Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

to the, E P HE S I A N S. 45 other; and perhaps in this place, whichis fo general and comprehenfive, we may ~ take in both to fill up the Apofl!es meamng. &rmo!V. V'V'..I 1. ] 11 Heavmly places,] fo twice in this and the enfuing Chapter, v. 2o,fpeak– ing of Chrifr God hath let him at his right, hand i11 Heavnzry, here [places J mull be add~d; tile correfpondency with the words [jet himJ calls for 1t. So likewife Chapter 2. 6. he fpeaketh the fame of us in a conformity to Cluifi our head bath fetus together in Heavntly, hereplaces is to be added as fuited to (etti;g. The like he fpeaks of the Good Angels, the inhabitants of the Heaven· ly world, (to whom we being thus advanced,) we are made like unto, as Chri!t fays, Chapter l• 1o, Principalities and Powers that are con!tituted and (et in heavenly places. . II.It~ Heavellly things,]thus Chapter 6,12, for we wrefl!e not againfi Flefh and Blood,but againfr Principalities,againfr powers,againfr the Rulers of the darknefs of this World, agai11ff Spiritttal wickednefs m high places. lt is Tranllated high places in your Margent , according to the Gruk , 'tis in Heavenlies 1 the fame word that is here, and places is added, but uot genuinely, but thi11gs rather lhould there be fupplied ; for this being fpoken concerning our contention wim the Devils,this paffage i11Heaven!y,is not an additional to note out the places wherein the Devilsare fet,and have their fiation as ofthe good Angels,Chap.l.IO: you hear it fpoken, Their plaa is defigned and fet out,Chaptet 2, be but the !iir or lower Heavens. But the word reachetl1 there higher,far higher then is the Air ; it is not h ;1:9',r,, fimply in Heavmty , but in above the HMvens. 1, i<t"!!''r," where Chrifr alfo fits at the right hand ofGod,and we with him,as you heard,<• ""'""''r'"•in fupercclefiial Thrones, in the highefi heavens : and as it mull not be thought that the Devils came up to the Heaven of Heavens at any time fince they fell from thence, for no tmclean thittg mters ther~into; much lefs do they polfefs them, for their place or nation, which Jtede v. 6. fays they kept not: So it is hard to think that the Apofile ufing this phrafe but in this Epifile on– ly, and every where elfe of Chrifr and us, and the good Angels as advanced to Heaven and the highefr Heavens; that in this one place at !aft, it lhould be tak– en of that Air, the Habitation and Seat of Devils, and come in toobut as a meer additional barely to exprefs the place where thefe are with whom we contend, That phrafe therefore there ufed iv '"'""''r'" refers to fet out to Lls ( the more to intend our Spirits in this conflict againfr them, ) the infinite moment and weight of the things themfelvrs, in or about which we are taken up or exercifed in this ouroppolition againfi.them; even things fupercelefiial, and that are all purely heavenly,is the matter of this firife, which they endeavour to fpoil us of, and to caufe us to lofe, in ; of no lefs value, ( more pretious then 'Diamo11ds and Rt1· 6ies,) are the things that lye at the llake of this vying between them and us, ' wh!ch they firive with us about to keep us or beat us offfrom them; and through the1r Envy endeavouring to caufe us to lofe the things we may or have gained hewn; to which fenfe the particle [ ·~,] tranOated [ Tn] fitl'y and properly ferves, bemg often put for abottl or concerning , and denoting forth the direct matter about wh1ch we are converfant. Blelfed,fays Cbrifi, is he that is not offended ill me; that is,about or concerning me and my condition, as noting out the !lone ?f !tumbling, occalion and matter of the offence. This for the Phrafe or Speech 1tfelf, whether ofthefe or both are to be taken in here,will appear in opening the thmg ztJet[. H. The thitJg it(elf,] and here more fpecially why ilt htavetily ll10uld be ad– ded to fpiritual, when thefe Gofpel bleflings are fpoken of. And fo that all and e_very one of thofe bleflings ll10uld be affirmed to be in Heavenlies, not fame Spi· m.ual,and fame Heavenly, but all both Spirztual and alfo in l-leavenlies. That 1t 1s not a fynonymous addition as cxpreffing the quality of thefe bleffings, by two words that fignify one and the fame,is evident, becaufe he doth nor fay fpiritual (and, or) Heavenly, but Spiritual in Heavenly. His fcope mufi therefore be to carry our thoughts further then barely to confider the Spirituality of thofe blef– fings ( fo to fet a value on them,) but further that they are Heavenly alfo, and what