Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

t0 th'e E P H E S I AN S. SERMON V. EPHES. l. 3; '.Aiizon,i w!Jom alfo we aa had ottr Con'VerfatiOII ;~ T;,;ies paff, in t!!k Lufls of our Flefh, fulfilling tl'e 1Jeft.res of tbe Flefh, a11d ·of tire M!,ul : And ivere by l{atttre tbe [hildrm of Wrtitb, ~Vm &1 otberi: ' THe ~pofile, in thi;and the twofor~er ve;i'cs, cloth fet himk:Ifto give ~ri exaCt Defcriptidn of aii Men ~nregener~te: And as he is comprehenfive in the Doctrme a_bout tt, fo he ts as comprehcnfive alfo m the Apph– cation. He had !hewn two of the C:iules; that were externa.!; of aii that Sinfulnefs that is in unregenenite Men :, The World: in ihe 2d.Verle ;, and the Oevi!. And now he cometh to that thtrd, whtch" the Ficih, or natural Corruption. There were but two lort of Perfons in the World, _ that {bared the. World between them; and they were the Je•vs, arid the Gf~tilcs_: And the Apof!Ie doth apply aii the _Doctrine of M<~n:s unregeneqte Condition by_Nature to both thefe. And as Mi::n that read Lectures of Anatomy, do not only give the Dottririe of the parts of a Man's Body; but they exemplify i_t, i11 having~ Body cut up before them: So the Apdfl:le here, he dotb not fimply l.•y dowh the corrupt Eflate of Man's Heart by Nature; but he applies ii, .exemphfies it, and that both unto the Jew and Gentile, he !hares this common _Condition between them, Wherein in tifJte paft yewalf<!d, fpeakingof the,Gentiles, 11erf2·. Among whom alfo we all had our ConverjatitJ11, fpeaking of the Jews, in'this third Verle. Thele Words I have read unto you, which co~cern thlt t1Jird and la·fl: Ca'!iJ; of all Sin iri Men, namely, their natural _Corn.iptiotl, which is calfed Flcjh, they divide themfelves generally into two parfs. I. The Perfons t!iat he fpeaks this of, We ,,fi. 2. The Delcription ne gives of the State of N"ature, i'n r~fped of irti:ired Cot• ruption, and the Ftuits of it in thcfc Ephejidlls. I will begin firfl With ihe Perfolii. Our ho1y Apoflle,had a the Appli~aiiott of ~is boc'trine; fo winde iii the Jews as Well as the Gentiles. He named the Gentiles twice in the fordie~; Ver" fes, You hath he q11ick_ned, that were dead, verC I. , Wl._erefn in times_pajiye__walf<!d; verf. 2. And he nameth the Jews as of:en m thts thttd Vcrlc, Among whvm we had 011r Converfaiion ; And were by Natltre theCbi/dm~ of Wrath, ev_e/z "' others, He had frill carried along in this Epiftle,_'vhat _God doth Qoth unto .Jews a'nd Genules; he carnes the State of both along with him, in every thing h<; handles. When he had fpoken m the fir£1: Chapter, of the great Benefits of Redemption; ne applies it both tO the Jews, and alfo tO the G\:ntiles 1 to tl;le J ews, ver( I I; In whom alfo we have obtainedan Inheritance, that ive jho11fd /Je fo the Praife of h,n GlorJ, that firft tmjled hz Chrif1. He applies it to the Gentifes 1 verf I j. In whbnJ ye alfo trufled, after that ye heard the Word .of 7t11lh, the Gojpel of yoltr s;dvation; in whonJ 4lfo after he be/ieped, ye were foaled with that hol_y Spirii of Promife. :Now as m the matter of R:edemption, and ail the Benefits of ir, he applies it iln(<J both ; Co he takes the hke and the fame Courfe, m the Matter of Corruptiollj and of our natural Condition. ·,.' ~