pr.,I. 109. 6. Set th01t aWick§d :ilfan over hilli; th\' Sept11agint renders it, Set That Wicked One cv. ,. him; ufing the falile word 'john ufeth in hi, firfl: Epifl:lc chap. 1. · Tb"t Wick§d One, the Devil; and faith heiti.the very next words iti the :pfalm, Let S~t"n gt hi' right.hdnd; he is that \vicked dnc; let him be bdth his Ruler to corry him on to Sin; and when he hath done, let him be his Aecufcr ton: fo" fo always the \Yitnefies that aeeufed a Man, O:ood on his right hand; therefore in Zech. 2. r. you reade, whert Sa~an would accufe Joflwa the High'Prielt, he fl:oo!'i at his right– hand. Now, my Brethren, whole Curfe is this, and upon whom did it f.1ll? Ii is the firfl:.Curfe in that PC1lm, in which the Prdphct begins io curie, that thatC1me Wicked one fbould be fit i11 Office over him (a~ fome tranOnie it ) a'nd that Satm jhol!ldfta"d •t his right hand; that is, when he had carried him on io evil, th~n to accuf~ him, and fo defl:roy him body and foul \ wh9fe is this Curfe? My Brethren, plainly,thisCurfc is againfl: Jud.u, and therefore is fpoken in the Perfon ofChtiO:. (And by the wa'y I t>ke it, yo'u have nd P(alni that bath this kind ofeurftri'g in it, but it is David bearing the Type ofChrilt, or prophefying imriiediatiy ofChrifi.) y~mprove that?. Look into Aa. 1. and you g1all find that the very wo'rds oftht~ Pfalm are apphed to J"d.u, and that by the tlportfe Peter; It i1 writtw ilz the 'Book.. of Pjalnu (faith he) Let hi' Habitation be defolate, d11d his 'Bijhophck._let another tal;s, (the very next words iri that 109th Pfalm) and fo he goes on. Now that this did imrriediatly concern Jiid.u, appears by this; for the Apofl:fe in Aa. i. faith, that another Apoille was tO be ehofen in' the room of Jiltlru, which all the World could not have revealed, had not the HolyGhofi revealed 1 that hisairii lrt ' · ti1is