Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

An Expojition of the Epiflle ~ 'tis faid, He loved a11d blef!etd t!:mnabo'lle alt P(ople, as 'Dmt. 7 · r3, ' 4· which Serm.llf. difcovered it felf in the difference put between Jacob and Efrm; J acoohave [ '~loved, and out of love bleffed him, peremptorily ahd unchangeably, for he ad- . ded, Tea a11d htjball be bleJ!ed. Gm. 2 7· 33- which Old Jfannhe Father fpake as in the perfon of God; whereas Efatt with much difficulty dbtatns a poor pittance of outward blcfiings !or a feafon. V s, J but thefc Meditations on this word; thoughquickning, yet that which is more conjunct with the Apofiles intimate fcope, and was the main provocati– on in his thoughts, with this vehernency of Spirit to pour forth this Offering of blefiing to the Lord, was the fTefh and recent experience of Gods gracious perlot. inance of that great promife made to the Patriarchs , of blefiing in Chri!l both Jtw and Gnttileofall Nations with the fulnefs of the blefiing of the Gofpel,and that which induceth me to this,is; I confider, that he writing to theEphljia11s; Gentile Converts, in whofe hearts, as in other Nations , the Gofpel had taken place; he fo carrieth his following difcourfe, fetly and intentionally, as !!ill to in– volve both Jew andGmtile together, in the fame fpiritual priviledges, in mak– ing his applications, fometimes to the one, fometimes to the other, all along his difcourfe, in this and the following Chajlters,wbich bath been the general obfer– vation of Interpreters, fometimes fpeaking of the Jew, which himfelf was . we who fir!! tru!ledin Chri!l, ver. n, 11.. fometitnes of the other; ye alfo,v. r3: and fo Ch. 2 . throughout; and accordingly in this general Introduction of b!el: ling God, he wraps them both in one and the fame Us; and we as in a commu– nity partake ofall the fame benefits in the 4, 5, 6, ], 8, 9· verfes. The accefs of whichGr11tilrs unto the Church, and to be made partakers of the bleiling of ./1- . 6raham, according to the Promife and Prophecy, was but then effected in his days, Oh, bleifed be God, ( fays he,) and the Father of Chri!l, thathath thus bleffed us; and bleffed are the ears and eyes of us that live in thefe days wherein we have and fee thefe things fulfilled! The myfiery opened and difcove– red, which in former Ages was not made known, that the Gwtiles fhould be fellow Heirs and partakers of his promife in Chril1, by the Gofpel, as himfelfas referring to the things delivered here; and the reft of this Chapter fpeaks Ch ~lhi'J· 3· J· compared with ver. 4,5,6, This was fo va!l a Profpect, as he falls dow~ at the fir!\ and general view and confideration thereof ; Bleffed be God the Father that hath bleffedVs, Vs Jews, and with us, )'OU Ge11tilrs, with the blefiings promifed Abrnham, and fo much for the Perfons bldfed. SER-