Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

to tlie E P PI ES I A N S. _o'J ------~~~--~--~--~~~~~ gathered to tlieir grea~ Pririce; Satan : They walked according to the Prince of S~ the Air, and they {hall go to Hell, where the Prince of the ~ire is, when he is ~ there- a poor Prince, when he 1s there. And God will brmg forth Men fo, tho they ;valk among the Drove of his Children in Profeffion now, yet if t~ey walk in By-lanes, God will rank them at the latter Day, yea, often m Hns \iVorli:l, with the Workers of Imquny. In Pfai.I25· .5· At to. jitth as turn _ '!fide ta their craok§d Wap, tb~t walk irl By-lanes of Sin, Ihe Lord foal! lead them forth with the Work§rs of Iniquity : They do walk after them here before God, and God will manifefr fo much before he bath done : T/;e Lard, Cuth he, Jba/1 lc.ul them forth with the Wm-kers of lnifuitJ': .. , . . . And the reafdn, my Brethren, 1s thiS, why they are to be reckoned arriong them, and as Walkers among them, tho the~ fever themfelves from them, in re– fpeCl: of external ConverCuion, is, becaufe they agree in the fame internal Ptind– ple of Sin; they walk m Lu!l:s, every unregenerate Man doth ; refine htm hov1 you will, it is certain he cloth: Now the Fellowfhip, that Metlhave with othet wicked Men, lies not fo much tn keepmg company perfonally ymh them, as tt hes in walking in the fame Lu!l:s, and in the f.1me 5ins, Gnaller or greater : Have 110 Fellawfbip with the "''frmtfitl Works of D•rkz"f. Fellowfhtp hes m the Work~, more than in the Perfons; it lies in the Confent, as Pfal. 5o. r8; ' And thert again, tliere is ihisObfervation, hut you fieed riot make a di!l:inct, orie bf it: That thofe, even among ChriO:ians, (for there is the fame reafon) that live in the fame Lufls that the Gentiles do, they {hall all be reckoned as Gentiles ~efore God: Among whom, fitith he, >Pe ali had our Coni•erfatian, in the L•sfls of the Flefo. If they live in Lu!l:s, they are Ctid to live as G~nt_i]es ; for LuO:s are called in a more peculiar manner, the Dsjls of the Gentiles, My Bre-. thren, in Rev. I I. r, 2. you find, that lthe holy City is to be given up to the Gentiles, to tread dewn for a certain time; whom cloth be mean there by Ge11tiles? Why he meaneth mdeed, and m truth, the Pop1rh Chn!l:lans 5 for 1t is a preparation to the killing of the ·WitnefTes, which is in that Chapter, which is dear !hall be done by the Beafr ; and you know who the Beafr is : He f:1ith, verf. 7· That the Betsjl that afi'enderh o11t of the battomle(f Pit, jb.dlma/;g War againjt them, andjbaU ove~·come tl:em, and k,j/1 thent. Now he calleth them, tho they profifS ChriO:ianity, Gentiles ; and the Prophets of old ufed ~he Ctrne Language, ]er. 9· 26. There is but this difference, faith he, between you Jews that are wicked, and the Gentiles; they are uncircumcifed i11 the F!cjb, and ye are uncir– cl/mcifed in the Heart. And let me add this furthe1·, for I feat lt is a thing to· b~ fulfilled, and I have feared it many years, that when once the Temple of God is meafured, (and the Reed is in Mens hands, doing it now, and hath been a good while,) and the Altar of Worfhip, and the Wotfhippers, them that worfhip therein, as it is, Rev. 1,1. I. That then this Temple will be given·up to thefe Gentiles, to be trodden down; and why? Becatifc tliere is fv great an. outward Court laid to this Temple. The Tem'ple fhould conftfl: of thole that are Priefrs and Salnts ; out the Reformed Churches have bid too great an outward Court, which are asbad asGenriles' therefo'rc, f.1ith he, feting they fr;tndnpon Gentile Ground, the Gentiles !hall re-enter again. f-Ie f,1ith, th~t the Court that was without the Temple, was not to be meafttred; for they are not fi~ to b~ Worlliippers, tho they be Chrifrians ; for it is gi~en to the Gentiles, andtbi> holy City !hall they tread under foot. And therefore now, (as Mufculta weH obferveth) for us to boa!l: againO: the Papi!l:s, we are the Reformed .Chttrches; yet, for the Multitude and Shoal of Chri!l:ians, to walk in the farne Lulls; theY. are, faith he, to be accounted to live even Popifi1ly ; as thefe Jews are reckoned io live heathenifhly, whi]{l: they walk in the fame Lulls the Gentiles did: And tho Men are not Idobters, as the PapiO:s are; yet notwithfrnnding,- whilfr .they. walk in their Lu!l:s, they are Idolaters frill: Fot you !hall find, in Phi!, ';'. the Apof1le fpedking there of Covetoufnefs, and Uncleannefs, and the likt; faith·h~l Which are ldalatry: Some indeed read it, Which ;s ldoftitry; and fo refedt only to Covetoufi1efs, .And Covetoufiufs, which. ;s ldolatrj i But other Copies atet Wh,eh are Idolatry, referrmg to FormcattOIJ, and Vncleannefl, and evil COitl'l(£ p!fcence,- and Caveto,ifne.fs, which are Idolatry ; becalife indeed- they do fet up Id.eij· - . ~ t ~'